cmake basic introduction (1)
CMake is a cross platform make.
CMakeLists.txt The brief introduction is as follows:
# Auto CMakeLists.txt: frame with cppunit use for lintcode/leetcode # minimum cmake version cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7) # cmake minimum version number requirements PROJECT(demo) # Project name SET(mname demo ) # Assign demo to variable mname SET( cppunit_test cppunit_demo_test ) SET( ROOTPATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) # defining common source variables aux_source_directory(main SRC ) # Find all the source files in the main directory and save the file name to SRC aux_source_directory(test_cppunit TESTSRC ) # test_ Save all source files in CPPUnit directory to TESTSRC # add_subdirectory(sub): contains the subdirectory sub. Compile the CMakeLists.txt And source code; MESSAGE(STATUS "project name: " ${PROJECT_NAME}) SET(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${ROOTPATH}/lib) # Set build library output directory SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${ROOTPATH}/bin) # Set executable output directory (target) SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG ${ROOTPATH}/bin/Debug ) MESSAGE(STATUS "library_output_path : " ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} ) MESSAGE(STATUS "executable_output_path: " ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH} ) MESSAGE(STATUS "cmake_runtime_output_directory_debug: " ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG} ) add_definitions(-DTYPEDEBUG) #Add macro definition TYPEDEBUG # specify the C++ standard set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED True) MESSAGE(">>>> cppbuilder init start:") if(SRC) add_definitions("-g -Wall -std=c++11") include_directories(include) #Include directory, specify search path of header file; add_executable( t_${mname} ${SRC} ) #Generate executable ADD_LIBRARY( ${mname} STATIC ${SRC}) #Build STATIC library replace STATIC with SHARED build dynamic library #target_link_libraries( ${mname} childlib ) # Add link library SET(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${ROOTPATH}/lib) #ADD_LIBRARY( ${mname} SHARED ${SRC}) MESSAGE("project src file show: ") foreach(_var ${SRC}) MESSAGE(" ${_var}") endforeach() MESSAGE(" ") SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG ${ROOTPATH}/bin/Debug ) endif(SRC) MESSAGE(">>>> cppbuilder init end <<<<")
1.1 introduction to basic grammar
1 set variable
### character string set(mystring "hello wold " "xiaojiejie ") string(APPEND mystring "xiaogege ") message("======: " ${mystring} ) ### list set(mylist "c " "c++ " "java " "python ") set(mylist ${mylist} "lua ") list(APPEND mylist "php " "javascript ") message("======: " ${mylist} )
There are two ways to define cmake variables: implicit and explicit.
- An example of implicit definition is given before implicit definition. It is the PROJECT instruction, which implicitly defines BINARY_DIR and SOURCE_DIR two variables.
- 2. As we mentioned earlier, we can build a custom variable by using the SET instruction. ${valuename} to reference the variable
CMake common variables
Variable name | Variable description |
PROJECT_NAME | Returns the PROJECT name defined by the PROJECT directive |
PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR | Cmake source address, that is, the address specified after the cmake command |
PROJECT_BINARY_DIR | The directory where the cmake command is run, usually project_ SOURCE_ build directory under dir |
CMAKE_MODULE_PATH | Define the path of your own cmake module |
CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR | Currently processed CMakeLists.txt Path |
CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR | Current folder path |
CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE | The output calls the CMakeLists.txt Full path to |
CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE | Output the line of this variable |
CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY | Build executable path |
CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY | Folder path to build library |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | Specify the build type of the make based generator (Release, Debug) |
CMAKE_C_FLAGS | *. C file compilation options, such as - std=c99 -O3 -march=native |
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS | *. CPP file compilation options, such as - std=c++11 -O3 -march=native |
CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR | target compilation directory |
CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH | Environment variable, non cmake variable |
CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH | environment variable |
CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX | Static library prefix, which is lib by default under Linux |
CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX | Static library suffix, default is. a under Linux |
CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX | Dynamic library prefix, which is lib by default under Linux |
CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX | Dynamic library suffix, default is. so under Linux |
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS | If ON, add_library create shared library by default |
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | Configure the installation path, which is / usr/local by default |
CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINATION_FILES | Use the ABSOLUTE DESTINATION path when installing the file list |
CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE | Switch between strict and loose automoc mode |
CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY | Build the CMake version required by the project |
CMAKE_COLOR_MAKEFILE | When on, using the Makefile generator produces color output |
CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS | Used to control the writing mode of IF ELSE statements |
System variable
- CMAKE_ MAJOR_ Version, cmake major version number, such as 2 in 2.4.6
- CMAKE_ MINOR_ Version, cmake minor version number, such as 4 in 2.4.6
- CMAKE_ PATCH_ Version, cmake patch level, such as 6 in 2.4.6
- CMAKE_SYSTEM, system name, such as Linux-2.6.22
- CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME, excluding the system name of the version, such as Linux
- CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION, system version, such as 2.6.22
- CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR, processor name, such as i686
- UNIX, TRUE on all UNIX like platforms, including OS X and cygwin
- win32, TRUE on all win32 platforms, including cygwin
2 process control
set(VAR1 "world") if(VAR1 MATCHES "Hello") message("this is hello") message("this is hello2") elseif(VAR1 MATCHES "world") message("this is world") message("this is world2") else() message(" un expect value") endif() foreach(_value ${mylist}) message(" " ${_value} ) endforeach(_value ${}) # foreach(loop_var RANGE start stop [step]). In foreach loop, support break() and continue(). set(result 0) foreach(_var RANGE 0 100) math(EXPR result "${result}+${_var}") endforeach() message("from 0 plus to 100 is:${result}") #Size used to compare numbers LESS: LESS than grader: GREATER than EQUAL: EQUAL to grader_ EQUAL: GREATER than or EQUAL to LESS_EQUAL: LESS than or EQUAL to #Used to compare string LESS: LESS than structer: greater than equal: equal to struct_ Equal: LESS than or equal to Strider_ Equal: greater than or equal to set(i 5 ) while( i GREATER 0 ) message("i " ${i}) math(EXPR i "${i} -1 ") endwhile()
3 macro and function
function( [arg1 [arg2 [arg3 ...]]]) COMMAND1(ARGS ...) COMMAND2(ARGS ...) ... endfunction()
Define a function with the name arg1 arg2 arg3( ). The commands in the function body are not executed until the function is called.
variable | explain |
ARGV# | #Is a subscript, 0 points to the first parameter, cumulative |
ARGV | All definitions require parameters passed in |
ARGN | When defining, parameters other than those passed in are required. For example, when defining a macro (function), one is required, and the other three are entered by the secretary. Then the remaining two will be stored in ARGN as arrays |
ARGC | The number of actual parameters passed in, that is, the number of parameters passed in when the calling function is called |
macro(FOO arg1 arg2 arg3) message(STATUS "this is arg1:${arg1},ARGV0=${ARGV0}") message(STATUS "this is arg2:${arg2},ARGV1=${ARGV1}") message(STATUS "this is arg3:${arg3},ARGV2=${ARGV2}") message(STATUS "this is argc:${ARGC}") message(STATUS "this is args:${ARGV},ARGN=${ARGN}") endmacro(FOO) function(FUNCTION_TEST arg1) message("\n") message(STATUS "this is arg1:${arg1} ARGV0=${ARGV0}") message(STATUS "this is argn:${ARGN}") message(STATUS "this is ARGC:${ARGC}") message("\n") endfunction(BAR arg1) set(p1 one) set(p2 two) set(p3 three) set(p4 four) set(p5 five) set(p6 first) set(p7 second) FOO(${p1} ${p2} ${p3} ${p4} ${p5}) FUNCTION_TEST(${p6} ${p7} ${p1} )