Data type and integrity constraints for MySQL databases

Keywords: MySQL Session MariaDB less


select * from mysql.user  #Show chaos
select * from mysql.user\G  #Added\G The next line shows

Data Type: Store different types of data in different categories

The storage engine determines the type of table, and there are different types of data stored in the table. U.S. and Chinese data types have their own widths, but the widths are optional.

1. Numbers (signed by default)

The numbers are divided into:

Integer: tinyint (small integer): one byte

Int (integer): four bytes. Note: the width of an int is the display width, independent of storage

Bigint: eight bytes

        tinyint[(m)] [unsigned] [zerofill]

            Small integer, the data type used to hold ranges of integer values:
            Signed: -128-127
            Unsigned: 0-255

            PS:MySQL has no Boolean values and is constructed using tinyint(1).

 Application of [unsigned] and [zerofill] parameters
3. Change signed to unsigned: alter table t1 modify unsigned; (Note that if there is a value in it,
The values must be emptied before they can be modified.
4.alter table t2 modify id int(10) zerofill; if not shown enough, fill with zerofill


            Integer, the data type used to hold ranges of integer values:
            Signed: -2147483648~2147483647
            Unsigned: 0~4294967295

            Large integer, data type used to hold ranges of integer values:
            Signed: -9223372036854775808~9223372036854775807
            Unsigned: 0-18446744073709551615


float: inaccurate when the number is relatively short (**** The larger the value, the less accurate ****)

double: Not accurate when digits are long (**** The larger the number, the less accurate ****)

Decimal: If decimal, decimal is recommended

Because of precision, internal principles are stored as strings

First create a database: create datdabase test;
-----------Validation 1: int,tinyint,bigint----
create table t1(id tinyint);
create table t1(id int);
create table t1(id bigint);  #Use if the number is large bigint
1.If no symbol is specified.The default is signed
2.insert into t1(-129) #You will get an error because the range is-128~127
3.Change signed to unsigned: alter table t1 modify unsigned;(Note that if there is value in it, it has to be emptied before it can be modified)
4.alter table t2 modify id int(10) zerofill; If not, use zerofill Fill
5.Width: has nothing to do with survival,Refers to the width of the display

----------Validation 2: float,double------
create table t3(salary float(5,2)) #5 representative salary How wide is the total width, 2 represents the decimal point and reserves 2 bits, then the integer part has 3 bits
insert into t3 values(3.725454);
insert into t3 values(-3.725454);
insert into t3 values(1111.725454);  #It would be wrong like this
insert into t3 values(111.725454);

bit Just know the type
bit type:Type representing binary
----------Validation 3: bit--------
create table t3(x bit);
insert into t3 values(0),(1);
insert into t3 values(0),(2)); #Only binary can be stored, which will result in an error
select * from t3;
Verify Number

Finally: Integer type, there is no need to specify the display width, use the default ok

2. Characters

char: Simple and rough, not enough space for fixed length storage, wasting space, but fast storage (sacrifice space, increase speed)

Varchar: accurate, calculates the length of the data with storage, saves space, and accesses slowly (sacrifice speed, increase efficiency)

  create table t6(name char(4));
  insert into t6 values('alexsb');
  insert into t6 values('Odd Boy');
  insert into abc values('Alex a');

 create table t7(x char(5),y varchar(5));
 insert into t7 values('sff','aaaaa');
 select char_length(x),char_length(y) from t7; View Character Length
 set sql_mode='pad_char_to_full_length';   #get a life
 insert into t7 values('How do you do','Good!');#utf-8 One of the Chinese characters represents three bytes. That'How do you do'Just nine,
                          #Add two spaces to 11 bytes
 select length(x),length(y) from t7; View byte length

View Character Length

View byte length

3. Date

Role: Store user registration time, article publishing time, employee entry time, birth time, expiration time, etc.

There are several types:

datatime:2017-09-06 10:30:22




timeatamp: As with datatime, it supports a larger range than DataTime

---------------Validation 4: Date type-------
create table stu(
id int,
name char(5),
born_data date,
born_year year,
reg_time datetime,
class_time time

insert into stu values(1,'ao',now(),now(),now(),now());
insert into stu values(1,'xiao','2017-09-06','2017','2017-09-06 10:39:00','08:30:00');

insert into stu values(1,'alex','2017-09-06',2017,'2017-09-06 10:39:00','08:30:00');
insert into stu values(1,'alex','2017/09/06',2017,'2017-09-06 10:39:00','08:30:00'); No,-Can be exempted from quotation marks
insert into stu values(1,'alex','20170906',2017,'20170906103900','083000'); Or you can take the conjunction of the symbols

