Conversion from 10 to 33

Keywords: SQL Server Stored Procedure SQL REST

1, start

I saw this question post on CSDN yesterday:< Writing a stored procedure from 10 to 33 in SQL The question of the original post is as follows:

Urgently seek 10-to-33-digit code.
I want to create a stored procedure "T10TO33" in SQL to convert 10-digit data into 33-digit data.
The 33-ary rule is: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z,0.
Letter: I, O, U do not need, the rest of the normal running water, which God to help write one, thank you.


2. analysis

Conversion between different binary data, remember long ago wrote similar, participate in< Conversion between X and 10 The basic algorithm is the same.

Here, the requirement is that I, O and U should be excluded from the 26 letters in the conversion. In the original conversion method between X and 10, Char() function can not be used directly. The numbers and letters used need to be reordered and the conversion relocated.

2.1. Initialize a table variable @tb_tmp as follows:



declare @tb_tmp as table(id int identity(0,1) primary key,radix char(1))
;with cte as (select top (36) row_number() over(order by getdate())-1 as id from sys.columns)
    insert into @tb_tmp(radix)
    select case when id>9 then char(55+id) else rtrim(id) end as radix from cte where char(55+id) not in ('I','O','U') 


2.2 Assuming a 10-ary variable @input_int=int=50, and dividing @input_int by 33 modules (@input_int%33) in a loop, we get the @tb_tmp matching id in 2.1 and locate the corresponding radix. Write the resulting Radix into the variable @output (@output = found Radix +@output). Each cycle, @input_int=@input_int/33, implements 10-digit splitting. When @input_int=0, exit the loop and return @output as a result value of 10 to 33.


set @output=''
    select @output=Convert(nvarchar(1024),Case (@input_int%33) when 0 then rtrim(@input_int%33) else (select radix from @tb_tmp where id=@input_int%33) end+@output),@input_int=@input_int/33
    if @input_int=0 break


3. Complete code:

if object_id('T10TO33') Is not null
    Drop Proc T10TO33
create procedure T10TO33(
@input_int int,
@output nvarchar(1024) output
set nocount on
declare @tb_tmp as table(id int identity(0,1) primary key,radix char(1))
;with cte as (select top (36) row_number() over(order by getdate())-1 as id from sys.columns)
    insert into @tb_tmp(radix)
    select case when id>9 then char(55+id) else rtrim(id) end as radix from cte where char(55+id) not in ('I','O','U') 
set @output=''
    select @output=Convert(nvarchar(1024),Case (@input_int%33) when 0 then rtrim(@input_int%33) else (select radix from @tb_tmp where id=@input_int%33) end+@output),@input_int=@input_int/33
    if @input_int=0 break


4. test:

declare @reuslt nvarchar(1024)

exec T10TO33 0,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --0

exec T10TO33 7,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --7
exec T10TO33 32,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --Z
exec T10TO33 33,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --10
exec T10TO33 34,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --11

exec T10TO33 50,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --1H
exec T10TO33 99,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --30
exec T10TO33 100,@reuslt output
print @reuslt --31


Posted by koolswans on Sun, 24 Mar 2019 23:09:29 -0700