In the first two periods, I have simply encapsulated the Golden Map Tool class that I have learned. In this period, I will put forward some commonly used tool classes as a separate module. In order to facilitate the later collation and everyone's mutual learning.
1. Formatting time
/** * @param {(Object|string|number)} time * @param {string} TimeFormat Formats that want to return time such a s'{y} - {m} - {d} {h}: {i}: {s} {a}'{a} are weeks * @returns {string} */ function parseTime(time, TimeFormat) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return null } const format = TimeFormat || '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}' let date if (typeof time === 'object') { date = time } else { if ((typeof time === 'string') && (/^[0-9]+$/.test(time))) { time = parseInt(time) } if ((typeof time === 'number') && (time.toString().length === 10)) { time = time * 1000 } date = new Date(time) } const formatObj = { y: date.getFullYear(), m: date.getMonth() + 1, d: date.getDate(), h: date.getHours(), i: date.getMinutes(), s: date.getSeconds(), a: date.getDay() } const time_str = format.replace(/{(y|m|d|h|i|s|a)+}/g, (result, key) => { let value = formatObj[key] if (key === 'a') { return ['day', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six'][value] } if (result.length > 0 && value < 10) { value = '0' + value } return value || 0 }) return time_str }
Example of invocation
parseTime('1566458744391') //The default return format i s'{y} - {m} - {d} {h}: {i}: {s}'2019-08-22 15:25:44. parseTime('1566458744391','{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') //Fill in the corresponding format 2019-08-22 15:25:44 parseTime('1566458744391','{m}-{d}-{y} {h}:{i}:{s}') //Modified format 08-22-2019 15:25:44 parseTime('1566458744391','{m}-{d}-{y} {h}:{i}:{s} week{a}') //Plus Weekly 08-22-2019 15:25:44 Thursday
2. Get the length of the string
/** * @param {String} str * @returns {Number} */ function byteLength(str) { let s = str.length for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const code = str.charCodeAt(i) if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) s++ else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) s += 2 if (code >= 0xDC00 && code <= 0xDFFF) i-- } return s }
Example of invocation
byteLength('123') //3 byteLength('Crayon Shin Chan') //12
3. Array de-weighting
/** * @param {Array} arr * @returns {Array} */ function uniqueArr(arr) { return Array.from(new Set(arr)) }
Example of invocation
uniqueArr([1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1]) //[ 1, 2, 5, 3, 6 ]
4. Capitalization of string initials
/** * @param {String} string * @returns {String} */ function uppercaseFirst(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1) }
Example of invocation
uppercaseFirst('beautiful') //Beautiful
5. Extracting parameters from url addresses
/** * @param {String} url * @returns {Object} */ function getQueryObject(url) { url = url == null ? window.location.href : url const search = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('?') + 1) const obj = {} const reg = /([^?&=]+)=([^?&=]*)/g search.replace(reg, (rs, $1, $2) => { const name = decodeURIComponent($1) let val = decodeURIComponent($2) val = String(val) obj[name] = val return rs }) return obj }
Example of invocation
getQueryObject('') // {tn:'monline_3_dg', ie:'utf-8', wd:'haha'}
6. Formatting of Numbers
/** * If 10000 = 10K * @param {number} num * @param {number} digits digit */ export function numberFormatter(num, digits) { const si = [ { value: 1E18, symbol: 'E' }, { value: 1E15, symbol: 'P' }, { value: 1E12, symbol: 'T' }, { value: 1E9, symbol: 'G' }, { value: 1E6, symbol: 'M' }, { value: 1E3, symbol: 'k' } ] for (let i = 0; i < si.length; i++) { if (num >= si[i].value) { return (num / si[i].value + 0.1).toFixed(digits).replace(/\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/, '$1') + si[i].symbol } } return num.toString() }
Example of invocation
numberFormatter(1001200) //1M numberFormatter(1001200,3) //1.101M numberFormatter(1001200,4) //1.1012M
Follow-up will slowly add other methods not involved, I hope you support!