Yesterday, I followed a teacher on the Internet to learn how to use canvas to make raindrop effect. In the process of learning, I was deeply touched by a few words the teacher said. He said that "as a programmer, he is constantly learning and constantly improving himself. "," what you can do others can. Why don't the interviewer choose someone with higher education and more experience? " "," if you feel that what you are learning is very difficult, complain and don't want to learn, then I can tell you that you should give up now and don't be a programmer, because when you go out to work, you need to learn every day. You learn more and more, and it's more difficult. Since you choose to be a programmer and enter this door, you don't complain. It's hard to be sure Is it OK not to learn Tao. Hearing these words, I fell into thinking, yes, education is low, you can only pay more than others, to constantly enrich yourself. Let yourself have more advantages when looking for a job in the future. Here, I thank the teacher very much. He made me realize that only if I work harder, can I keep learning better than others. The above is a summary. OK, let's get to the topic.
First, the following renderings are shown:
Here, CSS will not upload images, because it will clear the code of the browser's inner and outer margins
<canvas id="canvas"> </canvas>
var oC=document.getElementById("canvas") var oGC=oC.getContext("2d") var w,h var aColor=["#CC0033","#000000","#FFFFCC","#3366CC","#FF6666"] var aBubble=[];//Used to store all the balls ~~function(){ window.onresize=arguments.callee w=window.innerWidth;//BOM h=window.innerHeight; oC.width=w oC.height=h }(); /*oGC.fillStyle="red" oGC.arc(233,233,66,0,Math.PI*2) oGC.fill(); var y=233; setInterval(function(){ oGC.beginPath() oGC.clearRect(0,0,w,h) oGC.fillStyle="red" oGC.arc(233,y++,66,0,Math.PI*2) oGC.fill(); },1000/60)*/ function random(min,max){ return Math.random()*(max-min)+min; } function Bubble(){};//DNA constructor of the ball Bubble.prototype={//Add genes to the DNA of the ball init:function(){ this.x=random(0,w);//The X coordinate position of the newly generated sphere is 0~w this.y=random(0,h);//y coordinate position of the newly generated sphere 0~h this.r=random(1,3);//The X coordinate position of the newly generated sphere is 0~w this.color=aColor[Math.floor(random(0,5))]; this.vx=random(-1,1);//Random movement of the ball this.vy=random(-1,1); },draw:function(){ oGC.beginPath() oGC.fillStyle=this.color oGC.arc(this.x,this.y,this.r,0,Math.PI*2) oGC.fill(); },move:function(){ this.x+=this.vx; this.y+=this.vy; if (this.x-this.r<0||this.x+this.r>w) { //Edge collision this.vx=-this.vx } if (this.y-this.r<0||this.y+this.r>h) { this.vy=-this.vy } this.draw(); } } function creatBubble(num){ for (var i=0;i<num;i++) { var bubble=new Bubble();//Generate some new spheres from DNA bubble.init();//call bubble.draw(); aBubble.push(bubble) } } creatBubble(520); setInterval(function(){ oGC.clearRect(0,0,w,h) for (var item of aBubble) { //for of loop: the item variable refers to every element in the array item.move(); } },1000/60) </script>
If you don't understand the edge collision, here are the pictures I cut yesterday: