Chapter 16 nine analysis takes you through helm3 efk - elastic search

Keywords: Linux ElasticSearch Nginx GitLab nexus

This series:

Chapter 1: Nine analysis takes you easy to finish the installation of helm3

The second chapter: Nine analysis takes you to the public warehouse of helm3

The third chapter: Nine analysis takes you through the explosion of helm3 private warehouse easily

The fourth chapter: Nine analysis takes you easy

The fifth chapter: Nine analysis takes you easy to finish helm3 release

The sixth chapter: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 gitlab easily

The seventh chapter: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 nginx ingress

The eighth chapter: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 gitlab nfs easily

The ninth chapter: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 nexus

The tenth chapter: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 heapster

Chapter 11: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 kubernetes dashboard

Chapter 12: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 harbor

Chapter 13: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 prometheus easily

Chapter 14: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 grafana

Chapter 15: Nine analysis takes you easy to finish

Chapter 16: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 efk - elastic search


1 Preface

2 download elastic search

3 create elasticsearch namespace

4. Install elastic search

4.1 modify configuration

4.2 install elasticsearch

5 install nfs storage server

6 create pv

7 create secret

7.1 create a self signed certificate

7.2 generate secret based on certificate

8 verify elastic search

1 Preface

In this paper, helm3 v3.0.0; k8s v1.16.3 are used. The configuration of helm warehouse is as follows:

2 download elasticsearch

helm search elasticsearch:

helm search repo elasticsearch

helm downloads and decompresses elastic search:

helm fetch google/elasticsearch

tar -zxvf elasticsearch-1.32.1.tgz

3 create elasticsearch namespace

kubectl create ns elasticsearch

4. Install elastic search

4.1 modify configuration

Edit the values.yaml file and modify the related configuration of ingress. The screenshot is as follows:

Because you have enabled ingress, you need to install nginx ingress. Please refer to my< helm3 installing nginx ingress >, don't worry, the installation process is easy to make you scream.

In addition, the data pvc size changed from 30Gi to 15Gi:

4.2 install elasticsearch

The first elasticsearch is the namespace, the second is helm release, and the third is the elasticsearch installation directory:

helm install -n efk elasticsearch elasticsearch

Use helm to view:

helm list -n efk

Since then, elasticsearch chart has been installed successfully. But don't be complacent. Successful installation doesn't mean successful operation. No, you can check pvc and pod:

kubectl get pod -n efk

kubectl get pvc -n efk

5 install nfs storage server

How to install the nfs server, please refer to me< Easy completion of nfs installation >Don't worry. It's easy to explode. It's easy for you to finish blasting in minutes.

mkdir -p /data/nfs/elasticsearch/data/15g/{0,1}

mkdir -p /data/nfs/elasticsearch/master/4g/{0,1,2}

chmod 777 -R /data/nfs/elasticsearch

echo '/data/nfs/elasticsearch,sync,no_root_squash)' >> /etc/exports

systemctl restart nfs

6 create pv

After installing the storage server, start creating pv. Note that the following server is the IP address of the nfs server:

Create the pv-elasticsearch-master-4g.yaml file:

apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-elasticsearch-master-4g-0



    storage: 4Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/elasticsearch/master/4g/0


apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-elasticsearch-master-4g-1



        storage: 4Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/elasticsearch/master/4g/1


apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-elasticsearch-master-4g-2



        storage: 4Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/elasticsearch/master/4g/2

Create the pv-elasticsearch-data-15g.yaml file:

apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-elasticsearch-data-15g-0



        storage: 15Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/elasticsearch/data/15g/0


apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-elasticsearch-data-15g-1



        storage: 15Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/elasticsearch/data/15g/1

Create pv statement as follows:

kubectl apply -f pv-elasticsearch-master-4g.yaml

kubectl apply -f pv-elasticsearch-data-15g.yaml

7 create secret

7.1 create a self signed certificate

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./tls.key -out ./tls.crt -subj "/"

7.2 generate secret based on certificate

kubectl -n efk create secret tls elasticsearch-tls --key ./tls.key --cert ./tls.crt

8 verify elastic search

Open the browser and visit (you need to modify the / etc/hosts file and add the domain name resolution record. Note that IP is the host IP of nginx ingress pod, remember).

Since then, it is easy to install elastic search in helm3.

Posted by bakigkgz on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 00:15:20 -0800