Call wechat sdk interface to share page in wechat

Keywords: JSP Mobile


Wechat interface address:

Click to view wechat api

Call code:

I only wrote share to wechat, share to wechat circle of friends, and the background syntax is jsp

<script src=""></script>
            debug: false,
            appId: "@ViewBag.AppId",
            timestamp: "@ViewBag.Timestamp",
            nonceStr: "@ViewBag.Noncestr",
            signature: "@ViewBag.Signature",
            jsApiList: [ 'onMenuShareTimeline', 'onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareQQ', 'onMenuShareQZone', 'hideOptionMenu'] // Required, list of JS interfaces to be used

        wx.ready(function () {
                title: "@ViewBag.ShareTitle",
                link: "@ViewBag.ShareUrl",
                imgUrl: "@book.image_url_thumbnail",
                success: function () {
                    console.log("Friends circle share success")
                cancel:function () {
                    console.log("Sharing failure")

                title: "@ViewBag.ShareTitle",
                desc: "@ViewBag.ShareContent",
                link: "@ViewBag.ShareUrl",
                imgUrl: "@book.image_url_thumbnail",
                type: '',
                dataUrl: '',
                success: function () {
                    console.log('Friends share success')
                cancel: function () {



The web link replication is debugged in the WeChat web developer tool. (the WeChat developer tool wants to download the v0.7.0 version, because the subsequent version does not have the option of mobile debugging) as follows

This is the successful interface. If an error is reported, such as invalid signature
Can be in Wechat JS interface signature verification tool See if the generated signature is correct

Posted by jake8 on Sun, 05 Jan 2020 04:08:03 -0800