C transition C + + Foundation (more detailed)

Keywords: C C++



1, The difference between C language and C + +

2, Input and output

1. Transplantation of C standard library

2.C + + standard input / output stream

3, Reference variable

4, Difference between functions

5, User defined type

6, Dynamic memory allocation

7, Student achievement analysis

Insert a message this pointer

8, class explanation

9, Default constructor

10, Operator overloading

11, string type and destructor

12, Derivation, inheritance, virtual function

13, Inline function



C language wants to transition to C + +. I don't want to learn again, but I don't want to swallow it. This is my study note

1, The difference between C language and C + +

C + + language is the extension and enhancement of C language. It has changed from process oriented programming to object-oriented and general algorithm (generic programming)

Since C + + is an extension of C language, C language programs are also c + + programs. The original. C programs can be compiled and run on. cpp files.

2, Input and output

1. Transplantation of C standard library

There are many portable versions of C + + Standard Libraries in C + + Standard Libraries:

Header file:

The header file xxx.h of C standard library basically becomes cxxx     As shown below:

//C language header file
#Include < stdio. H > / * standard I / O stream function*/

//C + + header file

//The exception malloc does not change

Take a look at some simple examples:

  It can be seen that some functions and operations suitable for C language are still feasible in C + +.

2.C + + standard input / output stream

Header files: iostream   Contains C + + standard input / output stream functions


Output stream function: cout

Input stream function: cin

Input / output operators:<<   or   >>  

O < < x, adding o is an object, X is data, O < < x means inputting the data of X into object o, and then returning object o

Take an example:

In order to prevent name conflicts, C + + language has a namespace. When using some names, you need to label the namespace, while cout and cin are in the namespace std. therefore, you must declare this namespace when using it. Generally speaking, there are three labeling methods. The method is as follows:

The first method:

using namespace std;//The first method refers to all the in this namespace before use
int main()
	cout << "hallo world\n";
	cout << 2 + 3 << endl;//endl means line feed, which is quite useful \ n
	return 0;

The second method:

using std::cout;    //The second method is to annotate before use: use cout in std namespace
using std::endl:    //The second method uses endl in the std namespace
int main()
	cout << "hallo world\n";
	cout << 2 + 3 << endl;//endl means line feed, which is quite useful \ n
	return 0;

The third method:

int main()
	std::cout << "hallo world\n";//The third method: indicate the source before use. The format is std:
	std::cout << 2 + 3 << std::endl;//Label each use
	return 0;

Examples of input and output:

3, Reference variable

In fact, the reference variable is the alias of the original variable,

The address is the same as that of the original variable

void SWAP(int a, int b) {
	int c = a;
	a = b;
	b = c;
	cout << &a << endl;
void SWAP2(int& x, int& y) {
	int c = x;
	x = y;
	y = c;
	cout<< &x << endl;
int main()
	int a = 1, b = 5;
	cout << a << '\t' << b << endl;
	cout << &a << endl;

	SWAP(a, b);
	cout << a << '\t' << b << endl;

	SWAP2(a, b);
	cout << a << '\t' << b << '\n';
	return 0;

4, Difference between functions

Default parameter

function overloading

The following call method is wrong

  Function template

5, User defined type

string type

vector class template:


using namespace std;

int main()
	// Vector is a vector, similar to an array, but can grow dynamically
	// vector is a class template. Instantiation generates a class
	// For example, vector < int > generates a vector < int > class (vector) whose data type is int
	// Similarly, you can access its members according to vector < int > class objects, such as member functions
	// Operators can also be used for operations
	vector<int> k;
	k = { 1,2,3,4,5 };
	k.pop_back();//pop_back() deletes an element at the end
	k.push_back(6);//push_back() adds an element at the end
	for (size_t i = 0; i < k.size(); i++)
		cout << k[i] << '-';
	cout << endl;

	//	Similarly, there are the following functions
	//	clear() / / clear all elements
	//	empty() / / judge whether the vector is empty. If true is returned, it is empty
	//	erase() / / delete the specified element

	k.erase(k.begin() + 1);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < k.size(); i++)
		cout << k[i] << '-';
	cout << endl;

	k.resize(3);//resize redefines the size of k
	for (size_t i = 0; i < k.size(); i++)
		cout << k[i] << '-';
	cout << endl;

	if (k.empty())
		return 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < k.size(); i++)
		cout << k[i] << '-';
	return 0;

Iterator iterator

int main()

