Chapter 3 stack and queue

Keywords: Algorithm data structure linked list

Chapter 3 stack and queue

Stacks and queues are linear tables that restrict inserts and deletions to the "end" (end) of the table

That is, stacks and queues are subsets of linear tables (linear tables with restricted insertion and deletion positions)

Stack features: first in, last out

Queue characteristics: first in first out

3.1 definition and characteristics of stack and queue

3.1.1 definition and characteristics of stack

1. The definition can only be operated at the top of the stack

2. Logical structure one-to-one

3. Storage structure sequence stack or chain stack. Sequence stack is more common

4. Operation rules can only be operated at the top of the stack, and the principle of "last in, first out" is followed when accessing nodes

5. The key to the implementation method is to write the stack in and stack out functions. The specific implementation varies according to the storage structure

Operation diagram of stack

The difference between stack and general linear table is only that the operation rules are different

3.1.2 definition and characteristics of queue

1. Insert one end of the definition table and delete the other end (head deletion and tail insertion)

2. Logical structure one-to-one

3. Storage structure sequence team or chain team, cyclic sequence team is more common

4. Operation rules can only be operated at the top of the stack, and the principle of "last in, first out" is followed when accessing nodes

5. The key to the implementation method is to master the operation of joining and leaving the team. The specific implementation varies according to the order of the team and the chain team

3.2 stack representation and operation implementation

3.2.1 representation and implementation of sequence stack

Set the top pointer to point to the position of the top element of the stack

Set the base pointer to point to the position of the element at the bottom of the stack (for ease of operation, top usually points to the subscript address above the element at the top of the stack)

Stack size is used to represent the maximum capacity of the stack

Empty stack: base == top is an empty stack

Stack full: top - base == stacksize

Stack full processing method:

  1. An error is reported. The stack overflows
  2. Allocate more space and transfer the contents of the original stack to the new stack

Overflow is divided into overflow and underflow

Overflow: the stack is full, and there are new elements pressing the stack

Underflow: if the stack is empty, you have to play the stack

Note: overflow is an error that prevents problem handling; Underflow is an end condition, that is, the end of problem processing

3.2.2 algorithm

Representation of sequential stack

# define MAXSIZE 100
typedef struct{
	SElemType	*base;  //Stack bottom pointer
	SElemType	*top;	//Stack top pointer
	int stacksize;	//Maximum available stack capacity
}SqStack initialization of sequence stack
Status InitStack(SqStack  &S){ // Construct an empty stack
	S.base = new SElemType[MAXSIEZE];
	if (!S.base) exit (OVERFLOW); // Storage allocation failed = S.base //Stack top pointer equals stack bottom pointer
	S.stacksize = MAXSIZE;
	return OK;
} determine whether the sequence stack is empty
Status StackEmpty(SqStack  S){
    		// If the stack is empty, return true; otherwise, return false
    if( == S.base){
        return true;
        return false;
} sequence stack length
int StackLength(SqStack S){
	return - S.base;
} clear sequence stack
Status ClearStack(SqStack S){
		if(S.base) = S.base;
		return OK;
} destruction sequence stack
Status DestroyStack(SqStack S){
			delete S.base;
			S.stacksize = 0; = S.base = null;	
		return OK;

Several important algorithms stacking of sequence stack
It takes three steps to stack
    1.Judge whether the stack is full. If the stack is full, an error will be reported(Overflow)
    2.Stack elements(e) Endow top Pointer
    3.Stack top pointer+1
Status Push(SqStack &S,SElemType e){
		if( - S.base == S.stacksize) //Stack full
			return error;
		* = e;;
		return ok;
} out of sequence stack
chu Stack requires three steps
    1.Judge whether the stack is empty. If the stack is empty, an error will be reported(Underflow)
    2.Get stack top element (e)
    3.Stack top pointer - 1
Status POP(SqStack &S,SElemType &e){
		if( == S.base ) //If the stack is empty, you can check whether it is empty
			return error;;
		e = *;
		return ok;

3.2.3 representation and implementation of chain stack

Chain stack is a single linked list with limited operation. It can only be operated at the head of the linked list

  1. The head pointer of the linked list is the top of the stack
  2. No header node is required
  3. The stack is basically not full
  4. An empty stack is equivalent to a header pointer pointing to null
  5. Inserts and deletions are performed only at the top of the stack

3.2.4 algorithm initialization of chain stack
void InitStack(LinkStack &s){
 return OK;
} judge whether the chain stack is empty
Status StackEmpty(LinkStack S){
 if(S==NULL) return true;
 else return false
} chain stacking
Status Push(LinkStack &S, SElemType e){
 	p=new StackNode;	//New production node P
 	p->data=e;	//Set the new node data field to e
 	p->next=S;	//Insert the new node into the top of the stack
    S=p;	//Modify stack top pointer
    return OK;
} chain stack exit
Status Pop(LinkStack &S, SElemType e){
 	if(S==NULL) return error;
 	e = S-> data;
 	p = S;
    S = S-> next;
    delete p;
    return OK;
} stack top elements
Status Pop(LinkStack &S, SElemType e){
 	return S->next;

