Index creation, update and deletion in single mode
Initialize Index
Indexes can be initialized before they are created.
For example, specify the number of shards and the number of replicas
PUT http://localhost:9200/library/ { "settings":{ "index":{ "number_of_shards": 5, "number_of_replicas": 1 } } }
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The number_of_replicas above can also be replaced with:
blocks.read_only: set to true, the current index only allows reading, not writing or updating
blocks.read: Set to true to disable read operations
blokcs.write: Set to true to disable write operations
blocks.metadata: set to true to prohibit metadata operations
Create an index
PUT /library/books/1 { "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "name": { "first": "Zachary", "last": "Tong" }, "publish_data": "2015-02-06", "price": "49.99" }
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ID can choose not to set
POST /library/books/ { "title": "Elasticsearch: Blueprints", "name": { "first": "Vineeth", "last": "Mohan" }, "publish_data": "2015-06-06", "price": "35.99" }
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Get Document Information by ID
GET /library/books/1
GET /library/books/2
GET /library/books/AU_A-EDnU9duEv19TRm8
Get the specified field from _source
GET /library/books/1?_source=title
GET /library/books/1?_source=title,price
GET /library/books/1?_source
Update documents under the same ID, which can be overwritten
PUT /library/books/1 { "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "name": { "first": "Zachary", "last": "Tong" }, "publish_data": "2015-02-06", "price": "59.99" }
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Update the fields you want to update individually by using the _update API
POST /library/books/1/_update { "doc": { "price": 10 } }
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How to delete a document
DELETE /library/books/1
DELETE /library/books
DELETE /library
Get multiple documents at once
GET /_megt{ "docs": [ { "_index": "shakespeare", "_type": "line", "_id": 6, "_source": "play_name" }, { "_index": "shakespeare", "_type": "line", "_id": 28, "_source": "play_name" } ] }
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Specify multiple _source fields, in the form of arrays
GET /_mget { "docs": [ { "_index": "shakespeare", "_type": "line", "_id": 6 }, { "_index": "shakespeare", "_type": "line", "_id": 28, "_source": ["play_name", "speaker", "text_entry"] } ] }
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Get documents with different ID s under the same index and type
GET /shakespeare/line/_megt { "ids": ["6", "28"] }
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Multiple modes
Simultaneous operation bulk
POST /library/books/_bulk {"index": {"_id": 1}} {"title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "price": 5} {"index": {"_id": 2}} {"title": "The ElasticSearch cookbook", "price": 12}
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You can also delete, update, and so on.
Note that there is no specific request body under delete
POST /library/books/_bulk {"delete": {"_index": "library", "type": "books", "_id": "1"}} {"create": {"_index": "music", "_type": "classical", "_id": "1"}} {"title": "Ave Verum Corpus"} {"index": {"_index": "music", "_type": "classical"}} {"title": "Litaniac de Venerabili Altaris Sacromento"} {"update": {"_index": "library", "_type": "books", "_id": "2"}} {"doc": {"price": "18"}}
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Mapping Mapping
Define type:
Define attributes:
POST /library { "settings": { "number_of_shards": 5, "number_of_replicas": 1 }, "mappings": { "books": { "properties": { "title": {"type": "string"}, "name": {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "publish_date": {"type": "date", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "price": {"type", "double"}, "number": {"type": "integer"} } } } }
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Dynamic Mapping
PUT /library { "mappings": { "books": { "dynamic": "strict", "properties": { "title": {"type": "string"}, "name": {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "publish_date": {"type": "date", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "price": {"type", "double"}, "number": { "type": "object", "dynamic": true } } } } }
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Get mapping information for an index
GET /library/_mapping
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Get mapping information for a type under an index
GET /library/_mapping/books
- 1
Get all the mapping information in this cluster
GET /_all/_mapping
- 1
Mapping information for one or more type s within a cluster
GET /_all/_mapping/books,bank_account
- 1
Update Modify Mapping Mapping
Once a mapping is established, existing field mappings cannot be modified.
If you want to push down an existing map, you need to rebuild the index and redefine the map
Then import the data from the previous index into the newly created index.