============Attention, attention, attention===========
1. When inserting time separately, you need to insert it as a string in the corresponding format
2. When inserting a year, use 4-bit values whenever possible
3. When inserting two years,<=69,Start with 20, such as 50,  Result 2050      
                >=70,Start with 19, for example 71, and end with 1971
MariaDB [db1]> create table t12(y year);
MariaDB [db1]> insert into t12 values  
    -> (50),
    -> (71);
MariaDB [db1]> select * from t12;
| y    |
| 2050 |
| 1971 |
In many practical scenarios, both of these date types of MySQL meet our needs and are stored in seconds, but in some cases, they show their own strengths and weaknesses.Here is a summary of the differences between the two date types.

1. The date range of DATETIME is from 001 to 1999, and the time range of TIMESTAMP is from 1970 to 2038.

2.DATETIME storage time is independent of time zone, TIMESTAMP storage time is related to time zone, and displayed values are also dependent on time zone.On the mysql server, the operating system and client connections all have time zones set.

3.DATETIME uses 8 bytes of storage and TIMESTAMP 4 bytes.Therefore, TIMESTAMP has a higher space utilization rate than DATETIME.

4.The default value of DATETIME is null; the field of TIMESTAMP is not null by default, and the default value is the current time (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), which is updated to the current time by default if no special processing is done and the column's updated value is not specified in the update statement.
Differences between datatime and timestamp

4. Enumerations and collections

The value of a field can only be selected within a given range, such as a radio box or a multi-check box

enum enumeration: specify a range: this range can have more than one, but only one of the ranges can be used when passing values to this field
set collection: specifies a range that can have multiple ranges, but when passing values to the field, one or more of the ranges can be specified
enum If you do not pass a value, default is the first value, or NUll

----------Enumerations and Collections-----------
create table stu1(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name char(5),
sex enum('male','female'), #enum Represents an enumeration type
hobbies set('eat','play','study','coding') #set Represents a collection type
insert into stu1(name,sex,hobbies) values('haiyan','none','dsfdg');
select * from stu1;  #If set sex Is the enumeration type, select one of the storage from the settings
insert into stu1(name,sex,hobbies) values('haiyan','female','play,study');
select * from stu1;  #If set hobbies Is a set type, you have to select one or more values from the set to store

No result of passing values as specified by enumeration or collection

Result of value transfer as specified by enumeration or set

2. Integrity Constraints

1. Introduction

Constraints are optional parameters as wide as the data type

Role: Used to ensure data integrity and consistency

It is mainly divided into:

PRIMARY KEY (PK) identifies the field as the primary key for the table and can uniquely identify records
FOREIGN KEY (FK) identifies that the field is a foreign key to the table
NOT NULL identifies that the field cannot be empty
UNIQUE KEY (UK) identifies that the value of the field is unique
AUTO_INCREMENT identifies that the value of the field increases automatically (integer type, and primary key)
DEFAULT sets default values for this field

UNSIGNED unsigned
ZEROFILL is filled with 0


1. Allow null, default NULL, NOT NULL can be set, field is not allowed null, must be assigned
2. Does the field have a default value? The default value is NULL. If you insert a record without assigning a value to the field, the field uses the default value
sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male'
age int unsigned NOT NULL default 20 must be positive (unsigned) null not allowed Default is 20
3. Is it a key?
primary key
foreign key
Index (index,unique...)

2.not null and default

Is it nullable, null means null, not a string

not null - not nullable

null - nullable


default value, which you can specify when creating columns default value is automatically added when inserting data if it is not actively set

create table t1(

id int not null defalut 2,

num int not null


3.unique Constraints (Uniqueness Constraints)

Single Column Unique

-----1.Single Column Unique---------
create table t2(
id int not null unique,
name char(10)
insert into t2 values(1,'egon');
insert into t2 values(1,'alex');
#When creating a table above id A unique constraint is set.Then inserting id=1,You'll make a mistake

Multi-Column Unique

-----2.Multi-Column Unique---------
create table server(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name char(10),
host char(15), #Host ip
port int, #port
constraint host_port unique(host,port) #constraint host_port This is just the name used to set the unique constraint, or you can do it without setting the default
insert into server(name,host,port) values('ftp','',8080);
insert into server(name,host,port) values('https','',8081); #ip Unique with port
select * from server;

4.primary key (primary key constraint)

The value of the primary key field is not empty and unique

In a table, you can:

Single column as primary key

Multiple columns as primary keys (composite primary keys)

