1.Nagios Profile Introduction
Let's start with "private" and "public" services, applications and protocols, where "private" refers to the CPU of the host. load,Memory usage,Disk usage,Logged in users, Running processes and other services, "public" services refer to services that can be obtained through local networks or Internet connections, such as HTTP,POP3,IMAP,FTP and SSH. In fact, there are more basic services in daily use. These services and applications, including the protocols they rely on, can be directly monitored by Nagios without additional plug-ins to support them. On the contrary, "private" services cannot be monitored without some middleware proxy Nagios. For "private" service monitoring on remote Linux/UNIX hosts, you can refer to Section 8.5 NRPE.
This section gives a brief description of some common monitoring configurations for services.
1. Nagios directory structure
The contents of the corresponding catalogues are as follows:
Directory name |
directory content |
bin |
Nagios executable directory |
etc |
Nagios configuration file directory |
sbin |
The directory where the Nagios cgi file is located, that is, the directory where the file needed to execute an external command is located |
share |
Nagios Web Page Storage Path |
libexec |
Nagios External Plug-in Storage Directory |
var |
Nagios log files, Lock and other files in the directory |
var/archives |
Nagios log automatic archiving directory |
var/rw |
A directory for storing external command files |
2. Nagios configuration file relationships
Nagios configuration files include: main configuration file, resource file, object definition file and CGI configuration file. The main configuration file contains many instructions that affect the way the Nagios Core daemon operates. This configuration file is made by Nagios Core daemons and CGI reads; resource files are used to store user-defined macros, mainly for sensitive configuration information (such as passwords) rather than CGI; object definition files are used to define hosts, services, host groups, contacts, contact groups, commands, and so on; CGI configuration files contain CGIs that affect operation instructions, and it also contains a reference. The main configuration file, which knows the configuration content of Nagios and the location of object definition storage, has the following relationship:
3. Nagios Profile Introduction
After the successful installation of Nagios, the configuration files of host, service, command, template, etc. will be generated in the / usr/local/nagios/et directory. At the same time, the authentication file htpasswed.users of Nagios authorization directory can be seen, while the Object directory is used to store some configuration file templates, mainly for defining Nagios objects.
Nagios configuration directories and files:
The Nagios object template file is as follows:
The corresponding profiles are summarized as follows:
configuration file |
Explain |
cgi.cfg |
Configuration files that control CGI access |
nagios.cfg |
Nagios master configuration file |
resource.cfg |
A variable definition file, also known as a resource file, defines variables in this file for reference by other configuration files, such as $USER1$ |
objects |
Objects is a directory in which there are many configuration file templates for defining Nagios objects |
objects/commands.cfg |
A command defines a configuration file in which the defined commands can be referenced by other configuration files |
objects/contacts.cfg |
Configuration files defining contacts and groups of contacts |
objects/localhost.cfg |
Define configuration files for monitoring local hosts |
objects/printer.cfg |
Define a configuration file template for monitoring printers, which is not enabled by default |
objects/switch.cfg |
A configuration file template for monitoring routers, which is not enabled by default |
objects/templates.cfg |
A template configuration file defining hosts and services that can be referenced in other configuration files |
objects/timeperiods.cfg |
Configuration file defining Nagios monitoring period |
objects/windows.cfg |
Monitor a configuration file template for Windows hosts, which is not enabled by default |
Remarks: |
Nagios is very flexible in configuration, and default configuration files are not required. You can use these default configuration files. You can also create your own configuration file and refer to it in the main configuration file nagios.cfg. |
2.Nagios configuration template
Nagios configuration process can start with five steps, see the next five sections:
2.1. Define contacts and groups of contacts to notify when a host or service is in trouble
1.contact is used to identify people to contact when problems arise in the network.
Definition format:
define contact{ contact_name contact_name(*) alias alias(*) contactgroups contactgroup_names host_notifications_enabled [0/1](*) service_notifications_enabled [0/1](*) host_notification_period timeperiod_name(*) service_notification_period timeperiod_name(*) host_notification_options [d,u,r,f,s,n](*) service_notification_options [w,u,c,r,f,s,n](*) host_notification_commands command_name(*) service_notification_commands command_name(*) email email_address pager pager_number or pager_email_gateway addressx additional_contact_address can_submit_commands [0/1] retain_status_information [0/1] retain_nonstatus_information [0/1] ... }
Definition sample:
define contact{ contact_name jdoe alias John Doe host_notifications_enabled 1 service_notifications_enabled 1 service_notification_period 24x7 host_notification_period 24x7 service_notification_options w,u,c,r host_notification_options d,u,r service_notification_commands notify-by-email host_notification_commands host-notify-by-email email jdoe@localhost.localdomain pager 555-5555@pagergateway.localhost.localdomain address1 xxxxx.xyyy@icq.com address2 555-555-5555 can_submit_commands 1 }
Host_notification_options, service_notification_options:
- d = notify on DOWN host states,
- u = notify on UNREACHABLE host states
- r = notify on host recoveries (UP states)
- f = notify when the host starts and stops flapping
- s = send notifications when host or service scheduled downtime starts and ends
- (none) as an option, the contact will not receive any type of host notifications.
