Operation ①:
1) Crawling pictures from China Meteorological Network
– Requirements: Requirements: specify a website and crawl all the pictures in the website, such as China Meteorological Network( http://www.weather.com.cn).
– use single thread and multi thread crawling respectively. (the number of crawling pictures is limited to the last 3 digits of the student number)
– Output information: output the downloaded Url information on the console, store the downloaded image in the images subfolder, and give a screenshot.
Completion process (single thread):
1. Send a request to the page to get the link of the page where the picture is located:
def get_url(start_url): req = urllib.request.Request(start_url, headers=headers) data = urllib.request.urlopen(req) data = data.read() dammit = UnicodeDammit(data, ["utf-8", "gbk"]) data = dammit.unicode_markup soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "lxml") urls = soup.select("a") i = 0 for a in urls: href = a["href"] imageSpider(href, i + 1) i = i + 1 if count > 110: # Climb 110 sheets break
2. Climb the download links of all the pictures on this page and download them locally:
def imageSpider(start_url, cous): try: urls = [] req = urllib.request.Request(start_url, headers=headers) data = urllib.request.urlopen(req) data = data.read() dammit = UnicodeDammit(data, ["utf-8", "gbk"]) data = dammit.unicode_markup soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "lxml") images = soup.select("img") for image in images: try: if count > 110: break src = image["src"] url = urllib.request.urljoin(start_url, src) if url not in urls: urls.append(url) print(url) download(url, cous) except Exception as err: print(err) except Exception as err: print(err)
3. Download the image to the specified path function:
def download(url, cous): global count try: count = count + 1 # Extract file suffix extension if url[len(url) - 4] == ".": ext = url[len(url) - 4:] else: ext = "" req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) data = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=100) data = data.read() path = r"C:\Users\Huang Dunn\PycharmProjects\pythonProject3\images\\" + "The first" + str(count) + "Zhang" + ".jpg" # Specify download path with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) f.close() print("downloaded " + str(cous) + "page" + str(count) + ext) except Exception as err: print(err)
4. Display of output results:
5. Crawling picture results:
6. Code address: https://gitee.com/huang-dunn/crawl_project/blob/master/ Experiment 3 Assignment 1/project_three_test1_1.py
Completion process (multithreading):
1. Modify the single thread code:
def imageSpider(start_url, cous): global threads global count try: urls = [] req = urllib.request.Request(start_url, headers=headers) data = urllib.request.urlopen(req) data = data.read() dammit = UnicodeDammit(data, ["utf-8", "gbk"]) data = dammit.unicode_markup soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "lxml") images = soup.select("img") for image in images: try: if count >= 110: break src = image["src"] url = urllib.request.urljoin(start_url, src) if url not in urls: urls.append(url) count = count+1 T = threading.Thread(target=download, args=(url, cous, count)) T.setDaemon(False) T.start() threads.append(T) except Exception as err: print(err) except Exception as err: print(err)
The main function adds the following sections
get_url(start_url) threads = [] for t in threads: t.join()
2. Display of operation results:
3. Code address: https://gitee.com/huang-dunn/crawl_project/blob/master/ Experiment 3 Assignment 1/project_three_test1_2.py
2) Experience: deepen the programming understanding of multi-threaded image crawling method.
Operation ②
1) Crawling stock information
– Requirements: use the sketch framework to reproduce the operation ①
– Output information: the same as operation ①
Completion process:
1. Write item class:
class Pro3Test2Item(scrapy.Item): data = scrapy.Field() # Picture data count = scrapy.Field() # Total number of pictures ext = scrapy.Field() # file extension url = scrapy.Field() # pictures linking
2. Write spiders class:
class Test2Spider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'pic_test' global count count = 1 # allowed_domains = ['XXX.com'] # start_urls = ['http://www.weather.com.cn/'] def start_requests(self): yield scrapy.Request(url='http://www.weather.com.cn', callback=self.parse) def parse(self, response): href_list = response.xpath("//a/@href ") # crawl the page link of the picture under the initial page for href in href_list: # print(href.extract())e H = str(href.extract()) if count > PIC_LIMIT: return if len(H) > 0 and H[0] == 'h': yield scrapy.Request(url=href.extract(), callback=self.parse1) def parse1(self, response): a_list = response.xpath("//img/@src ") # crawl the picture download link for a in a_list: if count > PIC_LIMIT: return # print(a.extract()) url = urllib.request.urljoin(response.url, a.extract()) # print(url) yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse2) def parse2(self, response): global count count += 1 if count > PIC_LIMIT: return item = Pro3Test2Item() item["ext"] = response.url[-4:] item["data"] = response.body item["count"] = count item["url"] = response.url return item
3. Write pipeline class:
class Pro3Test2Pipeline: def process_item(self, item, spider): path = "D:/py_download/" + "The first" + str(item["count"]) + "Zhang" + item["ext"] # Specify download path with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(item["data"]) f.close() print("downloaded " + str(item["count"]) + "Zhang" + item["ext"] + " Picture link:" + item["url"]) return item
4. Display of output results:
5. Picture crawling results:
6. Code link: https://gitee.com/huang-dunn/crawl_project/tree/master / Experiment 3 assignment 2
2) Experience: I am more proficient in using the script framework and have a deeper understanding of xpath matching text.
