Codeforces Round #438 (Div. 1 + Div. 2 combined) C. Qualification Rounds

C. Qualification Rounds

Problem Statement

    Snark and Philip are preparing the problemset for the upcoming pre-qualification round for semi-quarter-finals. They have a bank of n problems, and they want to select any non-empty subset of it as a problemset.
    k experienced teams are participating in the contest. Some of these teams already know some of the problems. To make the contest interesting for them, each of the teams should know at most half of the selected problems.
    Determine if Snark and Philip can make an interesting problemset!


    The first line contains two integers n, k (1 ≤ n ≤ 105, 1 ≤ k ≤ 4) — the number of problems and the number of experienced teams.
    Each of the next n lines contains k integers, each equal to 0 or 1. The j-th number in the i-th line is 1 if j-th team knows i-th problem and 0 otherwise.


    Print "YES" (quotes for clarity), if it is possible to make an interesting problemset, and "NO" otherwise.
    You can print each character either upper- or lowercase ("YeS" and "yes" are valid when the answer is "YES").


Example 1
        5 3
        1 0 1
        1 1 0
        1 0 0
        1 0 0
        1 0 0
Example 2
        3 2
        1 0
        1 1
        0 1


    In the first example you can't make any interesting problemset, because the first team knows all problems.
    In the second example you can choose the first and the third problems.

meaning of the title

Given n n n,k, it means that there are n questions and K teams. Then give a table. If column j in line i is column 1, it means that the jth team knows the i I topic, and if column j is column 0, it means that you don't know. Ask if you can choose a set of questions (any number) to satisfy any team that knows at most half of the questions.


First of all, we can know that all the methods that can select a set of topics can be transformed into only two questions, and all teams only know one question at most. Because k is very small, only 4, we can enumerate it with 24 24 through the shape pressure.


using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
inline void readInt(int &x) {
    x=0;int f=1;char ch=getchar();
inline void readLong(ll &x) {
    x=0;int f=1;char ch=getchar();
/*================Header Template==============*/
int cnt[17],x,t,n,k;
int main() {
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
        for(int j=1;j<=k;j++) {
    for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<16;j++)
            if(cnt[i]&&cnt[j]&&(i&j)==0) {
                return 0;
    return 0;

Posted by Beauchy on Sun, 10 Feb 2019 23:00:19 -0800