Componentized Development of Vue Family Buckets

Keywords: Front-end Vue npm Javascript Attribute

Author| Jeskson


To learn component development, first master the idea of component development, the way components are registered, the data interaction between components, the use of component slots, the use of vue mode tools, and the way components implement business logic functions.

Component Development Idea, Component Registration, Component Style, Data Interaction between Components, Component Slot

Componentized specifications, that is, many possibilities for reuse

Global Component Registration Syntax

Vue.component (component name, {
 Data: Component data,
 Template: Component template content
// Define a new component named button-counter
Vue.component('button-counter', {
 data: function() {
  return {
   count: 0
 template: '<button v-on:click="count++">Clicked{{count}}second</button>

Usage of components

<div id="app">

Vue.component('button-counter', {
 data: function() {
  return {
   count: 0
 template: '<button @click="handle">Clicked{{count}}</button>'
 methods: {
  handle: function(){
   this.count += 2;
var vm = new Vue({
 el: '#app',
 data: {

When component is registered

data must be a function and component template content must be a single followed element

template: `
  <button @click="handle">click{{count}}second</button>

Component Naming

// Short Horizontal Line

// Hump mode

Local component registration

var ComponentA = { /*...*/ }
var ComponentB = { /*...*/ }
var ComponentC = { /*...*/ }

new Vue({
 el: '#app',
 components: {
  'component-a': ComponentA,
  'component-b': ComponentB,
  'component-c': ComponentC,

Usage of vue style tool

Make sure you are using Node 6+ and NPM 3+

  • Clone this repo
  • npm install (Or yarn install if you are using yarn as the package manager)
  • npm run bulid
  • Open Chrome extension page
  • Check 'developer mode'
  • Click "load unpacked extension", and choose shells/chrome.


  • Clone this repo
  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • A plain shell with a test app will be available at localhost: 8100.

Installation of Style Tool

First step, clone the repository, second step, install dependent packages, third step, build, fourth step, open the Chrome extension page, fifth step, select the developer mode, sixth step, load the decompressed extension, select shells/chrome.

Data Interaction Between Components

Parent component passes value to child component

Values passed in through props are received within the component

Vue.component('dada-item', {
 props: ['title'], // Used to receive data received by parent components
 template: '<div>{{title}}</div>'

Parent component passes values to child components via attributes

<dada-item title="Data from parent component"></dada-item>
// static state

<dada-item :title="title"></dada-item>
// Dynamic binding of attributes

Code example:

<dada-item title="Value from parent component"></dada-item>
<dada-item :title="ptitle"></dada-item>

//Parent component passes value to child component
Vue.component('dada-item', {
 // Subcomponent receives parent component
 // title Property
 props: ['title'],
 data: function() {
  return {
   msg: 'Data for subcomponents'
 template: '<div>{{msg+ "..." + title}}</div>'
var vm = new Vue({
 el: '#app',
 data: {
  pmsg: 'Content in parent component',
  ptitle: 'dynamic',

Rule for props attribute name

If you use the form of a hump in props, you need to use the form of a short horizontal line in the template

There is no such restriction in a template as a string

Vue.component('dada-item', {
 // Humpback in JavaScript
 props: ['daTitle'],
 template: '<div>{{title}}</div>'

// Short horizontal lines in html
<dada-item da-title="dada"><dada-item>
<div id="app">
 <menu-item :menu-title="ptitle"></menu-item>

// Parent component passes value-property name to child component
Vue.component('third-com', {
 props: ['testTitle'],
 template: '<div>{{testTitle}}</div>'
Vue.component('menu-item', {
 template: '<div>{{menuTitle}}<third-com testTit="hello"></third-com></div>'

Type of props attribute value

String type string Numeric type number boolean type Array type array Object object

// String Form
<div id="app">
 <menu-item :pstr="pstr"></menu-item>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vue.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Parent component passes-props property name type to child component
 props: ['pstr'],
 template: `
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
 msg: "Parent Component Content",
 pstr: 'hello'
// Digital Value Transfer
<dada-item :pstr='pstr' :pN='11'></dada-item>

// Parent component passes value-props property name type to child component

Vue.component('dada-item', {
 props: ['pstr', 'pN'],
 template: `
 var vm = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
   pmsg: 'Parent Component'
   pstr: 'dada'

Child component passes value to parent component

<dada-item :parr="parr"></dada-item>

// Child component passes value to parent component
Vue.component('dada-item', {
 props: ['parr'],
 template: `
   <li :key="index" v-for="(item,index) in parr">
  <button @click='parr.push("dada")'>click</button>
 var vm = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
   pmsg: 'Parent Component',
   parr: ['da1','da2','da3']

Child components pass values to parent components, and child components pass information to parent components through custom events

<button v-on:click='$emit("Event Name", value)'>dada</button>

Parent component listens for child component events

<dada-item v-on:Event Name='size += 1'><dada-item>

Non-parent-child component passed values

Interaction between sibling components

var event = new Vue()

Event Center

Listen for events and destruction of events

event.$on('name of custom event', event function)
Listen event, first parameter, custom listen event name, second event function

event.$off('name of custom event')
//Destroy Events

Trigger Event
 event.$emit('name of custom event', id)
mounted: function() {
 // Listen for events
 eventhub.$on('da1', (val)=>{
  this.num += val;

mounted: function() {
 // Listen for events
 eventhub.$on('da2', (val)=>{
  this.num += val;

Component slot

Parent component passes data to child component, parent component passes data to child component

//parent component
<dada-item> dada </dada-item>
dada can't be shown here without a slot


The location of the slot is in the template of the subcomponent

// Location of slot
Vue.component('dada-box', {
 template: `
 <div class="dada-item'>
  <slot></slot>//Displayed position

// Show content, slot
<dada-box> dada hello </dada-box>

Emphasis, named slot usage, named slot

<div class="dada">
  <slot name="header"></slot>
  <slot name="footer"></slot>

Slot contents

 <h1 slot="header"> Title</h1>
 <p>You let go. Darda is here</p>
 <h1 slot="footer"> bottom</h1>
<template slot="header">
<p>Heading 1</p>
<p>Heading 2</p>
// Place more content

Scope slot

<dada-list :list="list"></dada-list>

Vue.component('dada-list', {
 props: ['list'],
 template: `
 <li :key='' v-for="item in list>{{}}</li>

var vm = new Vue({
 el: '#app',
 data: {
  list: [{
   name: 'dada'

Definition of slots, in subcomponents

<li v-for="item in list" v-bind:key="">
<slot v-bind:item="item">
// Slot contents
<dada-list v-bind:list="ist">
<template slot-scope="slotProps">

<div id="app">
<dada-list :list="list">
 <template slot-scope="slotProps">

Steps of shopping cart function, to achieve the overall layout and style, to divide functional components, to combine all sub-components to form the overall structure, to implement each component function, Title component, list component, settlement component one by one.


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[Author]: Jeskson Original Public Number: Dada Front End Bistro. Welfare: Public Number replies to the big gift package for self-study materials (share in groups, just say anything you want, see if I have one)! [Reprint instructions]: Please explain the source of reprinting, thank you for your cooperation!~

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Posted by cristalmolix on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 11:24:55 -0800