Operation ③
– Requirements: crawl the Douban movie data, use scene and xpath, store the content in the database, and store the pictures in the database
– imgs path.
– candidate websites: https://movie.douban.com/top250
– Output information:
Serial number | Movie title | director | performer | brief introduction | Film rating | Film cover |
1 | The Shawshank Redemption | Frank delabond | Tim Robbins | Want to set people free | 9.7 | ./imgs/xsk.jpg |
2... |
Completion process:
1. Write item class:
class Pro3Test3Item(scrapy.Item): no = scrapy.Field() # Serial number name = scrapy.Field() # Movie title director = scrapy.Field() # director actor = scrapy.Field() # performer grade = scrapy.Field() # Film rating url = scrapy.Field() # pictures linking inf = scrapy.Field() # brief introduction pass
2. Write spiders class:
class MovieSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'movie' # allowed_domains = ['XXX.com'] # start_urls = ['http://XXX.com/'] def start_requests(self): cookie = {} for i in range(0, 11): yield scrapy.Request(url='https://movie.douban.com/top250?start=' + str(i * 25) + '&filter=', callback=self.parse) def parse(self, response): li_list = response.xpath('//*[@ id="content"]/div/div[1]/ol/li ') # use Xpath for information identification item = Pro3Test3Item() for li in li_list: item["no"] = li.xpath('./div/div[1]/em/text()').extract_first().strip() item["name"] = li.xpath('./div/div[2]/div[1]/a/span[1]/text()').extract_first() temp_ = li.xpath('./div/div[2]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]').extract_first().split(" ")[9] temp = temp_.split(":") item["director"] = temp[1].split(" ")[0] if len(temp) > 2: item["actor"] = temp[2] else: item["actor"] = 'None' item["grade"] = li.xpath('./div/div[2]/div[2]/div/span[2]//text()').extract_first() item["inf"] = li.xpath('./div/div[2]/div[2]/p[2]/span/text()').extract_first() if item["inf"] == '': item["inf"] = 'None' item["url"] = li.xpath('./div/div[1]/a/img/@src').extract_first() print(item["no"], item["name"], item["director"], item["grade"], item["inf"]) yield item
3. Write database class:
class MovieDB: def __init__(self): self.con = sqlite3.connect("movies.db") self.cursor = self.con.cursor() def openDB(self): try: self.cursor.execute( "create table movies (Serial number int(128),Movie title varchar(128),director varchar(128)," "performer varchar(128),brief introduction varchar(128),Film rating varchar(128),Film cover varchar(128)," "constraint pk_movies primary key (Serial number))") except: self.cursor.execute("delete from movies") def closeDB(self): self.con.commit() self.con.close() def insert(self, no, name, director, actor, grade, inf, image): try: self.cursor.execute("insert into movies (Serial number,Movie title,director,performer,brief introduction,Film rating,Film cover) " "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (int(no), name, director, actor, inf, grade, image)) except Exception as err: print(err)
4. Write pipeline class:
class Pro3Test3Pipeline: def __init__(self): self.db = MovieDB() def open_spider(self, spider): self.db.openDB() def process_item(self, item, spider): data = requests.get(item['url']).content path = r"D:/example/pro3_test3/pro3_test3/images/" + "The first" + str(item["no"]) + "Zhang" + ".jpg" # Specify download path with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) f.close() print("downloaded " + str(item["no"]) + "Zhang" + "jpg" + " Picture link:" + item["url"]) self.db.insert(int(item["no"]), item["name"], item["director"], item["actor"], item["grade"], item["inf"], item["url"]) return item def close_spider(self, spider): self.db.closeDB()
5. Display of output results:
6. Crawling picture display:
7. Display of database storage results:
8. Relevant code link: https://gitee.com/huang-dunn/crawl_project/tree/master / Experiment 3