Cereal mall project (learning note 2)

Keywords: Java Spring intellij-idea

Cereal mall project (learning note 1)

Cereal mall project (learning note 2)

Chapter II: initialization project


Chapter II: initialization project

1, Initialize database

2, Introduction of Renren open source

1. Download Ren fast and Ren fast Vue

2. Introduce Ren fast in the backend

3. Introduce the front-end Ren fast Vue

4. Test

3, Reverse generation

1. Introduce Ren generator

2. Modify parameters

  3. Generate code

4, Write public micro service gulimall common

1. Generate public micro services

2. Introduce public micro services for other categories

3. Add dependent packages in gulimall common as required

5, Configure and test CRUD

1. Dependencies required for introducing CRUD

2. Configuration

3. Test CRUD

6, Reverse generate code for other services as well  

1, Initialize database

Note: do not run sql files directly.

Copy to the console for execution, otherwise the Chinese in the table will be garbled.

gulimall_oms  #Order database
gulimall_pms  #Commodity database
gulimall_sms  #Coupon database
gulimall_ums  #User database
gulimall_wms  #Warehouse database

2, Introduction of Renren open source

1. Download Ren fast and Ren fast Vue

Download Ren fast and Ren fast Vue on the code cloud.

2. Introduce Ren fast in the backend

  Deploy Ren fast to idea.

Modify the mysql address in application-dev.yml to your own address.

Create a new gulimall admin in mysql and copy the code in db.

Note: add the following code after the address, otherwise an error may occur.


If maven is red, please read this article: parent.relativePath‘ of POM io.renren:renren-generator:1.0.0_duanxj109's blog - CSDN blog

That is, add < relativepath > < / relativepath >

		<relativePath ></relativePath>

Start the service and access: http://localhost:8080/renren-fast/

3. Introduce the front-end Ren fast Vue

Verify that node.js is installed. Enter in cmd to view the version

node -v

  VScode opens the project and installs the npm package in the terminal

npm install

Question 1: python environment


Install Python 2.7

Method 1: console installation

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

Method 2: local installation

Download from the official website and configure environment variables

reference resources: Win 10 python installation and environment variable configuration_ LYJ_viviani's blog - CSDN blog_ python installation tutorial win10

If an error is reported, execute the following code in vscode

npm config set python D:/python/python.exe(Local Python Environment)

Question 2: msbuild error: msb3428 error

reference resources: Resolve msbuild error: msb3428 error_ yan072201 column - CSDN blog

 npm uninstall node-sass

 npm install node-sass(or npm install)

  Run after successful installation

npm run dev

4. Test

Start front-end and back-end projects

Access: start the foreground website and enter the default user name and password, both admin.

Note: the verification code is available only after the backend is started http://localhost:8001/http://localhost:8001/

3, Reverse generation

1. Introduce Ren generator

Download Renren generator, Renren's open source code generator

Introduced into idea project

2. Modify parameters

Modify the database address in the yaml file to gulimall in the server_ pms

Modify the parameters in generator.properties to the parameters that need to generate code.

Reference is as follows:

Modify the template of the Controller and comment out @ RequiresPermissions and its reference

  3. Generate code

Put the obtained mian file into the specified service.

4, Write public micro service gulimall common

1. Generate public micro services

2. Introduce public micro services for other categories

        <!--Introducing public classes-->

3. Add dependent packages in gulimall common as required

        <!--introduce MyBaits-plus perfect dao class-->
        <!--introduce lombok  perfect entity-->

Import dependent tool classes according to the needs of service and controller classes.

Tool classes are available in common of Ren fast and can be introduced as needed

        <!--introduce httpcore Package adjustment tool class-->
Import commons-lang. renren-fast There are

5, Configure and test CRUD

1. Dependencies required for introducing CRUD

        <!--introduce servlet-api-->

        <!--introduce MySQL-->

2. Configuration

1. Configure data source (in gulimall common)

Import driver (mysql, etc.) - > configure yaml

    username: root
    password: 123456
    url: jdbc:mysql://
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver

2. Configure mybatis plus

  1) Set @ MapperScan("com.yangyan.gulimall.product.dao") on the startup class (for each microservice)

  2) Configure the scan mapper path and global primary key auto increment in the yaml file of gulimall common

  mapper-locations: classpath*:/mapper/**/*.xml
      id-type: auto

3. Test CRUD

Note: the main startup class must be at the outermost layer, and the test class of test class must be consistent with the path of startup class

class GulimailProductApplicationTests {

    BrandService brandService;

    void insterTest() {
        BrandEntity brandEntity = new BrandEntity();



        System.out.println("Saved successfully...");

    void updateTest() {
        BrandEntity brandEntity = new BrandEntity();


        System.out.println("Update succeeded...");

    void deleterTest() {
        BrandEntity brandEntity = new BrandEntity();



        System.out.println("Deleted successfully...");

    void queryTest() {
        List<BrandEntity> list = brandService.list(new QueryWrapper<BrandEntity>()
                .eq("name", "Huawei"));

        for (BrandEntity brand : list) {

6, Reverse generate code for other services as well  

Pay attention to modifying the parameters of Ren generator

Note that longblob reports an error in UndoLogEntity.java of ware

The database is longlob, and byte is used to receive data in java

go over.

You can reverse engineer with mybatis plus

  BilBil video address: Shangsi Valley e-commerce course "grain mall" benchmarked Ali P6/P7, with an annual salary of 400000-600000_ Beep beep beep_ bilibili

Posted by lordshoa on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 13:22:10 -0800