Specific method:
1. Define an alias for the data in the existing index and point the existing index at the alias.
2. Run: PUT / Existing Index /_alias / Alias A
3. Create a new index and define the latest mappings
4. Point the alias to the new index and deselect the previous index
5. Run:
POST /_aliases { "actions": [ {"remove": {"index": "Existing Index Name", "alias": "alias A"}}, {"add": {"index": "New Index Name"," alias": "alias A"}} ] }
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delete mapping
DELETE /library/books DELETE /library/books/_mapping DELETE /library/_mapping/books
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Basic Query
Simple Query
Specify search for index name and type name
GET /library/books/_search?q=title:elasticsearch
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Specify index name search without type
GET /llibrary/_search?q=title:MongoDB
- 1
Search without index or type name
GET /_search?q=title:elasticsearch
- 1
term query: Query documents with a keyword in a field
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "term": { "preview": "elasticsearch" } } }
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terms query: Query documents with multiple keywords in a field
minimum_match: Minimum match set: 1 - Indicates that there is at least one of the two keywords
2- Both keywords exist in the description document
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "terms": { "preview": ["elasticsearch", "book"], "minimum_match": 1 } } }
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Controlling the number of returns from a query
from and size
Equivalent to limit in MySQL
form: From which result to return
size: defines the maximum number of results returned
GET /library/books/_search?q=title:elasticsearch GET /library/books/_search { "from": 1, "size": 2, "query": { "term": { "title": "elasticsearch" } } }
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Return version number_version
GET /library/books/_search { "version": true, "query": { "term": { "perview": "elasticsearch" } } }
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match query
A match query can accept data types such as text, number date, etc.
The difference between match and term is that when a match query is executed, elasticsearch provides the appropriate analyzer for the fields you specify.
term queries do not have an analyzer analysis process
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "match": { "preview": "elasticsearch" } } }
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Query by match_all
Query all documents under specified index
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "match_all": {} } }
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Query by match_phrase
Phrase query, slop defines how many unknown words are separated between keywords
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "match_phrase": { "preview": { "query": "elasticsearch, distributed", "slop": 1 } } } }
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muti_match query
Multiple fields can be specified
Examples include querying documents with Elasticsearch keywords in both the title and preview fields
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "multi_match": { "query": "Elasticsearch", "fields": ["title", "preview"] } } }
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Specify the field to return
Note that only fields with store yes can be returned
GET /library/books/_search { "fields": ["preview", "title"] "query": { "match": { "preview": "elasticsearch" } } }
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Controlling loaded fields through partial_fields
GET /library/books/_search { "partial_fields": { "partial": { "include": ["preview"], "exclude": ["title", "price"] } }, "query": { "match_all": {} } }
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Sort results by sort
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "match_all": {} }, sort: [ { "price": { "order": "desc" } } ] }
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prefix matching query
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "prefix": { "title": { "value": "r" } } } }
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range Query: range Query
There are from,to,include_lower,inculde_upper,boost parameters
include_lower: Whether to include the left boundary of the range, defaulting to true
include_upper: Includes the right boundary of the range, defaulting to true
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "range": { "publish_date": { "from": "2015-01-01", "to": "2015-06-30" } } } } GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "range": { "price": { "from": "10", "to": "20", "include_lower": true, "include_upper": false } } } }
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wildcard Query: Allow you to use wildcards * and?Do not query
Note: This query can affect performance
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "wildcard": { "preview": "rab*" } } }
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fuzzy Fuzzy Query
value:Keyword for the query
boost: Sets the weight of the query, defaulting to 1.0
min_similarity: Set the minimum similarity of matches
The default value is 0.5; 0-1 for strings; greater than 1 for values; 1d,2d,1m for date types, where 1D represents a day
prefix_length: Indicates the common prefix length of the distinguished item, defaulting to 0
max_expansions: Indicates the number of extensible terms in the query, which can be infinite by default
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "fuzzy": { "preview": { "value": "rabit", "min_similarity": 0.5 } } } }
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fuzzy_like_this Query
Query to get all documents similar to the given content
fileds: Field group, default is _all
like_text: Set keywords
ignore_tf: Sets the frequency of omitted terms, defaulting to false
max_query_terns: Indicates the maximum number of query terms in the generated query, defaulting to 25
min_similarity: Indicates the smallest degree of similarity to distinguish terms, defaulting to 0.5
prefix_length: Indicates the length that distinguishes the common prefix of the term, defaulting to 0
boost: Set weight, default is 1.0
Analyze:Indicates the analyzer used to analyze a given content
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "fuzzy_like_this": { "fields": ["preview"], "like_text": "open source software", "min_similarity": 0.5, "prefix_length": 0.2 } } }
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fuzzy_like_this_field query
Only works in one field
Other functions like fuzzy_like_this
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "fuzzy_like_this_field": { "preview": { "like_text": "open source software", "min_similarity": 0.5, "prefix_length": 0.2 } } } }
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more_like_this query
fields: Define field group, default is _all
like_text: Defines the keyword to be queried
precent_terms_to_match: This parameter specifies the proportion of terms a document must match to be considered similar.The default value is 0.3, which means 30% of the total.