	//Iterator is an iterator in C + +

	vector<int> k = { 1,2,3,4,5, };
	vector<int>::iterator it;//Here, create a variable it to iterate

	for (it = k.begin(); it != k.end(); it++)
		cout << *it << ' ';
	cout << endl;

	for (it = k.begin(); it != k.end(); )
		if (*it % 2 == 0)
			it = k.erase(it);//After deleting 2, it points to 3
			//After deletion, the position of the next element is returned
		else it++;
	cout << endl;

	k = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, };

	it = k.begin() + 2;
	vector<int>::iterator it2 = k.end();
	k.erase(it, it2);
	for (it = k.begin(); it != k.end(); it++)
		cout << *it << ' ';

	return 0;

6, Dynamic memory allocation

int main()
	//Dynamic memory allocation
	//New is used to apply for a new memory block, and delete is used to free it
	//For arrays, use delete []
	int* p = new int[4];

	for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)//initialization
		p[i] = i;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)//Traversal output
		cout << p[i] << '\t';
	cout << endl;

	char* s = (char*)p;
	char ch = 'A';
	int n2 = 4 * (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char));

	for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++)//initialization
		s[i] = ch + i;
	for(int i = 0; i < n2; i++)//Traversal output
		cout << s[i] << ' ';
	cout << endl;

	delete[] s;

	return 0;

7, Student achievement analysis

struct student {
	string name;
	double score;
	void print();//Function declaration
void student::print() //Note that the function implementation is outside the structure, and the namespace should be marked
	cout << name << ' ' << score << endl;

int main()
	vector<student> st;

	while (1) {
		student stu;
		cout << "Please enter your name and grade" << endl;
		cin >> stu.name >> stu.score;

		if (stu.score < 0)

	for (size_t n = 0; n < st.size(); n++) {//Traverse to view the input data

	//vector<student>::iterator it;
	//it = st.begin();

	//The maximum, minimum, and average are output below
	int max = 0;
	int min = 0;
	double average = 0;

	for (size_t n = 0; n < st.size(); n++) {
		average += st[n].score;
		if (st[max].score < st[n].score)
			max = n;
		if (st[min].score > st[n].score)
			min = n;

	cout << average / st.size() << endl;

	return 0;

Insert a message this pointer

struct student {
	string name;
	double score;

	void print() { 
		cout << name << '\t' << score << endl; 

	//this pointer 
	//A this pointer is implied inside the member function
	void print() {
		cout <<this->name << '\t' <<this->score << endl;

8, class explanation

Basic application

//The difference between class and struct
//Members inside struct are public by default
//class members are private by default

class student {
	string name;
	double score;
	void print() { cout << name << '\t' << score << endl; }

	//How do I access it externally?
	string get_name() { return name; }
	double get_score() { return score; }

	//How to modify externally?
	void set_name(string s) { name = s; }
	void set_score(double s) { score = s; }

int main()
	student std;
	std.set_name("Li Hua");

	cout << std.get_name() << '\t' << std.get_score() << endl;

	return 0;

9, Default constructor

There is a default constructor inside the class structure type

class student
    string name;
    double score;
    student(){};//The default constructor takes no formal parameters

    student(string n, double s)//This is not the default constructor
        name = n;
        score = s;

int main()
    student stu;//When defining variables, call the default constructor.

    student stus[4];//When defining an array, there will be an error if there is no default constructor
    return 0;

10, Operator overloading

Operator overloading
Input and output<<  >> Operators can only be overloaded outside class
Subscript operator [] can only be implemented internally
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be external and internal, but the implementation methods are different

// Operator overloading 
// The input / output < > > operator can only be overloaded outside class
// Subscript operator [] can only be implemented internally
// Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be external and internal, but the implementation methods are different
class point {
	double x, y;
	point() {};//This is the default constructor

	//Internal implementation of addition operator
	point operator+(const point q) {
		return point(this->x + q[0], this->y + q[1]);

	//Subscript operator overload (output only)
	double operator[](int i) const{
		if (i == 1) return y;
		else if (i == 0) return x;
		else throw "Illegal subscript\n";

	//Subscript operator overload (can be output or modified)
	double& operator[](int i) {
		if (i == 1) return y;
		else if (i == 0) return x;
		else throw "Illegal subscript\n";

	//Its own constructor, used to initialize
	point(double x1, double y1)//This is not the default constructor
		x = x1;
		y = y1;

	//friend function
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, point s);
	friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, point& s);

//Operator < < overload
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, point s) {
	cout << s.x << '-' << s.y << endl;
	return o;

//Operator > > overload
istream& operator>>(istream& in, point& s) {
	cin >> s.x >> s.y;
	return in;