- w = notify on WARNING service states
- u = notify on UNKNOWN service states
- c = notify on CRITICAL service states
- r = notify on service recoveries (OK states)
- f = notify when the service starts and stops flapping
- n (none) as an option, the contact will not receive any type of service notifications.
Common settings
- host_notification_options: d,u,r
- service_notification_options:w,u,c,r
2. Contact group is used to group one or more contacts together to send alerts/recovery notifications, defining formats:
define contactgroup{ contactgroup_name contactgroup_name(*) alias alias(*) members contacts(*) contactgroup_members contactgroups ... }
Definition sample:
define contactgroup{ contactgroup_name novell-admins alias Novell Administrators members jdoe,rtobert,tzach }
2.2. Define host, host group, service and service group
The configuration files involved in this step are: / usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/hosts.cfg, / usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/services.cfg. For the basic configuration of host, hostgroup, service and service group, see the definition in / usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/timeperiods.cfg.
1.hosts.cfg configuration
1) hosts.cfg is used to configure hosts and hostgroups. The format can refer to the definition of hosts and hostgroups in localhost.cfg.
host is defined as a physical server, workstation or device that exists in the network. Detailed formats (marked (*) are necessary and others are optional):
define host{ host_name host_name(*) alias alias(*) display_name display_name address address(*) parents host_names hostgroups hostgroup_names check_command command_name initial_state [o,d,u] max_check_attempts #(*) check_interval # retry_interval # active_checks_enabled [0/1] passive_checks_enabled [0/1] check_period timeperiod_name(*) obsess_over_host [0/1] check_freshness [0/1] freshness_threshold # event_handler command_name event_handler_enabled [0/1] low_flap_threshold # high_flap_threshold # flap_detection_enabled [0/1] flap_detection_options [o,d,u] process_perf_data [0/1] retain_status_information [0/1] retain_nonstatus_information [0/1] contacts contacts(*) contact_groups contact_groups(*) notification_interval #(*) first_notification_delay # notification_period timeperiod_name(*) notification_options [d,u,r,f,s] notifications_enabled [0/1] stalking_options [o,d,u] notes note_string notes_url url action_url url icon_image image_file icon_image_alt alt_string vrml_image image_file statusmap_image image_file 2d_coords x_coord,y_coord 3d_coords x_coord,y_coord,z_coord ... }
Definition sample:
2) Host group refers to a group composed of one or more hosts, which can make configuration simpler or display in CGI for specific purposes.define host{ host_name bogus-router alias Bogus Router #1 address parents server-backbone check_command check-host-alive check_interval 5 retry_interval 1 max_check_attempts 5 check_period 24x7 process_perf_data 0 retain_nonstatus_information 0 contact_groups router-admins notification_interval 30 notification_period 24x7 notification_options d,u,r }
define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name hostgroup_name(*) alias alias(*) members hosts hostgroup_members hostgroups notes note_string notes_url url action_url url ... }
Definition sample:
3. services.cfg configurationdefine hostgroup{ hostgroup_name novell-servers alias Novell Servers members netware1,netware2,netware3,netware4 }
1) Service service is defined as some kind of "application service" running on the host, which defines the format:
Definition sample:define service{ host_name host_name(*) hostgroup_name hostgroup_name service_description service_description(*) display_name display_name servicegroups servicegroup_names is_volatile [0/1] check_command command_name(*) initial_state [o,w,u,c] max_check_attempts #(*) check_interval #(*) retry_interval #(*) active_checks_enabled [0/1] passive_checks_enabled [0/1] check_period timeperiod_name(*) obsess_over_service [0/1] check_freshness [0/1] freshness_threshold # event_handler command_name event_handler_enabled [0/1] low_flap_threshold # high_flap_threshold # flap_detection_enabled [0/1] flap_detection_options [o,w,c,u] process_perf_data [0/1] retain_status_information [0/1] retain_nonstatus_information [0/1] notification_interval #(*) first_notification_delay # notification_period timeperiod_name(*) notification_options [w,u,c,r,f,s] notifications_enabled [0/1] contacts contacts(*) contact_groups contact_groups(*) stalking_options [o,w,u,c] notes note_string notes_url url action_url url icon_image image_file icon_image_alt alt_string ... }
2) Servicegroup organizes one or more services together to simplify service configurationdefine service{ host_name linux-server service_description check-disk-sda1 check_command check-disk!/dev/sda1 max_check_attempts 5 check_interval 5 retry_interval 3 check_period 24x7 notification_interval 30 notification_period 24x7 notification_options w,c,r contact_groups linux-admins }
define servicegroup{ servicegroup_name servicegroup_name(*) alias alias(*) members services servicegroup_members servicegroups notes note_string notes_url url action_url url ... }
Definition examples:
define servicegroup{ servicegroup_name dbservices alias Database Services members ms1,SQL Server,ms1,SQL Server Agent,ms1,SQL DTC }
2.3 Define monitoring commands
The definition of command includes commands such as service checking, service notification, service event handler, host checking, host notification and host event handler. The configuration file is / usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg.
