Construction of centos+apache+python 34+django+mod_wsgi development environment

Keywords: Django Python yum Linux

Write to yourself, linux Operations and Maintenance Road.

windows: eclipse pycharm sublime

Recently, I have been learning python. Although it is convenient to develop under windows, in general, I will put the program into linux environment to run in summer. so... directly build a linux+windows development environment


Python 3.4 installation

# Install epel source first (aliyun)

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

# yum installation Python 3.4

yum install python34

#pip3 installation


Note: python 3 will be used to run commands in the future. The default python command runs version 2.7.5.


# apache installation

yum install httpd

# django installation

pip3 install django


When I tested the application of Mezzanine CMS, I found out that this problem had been solved for a long time.

vim /etc/sysconfig/httpd


# mod_wsgi module installation

# Install the compiler Library

yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y

# Installation Development Package

yum install httpd-devel python34-devel -y

# Install mod_wsgi

pip3 install mod_wsgi


#samba installation

yum install samba



All the required software has been installed. Next, configure all the related software.

#httpd configuration

I can tell you that you don't need to set up or start the httpd service.


#samba configuration

We chose a directory to share and store program development.

mkdir /share
chmod 777 /share
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
workgroup = WORKGROUP  #Same as windows default group
security = user
path = /share
public = yes
writeable = yes

Adding users, existing users in linux, I use root users directly for convenience.

smbpasswd -a root

# Start the samba service and set it to self-startup

systemctl start smb
systemctl enable smb


Direct in win+r, open and run, enter \ linux server ip address, enter the corresponding samba username and password just set,

Conveniently, you can map network drives to local locations.


# django configuration

# Create a new project, and we go into the samba shared directory to create it

cd /share
diango-admin startproject blog

# Configure

vim blog/
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*']  #The host name, IP, which allows django to run, is set directly here *, all
 'mod_wsgi.server',    #The key is to add oh, mod_wsgi to boot.


# Last step, run

# command line running, - reload-on-changes automatically refresh, test code at any time, command line last, can run with & background

cd /share/blog  #Switch to project directory
python3 runmodwsgi --reload-on-changes --user=apache --group=apache --port=80

Front-end running, direct ctrl+c exit, & background running, exit program with pkill

pkill httpd

Open the browser, can it run directly?


Windows Eclipse can modify files, or use sublime, anyway, share directories, map to local, and toss around.

Reference website:

Posted by chito on Sun, 16 Dec 2018 14:30:04 -0800