But there can only be one primary key in a table

============Single column as primary key===============
#Method 1: not null+unique
create table department1(
id int not null unique, #Primary key
name varchar(20) not null unique,
comment varchar(100)

mysql> desc department1;
| Field   | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id      | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name    | varchar(20)  | NO   | UNI | NULL    |       |
| comment | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
rows in set (0.01 sec)

#Method 2: Use after a field primary key
create table department2(
id int primary key, #Primary key
name varchar(20),
comment varchar(100)

mysql> desc department2;
| Field   | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id      | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name    | varchar(20)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| comment | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
rows in set (0.00 sec)

#Method 3: Define separately after all fields primary key
create table department3(
id int,
name varchar(20),
comment varchar(100),
constraint pk_name primary key(id); #Create and name the primary key pk_name

mysql> desc department3;
| Field   | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id      | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name    | varchar(20)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| comment | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
rows in set (0.01 sec)
Single column primary key
==================Multiple columns as primary keys================
create table service(
ip varchar(15),
port char(5),
service_name varchar(10) not null,
primary key(ip,port)

mysql> desc service;
| Field        | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ip           | varchar(15) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| port         | char(5)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| service_name | varchar(10) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into service values
    -> ('','3306','mysqld'),
    -> ('','3306','mariadb')
    -> ;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> insert into service values ('','3306','nginx');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '' for key 'PRIMARY'
Multi-column Primary Key

5.auto_increment (self-increasing constraint)

==============When no offset is set
create table dep(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name char(10)
insert into dep(name) values('IT'),('HR'),('EFO');
select * from dep;

================Start with 10 when setting self-increment
create table dep1(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name char(10)
)auto_increment = 10;
insert into dep1(name) values('IT'),('HR'),('EFO');
select * from dep1;

===============auto_increment_increment:Self-increasing step
create table dep3(
id int primary key auto_increment,
 name char(10)
//Session: Connect to the server through the client (a link is called a session)
set session auto_increment_increment = 2; #Session level, valid for current session only
set global auto_increment_increment=2; #Global, valid for all sessions
insert into dep3(name) values('IT'),('HR'),('SALE'),('Boss');

-----------View Variables----------
show variables like '%auto_in%';#View variables.As long as it contains auto_in You'll find it out

//Note: If the value of auto_increment_offset is greater than the value of auto_increment_increment,
//Then the value of auto_increment_offset will be ignored

set session auto_increment_offset=2;
set session auto_increment_increment=3;
show variables like '%auto_in%';

create table dep4(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name char(10)
insert into dep4(name) values('IT'),('HR'),('SALE'),('Boss');

6.foreign key (foreign key constraint)

The Employee Information Table has three fields: Work Number Name Department

There are three departments in the company, but there are 100 million employees, which means that the field of department needs to be stored repeatedly. The longer the Department name is, the more wasteful it is


We can completely define a department table

You then associate the employee information table with that table, and how to associate it, foreign key

The following figure simply shows the relationship between the employee table and the Department table, that is, the ID field of the employee table (dep_id) to be associated with the Department table

Many-to-one (one field of a table's records relates to the only field of another table): employees have departments, departments have a lot of information, so
A department table is created separately, with the id of the Department table and the staff table inside
Dep_id correlation of.(dep_id ID ID ID field to be associated with department table
(Note: 1. Build the associated table first,
        2. Associated fields must be unique
        3. Insert a record into the associated table first

Establish department table first (related table)
create table dep(
id int not null unique,
#id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(50),
comment varchar(100)

Rebuild Zhang Employee Table (Relevance Table)
create table emp_info(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20),
dep_id int,
Constraint FK_dep id_id foreign key (dep_id) references dep(id) #references:Association
on delete cascade #Associated tables deleted and associated tables deleted
on update cascade #The associated table has been modified, and the associated table has also been modified
#Initialize the record for the associated table first
insert into dep values
(1,'Oddbo Technology Limited Business','Good Say...')
(2,'Alice Human Resources','No People'),
(3,'Sales','Nothing to sell');

insert into emp_info values
(5,'Li Tank', 3),
(6,'Liu Airplane', 3),
(7,'Rocket', 3),
(8,'Forest Bullet', 3),
(9,'Gatling', 3);

update dep set id =301 where id = 2;
select * from dep;
delect * from em_info;

If the Department is disbanded, the employees will leave, even if the Department table is missing.
There are no worksheets left.

Run result:

View created tables

Modified id=301

View associated and related tables

Posted by alecapone on Sat, 11 May 2019 18:36:36 -0700