Definition format:
define command{ command_name command_name(*) command_line command_line(*) ... }
Definition examples:
define command{ command_name check_pop command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_pop -H $HOSTADDRESS$ }
2.4 Define monitoring time cycle
Time period defines the "valid" time list for notification and service checks, with the cycle time range and the configuration file as / usr / local / Nagios / etc / objects / timeperiod s. cfg.
Definition format:
define timeperiod{ timeperiod_name timeperiod_name(*) alias alias(*) [weekday] timeranges [exception] timeranges exclude [timeperiod1,timeperiod2,...,timeperiodn] ... }
Definition examples:
define timeperiod{ timeperiod_name nonworkhours alias Non-Work Hours sunday 00:00-24:00 ; Every Sunday of every week monday 00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00 ; Every Monday of every week tuesday 00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00 ; Every Tuesday of every week wednesday 00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00 ; Every Wednesday of every week thursday 00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00 ; Every Thursday of every week friday 00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00 ; Every Friday of every week saturday 00:00-24:00 ; Every Saturday of every week } define timeperiod{ timeperiod_name misc-single-days alias Misc Single Days 1999-01-28 00:00-24:00 ; January 28th, 1999 monday 3 00:00-24:00 ; 3rd Monday of every month day 2 00:00-24:00 ; 2nd day of every month february 10 00:00-24:00 ; February 10th of every year february -1 00:00-24:00 ; Last day in February of every year friday -2 00:00-24:00 ; 2nd to last Friday of every month thursday -1 november 00:00-24:00 ; Last Thursday in November of every year } define timeperiod{ timeperiod_name misc-date-ranges alias Misc Date Ranges 2007-01-01 - 2008-02-01 00:00-24:00 ; January 1st, 2007 to February 1st, 2008 monday 3 - thursday 4 00:00-24:00 ; 3rd Monday to 4th Thursday of every month day 1 - 15 00:00-24:00 ; 1st to 15th day of every month day 20 - -1 00:00-24:00 ; 20th to the last day of every month july 10 - 15 00:00-24:00 ; July 10th to July 15th of every year april 10 - may 15 00:00-24:00 ; April 10th to May 15th of every year tuesday 1 april - friday 2 may 00:00-24:00 ; 1st Tuesday in April to 2nd Friday in May of every year } define timeperiod{ timeperiod_name misc-skip-ranges alias Misc Skip Ranges 2007-01-01 - 2008-02-01 / 3 00:00-24:00 ; Every 3 days from January 1st, 2007 to February 1st, 2008 2008-04-01 / 7 00:00-24:00 ; Every 7 days from April 1st, 2008 (continuing forever) monday 3 - thursday 4 / 2 00:00-24:00 ; Every other day from 3rd Monday to 4th Thursday of every month day 1 - 15 / 5 00:00-24:00 ; Every 5 days from the 1st to the 15th day of every month july 10 - 15 / 2 00:00-24:00 ; Every other day from July 10th to July 15th of every year tuesday 1 april - friday 2 may / 6 00:00-24:00 ; Every 6 days from the 1st Tuesday in April to the 2nd Friday in May of every year
2.5 Configuration of the main configuration file nagios.cfg
Add the files configurated in the above four steps to the / usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg file through cfg_file and cfg_dir, and refer to the existing configurations in the file, which will not be discussed here. Complete all the above configurations, and restart the corresponding Nagios and plug-in services, you can see the results of the configuration on the web side of nagios.
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