Centos7 Builds Samba Server

Keywords: Operation & Maintenance SELinux vim yum supervisor

1. Preparations

Close the firewall
Close selinux

    systemctl stop firewalld.service
    setenforce 0 && getenforce && \cp /etc/selinux/config{,.ori} && grep -q "SELINUX=disabled" /etc/selinux/config || sed -i 's%SELINUX=enforcing%SELINUX=disabled%g' /etc/selinux/config

2.Yum installs Samba packages

    yum install -y samba
[root@zon ~]# rpm -qa | grep samba

3. Planning Samba users, permissions, files

Create planned Samba users

    groupadd ad_gp && useradd -g ad_gp -s /sbin/nologin ad_admin && useradd -g ad_gp -s /sbin/nologin ad_user
    groupadd op_gp && useradd -g op_gp -s /sbin/nologin op_admin && useradd -g op_gp -s /sbin/nologin op_user
    groupadd fd_gp && useradd -g fd_gp -s /sbin/nologin fd_admin && useradd -g fd_gp -s /sbin/nologin fd_user
    groupadd rd_gp && useradd -g rd_gp -s /sbin/nologin rd_admin && useradd -g rd_gp -s /sbin/nologin rd_user
    useradd -s /sbin/nologin tools_admin

Setting Samba User Password
Pdbedit-a-u username

Create a planning directory and change the owner and group of the planning directory

    mkdir /company/{ad,op,share,fd,rd} -p && mkdir /company/share/{ad,op,tools,fd,rd} -p
    chown ad_admin.ad_gp /company/{ad,share/ad}
    chown op_admin.op_gp /company/{op,share/op}
    chown tools_admin.tools_admin /company/{share,share/tools}
    chown fd_admin.fd_gp /company/{fd,share/fd}
    chown rd_admin.rd_gp /company/{rd,share/rd}

Change the directory permissions under share directory, so that users only have all permissions on the files they create, the rest of the people can not delete, modify the file, except administrators.

    chmod 1755 /company/share/{ad,fd,op,rd}

4. Modify Samba's configuration file

Backup configuration file:
cp -a /etc/samba/smb.conf{,.ori}

a. Public, accessible without login

mkdir /public
chown -R nobody.nobody /public/
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
            workgroup = WORKGROUP
            security = user
            map to guest = Bad User
            passdb backend = tdbsam
            printing = cups
            printcap name = cups
            load printers = yes
            cups options = raw
            log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
            max log size = 50000
            comment = Public Stuff
             path = /public
            public = yes
            writable = yes

b. Account login rights restrictions

            workgroup = WORKGROUP
            security = user
            passdb backend = tdbsam
            printing = cups
            printcap name = cups
            load printers = yes
            cups options = raw
            log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
            max log size = 50000
            map to guest = Bad User
            comment = This is a directory of AD.
            path = /company/ad/
            public = no
            admin users = ad_admin
            valid users = @ad_gp
            writable = yes
            create mask = 0750
            directory mask = 0750
            comment = This is a directory of FD.
            path = /company/fd/
            public = no
            admin users = fd_admin
            valid users = @fd_gp
            writable = yes
            create mask = 0750
            directory mask = 0750
            comment = This is a directory of OP.
            path = /company/op/
            public = no
            admin users = op_admin
            valid users = @op_gp
            writable = yes
            create mask = 0750
            directory mask = 0750
            comment = This is a directory of RD.
            path = /company/rd/
            public = no
            admin users = rd_admin
            valid users = @rd_gp
            writable = yes
            create mask = 0750
            directory mask = 0750
            comment = This is a share directory.
            path = /company/share/
            public = no
            admin users = tools_admin
            valid users = tools_admin,@ad_gp,@fd_gp,@op_gp,@rd_gp
            writable = yes
            create mask = 0755
            directory mask = 0755

Pirated win7 may have correct username and password, but access is denied and password error is said.

Batch creation of samba user files

vim creat_sys_and_smb_users.txt
ad_gp:x:Administration Department:ad_admin:Executive director:
ad_gp:x:Administration Department:ad_user:Administrative staff:
op_gp:x:Operation Department:ad_admin:Operation Supervisor:
op_gp:x:Operation Department:ad_user:Operating staff:
fd_gp:x:Treasury Department:ad_admin:Treasurer:
fd_gp:x:Treasury Department:ad_user:Financial staff:
rd_gp:x:R & D department:ad_admin:R & D Supervisor:
rd_gp:x:R & D department:ad_user:R & D staff:
tools_admin:x:Tool Administrator:tools_admin:Tool Administrator:

Scripts create samba users in batches, groups, random 10-bit passwords

vim creat_sys_and_smb_users.sh
users_info=`cat /root/creat_sys_and_smb_users.txt`
for user_line in $users_info;
       group1=`echo $user_line|awk -F ':' '{print $1}'`
       group2=`echo $user_line|awk -F ':' '{print $2}'`
       group_desc=`echo $user_line|awk -F ':' '{print $3}'`
       user=`echo $user_line|awk -F ':' '{print $4}'`
       name=`echo $user_line|awk -F ':' '{print $5}'`
       user_passwd=`head -n 20 /dev/urandom |tr -dc A-Za-z0-9|head -c 10`
        id $user > /dev/null 2>&1
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "$user already exists"

        elif [ `grep -E "^$group1" /etc/group|wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
                groupadd $group1
                echo "Creat $group1"
                if [ `grep -E "^$group2" /etc/group|wc -l` -eq 0 ] && [ $group2 != "x" ]; then
                groupadd $group2
                echo "Creat $group2"
                case $group2 in
                        useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -G $group1 $user
                        useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -G $group1,$group2 $user
                echo $user_passwd|passwd $user --stdin  > /dev/null 2>&1
                echo -e "$user_passwd\n$user_passwd" |pdbedit -t -a $user  > /dev/null 2>&1
                echo "$name:$user:$user_passwd:$group_desc:$group1:$group2:" >> /root/smb_user_info.txt

        elif [ `grep -E "^$group2" /etc/group|wc -l` -eq 0 ] && [ $group2 != "x" ]; then
                groupadd $group2
                echo "Creat $group2"
                case $group2 in
                        useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -G $group1 $user
                        useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -G $group1,$group2 $user
                echo $user_passwd|passwd $user --stdin  > /dev/null 2>&1
                echo -e "$user_passwd\n$user_passwd" |pdbedit -t -a $user  > /dev/null 2>&1
                echo "$name:$user:$user_passwd:$group_desc:$group1:$group2:" >> /root/smb_user_info.txt

                case $group2 in
                        useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -G $group1 $user
                        useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -G $group1,$group2 $user
                echo $user_passwd|passwd $user --stdin  > /dev/null 2>&1
                echo -e "$user_passwd\n$user_passwd" |pdbedit -t -a $user  > /dev/null 2>&1
                echo "$name:$user:$user_passwd:$group_desc:$group1:$group2:" >> /root/smb_user_info.txt

Corresponding generated user information file

    vim smb_user_info.txt
    name1:user1:Ldh8CDTTGa:Deputy General Office:fzb:x:
    name2:user2:Czg3giH793:General manager:zjb:fzb:

Posted by stockdalep on Sun, 27 Jan 2019 00:03:16 -0800