(31) create a view of information department student information
create view IS_Student as select * from student where sdept = 'IS';
(32) query students younger than 20 years old in the student view of the information department
select * from IS_Student where Sage < 20;
(33) delete all course selection records of Ma Chaoyang
delete from sc where sno in( select sno from student where sname = 'Ma Chaoyang');
(34) query the student number and grades of students who have taken No. 3 course, and arrange them in descending order of scores
select sno,grade from sc where cno = '3' order by grade DESC;
(35) query the database and enter the student number, name and grade of the students who fail the course
select sc.sno,sname,grade from sc,student where sc.sno = student.sno and grade < 60;
(36) query the situation of all students. The query results are arranged in ascending order according to their department number, and the students in the same department are arranged in descending order according to their age
select * from student order by sdept,sage DESC;
(37) inquire about each student and their elective courses
select sc.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,sc.cno,cname,credit,grade,pcno from student,sc,course where student.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno = course.cno;
(38) query the indirect antecedents of each course
select cname,pcno from course
(39) query the student numbers and names of all students who take No. 1 course and score more than 85
select student.sno,sname from student,sc where student.sno = sc.sno and cno = '1' and grade > 85;
(40) query all information of all students
select * from student
(41) query the student number of students who have taken courses' 1 'and' 2 '
select sno from sc where cno = '1' or sno = '2';
(42) create a view of students who have taken course No. 1 in the information department
create view IS_S1(sno,sname,grade) as select student.sno,sname,grade from student,sc where sdept='IS' and student.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno = '1';
(43) establish a view of students who have taken No. 1 course in the information department and scored more than 90 points
create view IS_S2(sno,sname,grade) as select sno,sname,grade from IS_S1 where grade > 90;
(44) query the names of students whose total credits are less than 10 credits
select sname from student,sc,course where student.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno = course.cno group by sname having count(credit) < 10;
(45) query the information of all students younger than Liu Chen
select * from student where sage < ( select sage from student where sname = 'Liu Chen');
(46) query the names of all students who have taken course No. 2
select sname from student,sc where student.sno = sc.sno and cno = '2';
(47) query the name and age of students younger than a student in the information department (IS) in other departments
select sname,sage from student where sage < ANY( select sage from student where sdept = 'IS') and sdept <> 'IS';
(48) query the student's grade of course 2 and output it from high to low
select grade from sc where cno = '2' order by grade DESC;
(49) check the student number of students who have failed the examination
select sno from sc where grade < 60;
(50) query the names and ages of students younger than information department (IS) students in other departments
select sname,sage from student where sage < ALL( select sage from student where sdept = 'IS') and sdept <> 'IS';
(51) define all students' student numbers and their average grades as one view
create view VIEW51(sno, GRADE) as select student.sno,AVG(grade) from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno group by student.sno;
(52) in view s_ Query the student number and average score of students with an average score of more than 90 in G:
select sno,avg_grade from S_G where avg_grade>=90;
(53) query the student number, name and age of students who are different from the ages of all students in the Department of Computer Science (CS)
select distinct sno,sname,sage from student where sdept!='IS' and sage NOT IN( select sage from student where sdept='IS');
(54) students who have taken the No. 1 course in the inquiry information department
select sc.sno,sname from student,sc where sc.cno=1 and sdept='IS' and student.sno=sc.sno;
(55) query the student number, name and age of students who are different from all other students
select a.sno, a.sname, a.sage from student a where sage not in( select sage from student b where a.sno!=b.sno );
(56) query the names of students who have taken all courses
select sname from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=all( select cno from course);
(57) ask for course numbers cno and cname that no one takes
select cno,cname from course where cno not in( select cno from sc ) ;
(58) query the (sno,cno) pairs that meet the conditions, in which the students of the student number do not take the courses of the course number cno
select sno,course.cno from course,sc group by sc.sno,course.cno having course.cno not in(select sc.cno from sc);
(59) query the score information (sno,cno,grade) with the highest course score of each student
select b.sno,b.cno,b.grade from(select sno,max(grade) maxg from sc group by sno) a,sc b where a.sno = b.sno and a.maxg = b.grade;
(60) query the total number of students
select COUNT(sno) from student;
(61) query the names, names and departments of direct students aged 20-30
select sname,ssex,sdept from student where sage>=20 and sage<=30;
(62) query the total and average academic scores of all courses, as well as the maximum and minimum credits
select SUM(credit) sum, avg(credit) avg, MAX(credit) max ,min(credit) min from course;
(64) score information of students whose scores are lower than the average score of the course (sno,cno,grade)
select sno,cno,grade from sc where grade<( select avg(a.grade) from sc a,sc b where a.cno=b.cno);
(65) query the number of students in each department and sort by the number from most to least
select sdept,count(sno) count from student group by sdept order by count desc;
(66) create a view of students older than 23
create view VIEW66 as select sage from student where sage>23;
(67) query the total number of students taking elective courses
select COUNT(sno) from student where sno in( select sno from sc);
(68) query the student number and name of students who have taken more than three courses
select sno from sc group by sno having count(*)>=3;
(69) query the student number and average score of students with an average score of more than 80
select sno,avg(grade) avg from sc group by sno having avg(grade)>80;
(70) query the student number of students who have taken more than 2 courses in the "information department" (IS)
select sc.sno from student,sc where sdept='IS' and student.sno=sc.sno group by sc.sno having COUNT(sc.sno)>=2;
(71) query the student number of students who have taken course 1 or 2
select distinct a.sno from sc a,sc b where a.cno=1 or b.cno=2 and a.sno=b.sno;
(72) check the student number of students with an average score of less than 70
select sno from sc group by sno having avg(grade)<=70;
(73) the information department student view is_ The name of the student whose middle school number is "95002" is changed to "Liu Chen"
create view IS_Student as select * from student where sdept='IS' update student set sname='Liu Chen' where sno = '95002' and sdept='IS';
(74) view is to information students_ Insert a new student record in student, student number 95029, name "Liu Yimeng", age 20
insert into IS_Student values('95029','Liu Yimeng','female','20','IS');
(75) delete information department student view IS_Student's record of student No. 95004
delete from IS_STUDENT where sno=95001;