Congparser Module of Python Full Stack Road Standard Library Series

Keywords: Python Red Hat encoding Programming

configparser is used to process files in a specific format, which essentially uses open to manipulate files.

The configuration file format is as follows:

# The first way of annotation
; The second way of annotation

[node1]  # node
k1 = v1  # key = value
k2 : v2  # key : value


Create a file.conf file with empty contents and enter Python IDE:

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[root@ansheng ~]# touch file.conf 
[root@ansheng ~]# python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jul 23 2016, 15:22:56) 
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11)] on linux2
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Adding nodes to files

>>> import configparser
>>> config = configparser.ConfigParser()
>>>'file.conf', encoding='utf-8')
# Add the nodes "node1","node2" and write to the file
>>> config.add_section("node1")
>>> config.add_section("node2")
>>> config.write(open('file.conf', 'w'))

Check whether the node exists

# Return "True" if the file exists, or "False"
>>> print(config.has_section('node1'))
>>> print(config.has_section('node2'))
>>> print(config.has_section('node3'))

Delete Nodes

# Return "True" if the deleted node exists, or "False"
>>> config.remove_section("node2")
>>> config.write(open('file.conf', 'w'))
>>> print(config.has_section('node2'))

Setting key-value pairs within nodes

# Don't forget to write to a file after adding key-value pairs
>>> config.set('node1', 'Name', "ansheng")
>>> config.set('node1', 'Blog_URL', "")
>>> config.set('node1', 'Hostname', "localhost.localhost")
>>> config.set('node1', 'IP', "")
>>> config.write(open('file.conf', 'w'))

Check whether the key exists in the node

# Return "True" if the Key of the node exists, or "False"
>>> print(config.has_option('node1', 'Name'))
>>> print(config.has_option('node1', 'IP'))
>>> print(config.has_option('node1', 'VV'))

Delete the key in the node

# Return "True" if the deleted node exists, or "False"
>>> config.remove_option('node1', 'IP')
>>> config.write(open('file.conf', 'w'))
>>> print(config.has_option('node1', 'IP'))

Gets the value of the specified key under the specified node

# The default return is the string type
>>> config.get('node1', 'Name')
>>> config.get('node1', 'Blog_URL')
# The returned string can be set to the following three data types: int, float and bool.
# v = config.getint('node1', 'k1')
# v = config.getfloat('node1', 'k1')
# v = config.getboolean('node1', 'k1')

Gets all key s under the specified node

# Returns all Key lists below the node
>>> config.options('node1')
['name', 'blog_url', 'hostname']

Gets all key-value pairs under the specified node

# Returns a list in which each tuple is a key-value pair
>>> config.items('node1')
[('name', 'ansheng'), ('blog_url', ''), ('hostname', 'localhost.localhost')]

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Get all nodes

# Gets how many nodes are in the current file
>>> config.sections()

Posted by Giri J on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 23:29:38 -0700