Comment function implementation

Keywords: Java Spring Spring Boot

9.8 comment function realization and sorting
Here, take the implementation of the comment list of the article page as an example

1, Business analysis

Simulated station B comment service

1.1 business logic

  • When accessing an article, try to get the comment list of the article.
  • According to the article comment configuration (these configurations are a separate table and have a one-to-one relationship with the article), the corresponding first-level comments and second-level comments are displayed in pages.
  • For the first level comments, click show more comments to display all the second level comments under the comments and display them in pages.
  • First level comments and second level comments can be sorted by popularity or creation time according to article configuration

1.2 implementation ideas

  • Add a parent id for the comment to point to the parent comment, and add a reply id to point to the reply comment.
  • Comments are divided into two levels: first level comments and second level comments.
  • The parent id of the first level comment is 0, and the parent comment of the second level comment points to the first level comment.
  • Reply id refers to the information reply between a comment and the secondary comments under the comment.

1.3 rule analysis

  1. The parent id of the first level comment is 0L
  2. Level 2 comments must have a parent id and cannot be 0L
  3. Secondary comments cannot reply to secondary comments under other parent IDs
  4. Level 1 comments cannot reply to other comments, and other comments cannot reply to level 1 comments

2, Table structure

2.1 comment

2.2 comment_settings

Three. Model building

Interact with the database using Spring Data Jpa

3.1 Comment

The Comment model internally maintains the User, reply User and sub Comment list

@Table(name = "comment")
public class Comment
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    private Long articleId;

    private Long userId;

    private Long replayUserId;

    private Long parentId;

    private Integer likeNum = 0;
    private String content;
    @Column(updatable = false)
    private Long createdAt;
    private User user;

    private User replayUser;

    private List<Comment> childrenComment;

3.2 CommentSettings

CommentSettings internally maintains the article configuration information

@Table(name = "comment_settings")
public class CommentSettings
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    private Long articleId;

    @Convert(converter = SettingsInfoConverter.class)
    private SettingsInfo settings;

3.3 SettingsInfo

public class SettingsInfo
    private Byte sort = CommentSort.CREATEDAT.val();

    private Integer pageMax = 10;

4, Function realization

Comment functions mainly include saving and list display

4.1 save comments

    public void saveComment(Comment comment)
        if (comment.getArticleId() == null)
            throw new ArgumentServiceException("articleId");
        if (comment.getContent().length() < 6 || StringUtils.isEmpty(comment.getContent()))
            throw new ArgumentServiceException("content");

        Long curUserId = UserContexts.getUserId();
        if (curUserId == null)
            throw new SessionServiceException();

		// If the comment is a secondary comment, check whether its parent comment exists
        Long parentId = comment.getParentId();
        if (parentId != 0L)

        Long replyId = comment.getReplayUserId();
        if (replyId != null)
        	// If the reply comment id is not empty, it is not allowed to be a level 1 comment (if you pass this step, it means that the comment is a level 2 comment)
            if (parentId == 0L)
                throw new ArgumentServiceException("replayId");
			// If the reply comment exists and the comment is not under the same level of comment as it, it does not comply with the provisions.
			// If the reply comment exists and it is a first-class comment, it does not comply with the regulations.
            Comment replayComment = commentRepository.findByReplayUserId(replyId);
            if (replayComment != null && (replayComment.getParentId() != parentId || replayComment.getParentId() == 0L))
                throw new ArgumentServiceException("replayId");

        articleService.updateCommentNum(comment.getArticleId(), true);

4.2 comment list display function

Here, I divide the implementation of the comment list into three steps

  1. According to the configuration, judge whether you need to log in or reply to view the comment list at the back of the first page
  2. Get the comment data according to the parent id in qo
  3. Get all comment data (including the second level comments under the first level comments), and store the hot second level comments in the cache
  4. Render user information
    public Page<Comment> commentList(CommentQo qo)
    	// Get configuration
        CommentSettings settings = settingsRepository.findByArticleId(qo.getArticleId());

        if (settings.getSettings() != null)
        {	// If login is required and the current page number is greater than the first page, authentication is required
            if (settings.getSettings().getRequiredSignin() == ByteUtils.BYTE_1 && qo.getPageNumber() > 1)
                Long userId = UserContexts.userId();
                if (userId == null)
                    throw new DataNotFoundServiceException("Comments are not visible until you log in");
                if (settings.getSettings().getRequiredReply() == ByteUtils.BYTE_1)
                    List<Comment> profileComments = commentRepository.findAllByUserId(userId);
                    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(profileComments))
                        throw new DataNotFoundServiceException("Only visible after replying to the article");

		// Get source data after paging
        Page<Comment> page = commentRepository.findAll(qo);
        List<Comment> commentList = page.getContent();
		// Get the first three hot comments
        getOriginComments(qo, commentList);
        // Render User for all comments
        return page;


If the parent id passed by the interface is 0L, it means that all contents in the comment list are obtained. (when the parent id of qo is a level-1 comment id, all the obtained comments are level-2 comments, and the commentList is all data at this time)

 private void getOriginComments(CommentQo qo, List<Comment> commentList)
        if (qo.getParentId() == 0L)
            for (int i = 0; i < commentList.size(); i++)
				// Put it in the cache, because the first three hot data of these first-level comments will be displayed whenever users access the article
                List<Comment> childrenCommentList = commentCache.findByKey(qo.getParentId());
                if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(childrenCommentList))


  1. Render User for all comments
  2. Render replayUser for all comments whose replayid is not null
    private void wrapperCommentUser(List<Comment> commentList)
    	// Sort out all user IDs (including the user id of sending comments and the id of replying users)
        Set<Long> userIds = new HashSet<>();
        for (Comment comment : commentList)
            for (Comment childrenComment : comment.getChildrenComment())

                if (childrenComment.getReplayUserId() != null)
		// Same query
        Map<Long, User> users = userService.findByIds(userIds);
        // First assemble the comment itself
        for (Comment comment : commentList)
            for (Comment childrenComment : comment.getChildrenComment())
		// Then the assembly User replies to the User
        for (Comment comment : commentList)
            for (Comment childrenComment : comment.getChildrenComment())
                if (childrenComment.getReplayUserId() != null)

Posted by kooza on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 16:12:37 -0700