min_term_freq: This parameter indicates the maximum number of query terms in the generated query, with a default value of 25
stop_words: This parameter indicates the set of words that will be ignored
min_doc_freq: This parameter indicates how many documents the term should appear in before it is ignored, defaulting to 5
max_doc_freq: This parameter indicates the maximum number of terms that can occur to prevent them from being ignored and defaults to infinite
min_word_len: This parameter indicates the maximum length of a single word. Words above this value are ignored and default is infinite.
max_word_len: The weight value used by this parameter to raise the weight of each word.Default is 1
boost: Indicates to raise the weight of a query.Default 1.0
analyer: Specify the analyzer to use for analysis
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "more_like_this": { "fields": ["preview"], "like_text": "Apache open source", "min_term_freq": 1, "min_doc_freq": 1 } } }
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more_like_this_field query
Only works in one field
Other functions like more_like_this
GET /library/books/_search { "query": { "more_like_this_field" { "preview": { "like_text": "Apache open source", "min_trem_freq": 1, "min_doc_freq": 1 } } } }
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Filter filter filter query
SELECT document FROM products WHERE price=20
- 1
filtered queries for items with a price of 20
GET /store/products/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "query": { "match_all": {} }, "filter": { "term": { "price": 20 } } } } }
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Multiple values can also be specified
GET /store/products/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "terms": { "price": [10, 20] } } } } }
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bool filter query, can do combination filter query
SELECT product FROM products WHERE (price = 20 OR productID = "SD1002136") AND (price != 30)
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Similarly, elasticsearch has query methods for combined conditions such as and, or, not
{ "bool": { "must": [], "should": []' "must_not": [] }
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Must: condition must be satisfied, equivalent to AND
should: condition can be satisfied or not, equivalent to OR
must_not: condition does not need to be met, equivalent to NOT
GET /store/products/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "bool": { "should": [ {"term": {"price": 20}}, {"term": {"productID": "SD1002136"}} ], "must_not": { "term": {"price": 30} } } } } } }
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nested queries
SELECT document FORM products WHERE productID="SD1002136" OR (productID="SD4535233" AND price=30)
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GET /store/products/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "bool": { "should": [ {"term": {"productID": "SD1002136"}}, {"bool": { "must": [ {"term": {"productID": "SD4535233"}}, {"term": {"price": 30}} ] }} ] } } } } }
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Another and, or, not query
No bool, just use and, or, not
Query price is both $10 and productID is the result of SD1002136
GET /store/products/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "and":[ { "term": { "productID": "SD1002136" } } ] }, "query": { "match_all": {} } } } }
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range Range Filtering
SELECT document FROM products WHRE price BETWEEN 20 AND 40
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Gt: > greater than
Lt: <less than
Gte: >=greater than or equal to
Lte: <=less than or equal to
GET /store/products/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "range": { "price": { "gt": 20, "lt": 40 } } } } } }
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Methods for handling null null values
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GET /test_index/test/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "exists": {field: "tags"} } } } } GET /test_index/test/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "missing": {"field": "tags"} } } } }
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Cross-index Query
GET /_search { "query": { "indices": { "indices": [library], "query": { "term": { "title": "elasticsearch" } }, "no_match_query": { "term": { "price": 10 } } } } }