3.3 stack and recursion

3.3.1 definition of recursion

  • If part of the an object contains itself, or it defines itself, object is said to be recursive

  • If a procedure calls itself directly or indirectly, it is called a recursive procedure

Recursive problem -- solved by divide and conquer method

  • Divide and conquer method: for a more complex problem, it can be decomposed into several relatively simple sub problems with the same or similar solution

Three necessary conditions

  1. It can transform a problem into a new problem, and the solution of the new problem is the same or similar to that of the original problem. The only difference is the processing objects, and these processing objects change regularly
  2. The problem can be simplified through the above transformation
  3. There must be an explicit recursive exit, or recursive boundary

General form of algorithm for solving recursive problem by divide and conquer method:

void p(Parameter table){
	if(Recursive end condition) can be solved directly	-- Basic item
	else p(Smaller parameter) --- inductive term


3.3.2 advantages and disadvantages of recursion

Advantages: clear structure and easy to read program

Disadvantages: each call needs to generate a work record, save the status information and put it on the stack; When returning, you need to get out of the stack and reply to the status information. High time cost

3.4 queue representation and operation implementation

Queue storage methods are divided into sequential queue and chain queue

3.4.1 representation of sequential queue

#define MAXQSIZE 100 	// Maximum queue length
Typedef struct{
	QElemType *base	// Initialize dynamically allocated space
	int front	//Head pointer
	int rear	//Tail pointer

True overflow: that is, all elements are full

False overflow: that is, the element is not full

A method to solve false overflow -- circular queue

But circular queues pose a problem

Team empty: front==rear

Team full: front==rear


1. Another sign shall be set to distinguish between empty and full teams

2. Set another variable to record the number of elements, for example: count

3. Use one less element space

3.4.2 algorithm queue initialization
Status InitQueue(SqQueue &Q){    Q.base = new QElemType[MAXSIZE]	//Allocate array space if(!Q.base) exit (OVERFLOW); 	// Storage allocation failed, Q.front = Q.rear = 0; 		// The head pointer and tail pointer are set to 0, and the queue is empty. return OK;} calculating queue length
int InitQueue(SqQueue &Q){   return (Q.rear-Q.front+MAXQSIZE)%MAXQSIZE);} queue entry
Status EnQueue(SqQueue &Q,QElemType &e){    if((Q.rear+1)%MAXQSIZE==Q.front) return ERROR;//Team full Q.base[Q.raer]=e; 	// New elements are added to the tail of the team. Q.raer=(Q.raer)%MAXQSIZE; 	// End of line pointer + 1 return OK;} queue out
Status DeQueue(SqQueue &Q,QElemType &e){    if(Q.front==Q.rear) return ERROR;	//Team air e=Q.base[Q.front]; 		// Save queue header element Q.front=(Q.front+1)%MAXQSIZE 	// Team leader pointer + 1 return OK;} take team head element
SElemType GetHead(SqQueue Q){    if(Q.front!=Q.rear)	//Queue is not empty 	 return Q.base[Q.front]; 	// Returns the value of the queue head pointer element. The queue head pointer remains unchanged}

3.4.3 representation and implementation of chain team

typedef struct {	QuenePtr front;	//Queue head pointer 	 QuenePtr rear; 	// End of queue pointer} LinkQueue

3.4.4 algorithm chain team initialization
Status InitQueue(LinkQueue &Q){    Q.front = Q.rear =(QueuePtr)malloc(sizeof(QNode));    if(!Q.front) exit (OVERFLOW);	    Q.front->next = NULL;		    return OK;} chain team destruction
Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue &Q){    whlie(Q.front){    	p=Q.front->next;    	free(Q.front);    	Q.front-p;    }		    return OK;} join the chain team
Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue &Q,QElemType &e){   p=(QueuePtr)malloc(sizeof(QNode));    if(!P) exit(OVERFLOW);    P->data=e;    p->next=NULL;    Q.rear-next=p;    Q.rear=p;    return OK;} chain team out
Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue &Q,QElemType &e){    if(Q.front==Q.rear) return ERROR;    p=Q.front->next;    e=p->data;    Q.front-next=p->next;    if(Q.raer==p)Q.rear=Q.front;    delete p;    return OK;} chain team take team head element
Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue &Q,QElemType &e){    if(Q.front==Q.rear) return ERROR;    e=Q.front-next->data;    return OK;}

Posted by lrdaramis on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 07:59:54 -0800