CAS project deployment and basic operation

Keywords: xml Tomcat Spring Attribute

Article directory

1, Deploy cas

1. Copy cas.war to webapps

Put cas.war under the webapps of Tomcat and start Tomcat

2. Login page

2, CAS server configuration

2.1. Add user

  1. Find the specified file
  2. Just add one line
<bean id="primaryAuthenticationHandler"
        <property name="users">
                <entry key="casuser" value="Mellon"/>
				<entry key="admin" value="admin"/>

2.2. Port modification

If we do not want to access CAS with port 8080, we can modify the port

  • ① Modify the port of TOMCAT

Open the tomcat directory conf\server.xml to find the following configuration

  <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

Modified to

  <Connector port="9100" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

Change port 8080 to 9100

  • ② Modify CAS profile

Modify WEB-INF/ of CAS
Change 8080 to 9100

2.3. Remove https authentication

  • ① Modify WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml of cas

Find the following configuration

 <!-- Required for proxy ticket mechanism. -->
    <bean id="proxyAuthenticationHandler"

After modification

 <!-- Required for proxy ticket mechanism. -->
    <bean id="proxyAuthenticationHandler"
          p:httpClient-ref="httpClient" p:requireSecure="false"/>

The parameter p:requireSecure="false" needs to be added here. The attribute requireSecure means whether security verification is required, i.e. HTTPS, and false means not to use

  • ② Modify ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator.xml
    Modify / WEB-INF/spring-configuration/ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator.xml of cas
    Locate the following configuration
<bean id="ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator" class=""
		p:cookiePath="/cas" />

Configuration after modification

<bean id="ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator" class=""
		p:cookiePath="/cas" />
Parameter p:cookieSecure="true", similarly, it is related to HTTPS verification. TRUE means HTTPS verification is used, FALSE means HTTPS verification is not used.
Parameter p: cookiemaxage = - 1 ", is the maximum life cycle of COOKIE, - 1 is no life cycle, that is, it is only valid in the currently opened window, closing or reopening other windows will still require validation. It can be changed to a number greater than 0 as needed, such as 3600, which means that no verification is needed to open any window within 3600 seconds.
Let's change cookieSecure to false and cookiemaxage to 3600
  • ③ Modify warnCookieGenerator.xml
    Modify the WEB-INF/spring-configuration/warnCookieGenerator.xml of cas
    Find the following configuration. We change cookieSecure to false and cookiemaxage to 3600
<bean id="warnCookieGenerator" class=""
		p:cookiePath="/cas" />

Modified to

<bean id="warnCookieGenerator" class=""
		p:cookieSecure="false "
		p:cookiePath="/cas" />

Enable http protocol and turn off HTTPS protocol

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Posted by noise on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 01:43:30 -0800