9.8 comment function realization and sorting
Here, take the implementation of the comment list of the article page as an example
1, Business analysis
Simulated station B comment service
1.1 business logic
- When accessing an article, try to get the comment list of the article.
- According to the article comment configuration (these configurations are a separate table and have a one-to-one relationship with the article), the corresponding first-level comments and second-level comments are displayed in pages.
- For the first level comments, click show more comments to display all the second level comments under the comments and display them in pages.
- First level comments and second level comments can be sorted by popularity or creation time according to article configuration
1.2 implementation ideas
- Add a parent id for the comment to point to the parent comment, and add a reply id to point to the reply comment.
- Comments are divided into two levels: first level comments and second level comments.
- The parent id of the first level comment is 0, and the parent comment of the second level comment points to the first level comment.
- Reply id refers to the information reply between a comment and the secondary comments under the comment.
1.3 rule analysis
- The parent id of the first level comment is 0L
- Level 2 comments must have a parent id and cannot be 0L
- Secondary comments cannot reply to secondary comments under other parent IDs
- Level 1 comments cannot reply to other comments, and other comments cannot reply to level 1 comments
2, Table structure
2.1 comment
2.2 comment_settings
Three. Model building
Interact with the database using Spring Data Jpa
3.1 Comment
The Comment model internally maintains the User, reply User and sub Comment list
@Entity @Table(name = "comment") public class Comment { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private Long articleId; private Long userId; private Long replayUserId; private Long parentId; private Integer likeNum = 0; private String content; @Column(updatable = false) private Long createdAt; @Transient private User user; @Transient private User replayUser; @Transient private List<Comment> childrenComment;
3.2 CommentSettings
CommentSettings internally maintains the article configuration information
@Entity @Table(name = "comment_settings") public class CommentSettings { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private Long articleId; @Convert(converter = SettingsInfoConverter.class) private SettingsInfo settings; }
3.3 SettingsInfo
public class SettingsInfo { private Byte sort = CommentSort.CREATEDAT.val(); private Integer pageMax = 10; }
4, Function realization
Comment functions mainly include saving and list display
4.1 save comments
@Transactional @Override public void saveComment(Comment comment) { if (comment.getArticleId() == null) { throw new ArgumentServiceException("articleId"); } if (comment.getContent().length() < 6 || StringUtils.isEmpty(comment.getContent())) { throw new ArgumentServiceException("content"); } Long curUserId = UserContexts.getUserId(); if (curUserId == null) { throw new SessionServiceException(); } // If the comment is a secondary comment, check whether its parent comment exists Long parentId = comment.getParentId(); if (parentId != 0L) { getById(parentId); } Long replyId = comment.getReplayUserId(); if (replyId != null) { // If the reply comment id is not empty, it is not allowed to be a level 1 comment (if you pass this step, it means that the comment is a level 2 comment) if (parentId == 0L) { throw new ArgumentServiceException("replayId"); } // If the reply comment exists and the comment is not under the same level of comment as it, it does not comply with the provisions. // If the reply comment exists and it is a first-class comment, it does not comply with the regulations. Comment replayComment = commentRepository.findByReplayUserId(replyId); if (replayComment != null && (replayComment.getParentId() != parentId || replayComment.getParentId() == 0L)) { throw new ArgumentServiceException("replayId"); } } comment.setUserId(curUserId); comment.setCreatedAt(System.currentTimeMillis()); commentRepository.save(comment); commentCache.remove(comment.getId()); articleService.updateCommentNum(comment.getArticleId(), true); }
4.2 comment list display function
Here, I divide the implementation of the comment list into three steps
- According to the configuration, judge whether you need to log in or reply to view the comment list at the back of the first page
- Get the comment data according to the parent id in qo
- Get all comment data (including the second level comments under the first level comments), and store the hot second level comments in the cache
- Render user information
@Override public Page<Comment> commentList(CommentQo qo) { // Get configuration CommentSettings settings = settingsRepository.findByArticleId(qo.getArticleId()); if (settings.getSettings() != null) { // If login is required and the current page number is greater than the first page, authentication is required if (settings.getSettings().getRequiredSignin() == ByteUtils.BYTE_1 && qo.getPageNumber() > 1) { Long userId = UserContexts.userId(); if (userId == null) { throw new DataNotFoundServiceException("Comments are not visible until you log in"); } if (settings.getSettings().getRequiredReply() == ByteUtils.BYTE_1) { List<Comment> profileComments = commentRepository.findAllByUserId(userId); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(profileComments)) { throw new DataNotFoundServiceException("Only visible after replying to the article"); } } } } // Get source data after paging Page<Comment> page = commentRepository.findAll(qo); List<Comment> commentList = page.getContent(); // Get the first three hot comments getOriginComments(qo, commentList); // Render User for all comments wrapperCommentUser(commentList); return page; }
If the parent id passed by the interface is 0L, it means that all contents in the comment list are obtained. (when the parent id of qo is a level-1 comment id, all the obtained comments are level-2 comments, and the commentList is all data at this time)
private void getOriginComments(CommentQo qo, List<Comment> commentList) { if (qo.getParentId() == 0L) { for (int i = 0; i < commentList.size(); i++) { qo.setParentId(commentList.get(i).getId()); // Put it in the cache, because the first three hot data of these first-level comments will be displayed whenever users access the article List<Comment> childrenCommentList = commentCache.findByKey(qo.getParentId()); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(childrenCommentList)) { commentList.get(i).setChildrenComment(childrenCommentList); } } } }
- Render User for all comments
- Render replayUser for all comments whose replayid is not null
private void wrapperCommentUser(List<Comment> commentList) { // Sort out all user IDs (including the user id of sending comments and the id of replying users) Set<Long> userIds = new HashSet<>(); for (Comment comment : commentList) { userIds.add(comment.getUserId()); for (Comment childrenComment : comment.getChildrenComment()) { userIds.add(childrenComment.getUserId()); if (childrenComment.getReplayUserId() != null) { userIds.add(childrenComment.getReplayUserId()); } } } // Same query Map<Long, User> users = userService.findByIds(userIds); // First assemble the comment itself for (Comment comment : commentList) { comment.setUser(users.get(comment.getUserId())); for (Comment childrenComment : comment.getChildrenComment()) { childrenComment.setUser(users.get(childrenComment.getUserId())); } } // Then the assembly User replies to the User for (Comment comment : commentList) { for (Comment childrenComment : comment.getChildrenComment()) { if (childrenComment.getReplayUserId() != null) { childrenComment.setReplayUser(users.get(childrenComment.getReplayUserId())); } } } }