Data Cleaning and Simple Analysis

Keywords: encoding Python Pycharm less

Data analysis case sharing, for learning and use, data volume is relatively small, data source for the hook, July 8th, area, data analysis post, is so little, yes.


The crawled data were cleaned and further analyzed by python.



Data cleaning

First analyze the target file

There are 172 pieces of data.
Need to deal with
Work experience: unlimited set to 0, example: 1-3 years to take (1+3)/2 that is 1.5 years
Wage: According to the actual situation, the first 25% of the interval is more reasonable, for example: 10K-15K, take 11.25K.
Job content includes interns'data, which is of less reference value and should be removed.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('lagou8.4jobs.csv',encoding='utf-8-sig')
#common175Items containing internship information need to be cleaned out
df.drop(df[df['Job title'].str.contains('Internship')].index,inplace=True)
pattern = '\d+'         #Regular expressions get all numbers
df['Hands-on background'] = df['Hands-on background'].str.findall(pattern)
#print(df['Hands-on background'])
avg_work_year = []
for i in df['Hands-on background']:
    if len(i) == 0:
        num = [int(j) for j in i]
        avg = sum(num)/2
df['Hands-on background'] = avg_work_year

df['wages'] = df['wages'].str.findall(pattern)
avg_salary = []
for i in df['wages']:
    num = [int(j) for j in i]
    avg = num[0]+(num[1]-num[0])/4
df['wages'] = avg_salary

df.to_csv('clear_data.csv', index = False,encoding='utf-8-sig')

End of cleaning

Data analysis

1. Basic Data Information


Total 165 data
The average requirement for work experience is three years.
Average salary level up to 13K
Standard deviation: 2.28

2. Number of company Recruitment Information

Here's a simple application of pandas, which is a bit long to understand the code.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r'D:\python\xiangmu\lagou\lagou8.7.csv',encoding='utf-8-sig')
compant_data = df.groupby('Full name of company',as_index=False)			#Grouping
compant_data =compant_data.count()[['Full name of company','Job title']]	#Extraction number
compant_data =compant_data.sort_values('Job title', ascending=False)	#sort
print(compant_data.head(10))		#Top Ten Companies

Output result

3. Histogram

Histogram of Wage Distribution

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.title('Wage Distribution Map')

Posted by larissahn on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 04:02:47 -0700