#if 0
//External definition of addition operator
point operator+(const point p, const point q) {
	return point((p[0] + q[0]), (q[1] + p[1]));

int main() 
	//Use of common subscript operators
	point p(2, 3);
	point pp[3] = { {1,1},{2,2,},{3,3,} };
	cin >> p;
	cout << p << endl;
	cout << pp[0] << endl;

	//Subscript operator overload
	point p(2, 10);
	cout << p;
	cout << p[0] << ',' << p[1] << endl;//It is actually p.operator[](0); p.operator[](1); 
	p[0] = 0;
	p[1] = 1;
	cout << p;

	//Addition + operator overload
	point p(1, 2), q(5, 6);
	cout << p << q;
	cout << p + q; // Internal p.operator+(q); External p.operator+(p, q)

	return 0;

11, string type and destructor

class String {
	char* date;//C-style string
	int n;//Number of characters

	~String() {//Destructor
		if (date)
			delete[] date;
		cout << n << "Destructor\n";
#if 1
	String(String& s) {//Default copy constructor hard copy
		cout << "copy constructor \n";
		date = new char[s.n + 1];
		n = s.n;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			date[i] = s[i];
		date[n] = '\0';

	String(const char* s=0) {//Constructor
		cout << "Constructor\n";
		if (s == 0) {
			cout << "s==0\n";
			date = 0;
			n = 0;
		else {
			const char* p = s;
			while (*p != '\0') p++;
			n = p - s;
			date = new char[n+1];

			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)//Initialization assignment
				date[i] = s[i];
			date[n] = '\0';
	char operator[](int i)const {//Used to access
		if (i < n && i >= 0)
			return date[i];
		else throw"Illegal subscript!\n";
	char& operator[](int i) {//Used to modify
		if (i < n && i >= 0)
			return date[i];
		else throw"Illegal subscript!\n";
	int size() { return n; }//Returns the number of characters

	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, String s);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, String s) {
	for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
		cout << s[i];
	return o;

void f()
	String str1, str2("hallo world");
	cout << "Before copying\n";
	str2[1] = 'E';
	cout << "After copying\n";
#if 1
	str2[6] = 'W';
	cout << str2 << endl;//copy constructor 
	String s3 = str2;//copy constructor 
	s3[0] = 'o';
	cout << str2 << endl;//copy constructor 
	cout << s3 << endl;//copy constructor 

int main() {

12, Derivation, inheritance, virtual function

//Inheritance and derivation: a derived class
//Inherit from one or more parent class es / base class es,
//That is, it inherits the properties and behaviors of the parent class, but it also has its own exclusive properties

class Employee {
	string name;
	virtual void print() {//Virtual is the keyword for virtual functions
		cout << name << endl;
	Employee(string s = "no_Name") {
		name = s;
	string get_name() {
		return name;

//Note that the derived format is followed by: base class
class Manager :public Employee{//manager is a derivative of employee
	//The name of employee is inherited here
	int level;
	Manager(string n, int l) :Employee(n), level(l) {}
	void print();

//Pay attention to the format of external implementation class objects
void Manager::print() {
	cout << get_name() << '\t' << level << endl;

//You can also derive a class from multiple classes
class One {

class Two {

//Note the format here. After the inherited class, add: public base class. If you inherit multiple base classes, separate them with
class Multiple :public One, public Two {


int main()
	string name;
	int lev;
	char sss;
	Employee* arr[10];
	int num = 0;
	cout << "Please enter a command, m Represents the manager, e Represents an employee\n";
	while (cin >> sss) {
		if (sss == 'm' || sss == 'M') {
			cout << "Please enter name and level\n";
			cin >> name >> lev;
			Manager* p = new Manager(name, lev);
			arr[num] = p;
		else if (sss == 'e' || sss == 'E') {
			cout << "Please enter your name\n";
			cin >> name;
			Employee* p = new Employee(name);
			arr[num] = p;
		else break;
		cout << "Please enter a command\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
	return 0;

13, Inline function

//Inline function keyword: inline
// For functions that do not contain loops, you can use inline functions,
// At compile time, the compiler directly replaces with code without creating function expansion, which can reduce the call overhead
inline double distance(double a, double b)
	return sqrt(a * a + b * b);

int main() {
	cout<<distance(1, 2);
	//Actually cout < < sqrt (a * a + b * b);

	return 0;


C transition C + + seems simple, but in fact, we should be familiar with the transformation from process-oriented to object-oriented programming. A learning note of this composition should have many deficiencies and imperfections, and study hard.

Posted by chrispos on Fri, 05 Nov 2021 10:44:19 -0700