c++ Things 7.0 I/O Stream, File Operations

Keywords: iOS Spring ascii Java

Summary of knowledge points:

C++  I/O: 
     Definition in iostream header file
        istream // Universal Input Stream and other Input Stream Base Classes.
        ostream // Universal Output Stream and other stream-based classes.
        iostream//Universal I/O Stream and other I/O Stream Base Classes.
        Definition in fstream header file
        ofstream // File Write Operation Memory Write to Storage Device   
        ifstream // File Read Operation, Storage Device Read Area into Memory  
        fstream // read and write operation, open files can be read and write operation 
        Definition in strstream header file
        istrstream // input string stream
        ostrstream // Output String Stream
        strstream // I/O String Stream
   cin, the object of a derived class of istream, is the standard input stream.
   cout, the object of a derived class of ostream, is the standard output stream.

Operation steps:
        (1) Establishing file stream objects;
        (2) Opening or establishing documents;
        (3) read and write operations;
        (4) Close files;
Format control output:
     dec 10-ary output, hex 16-ary output oct 8-ary output.
     setfill(c) sets the fill character c, and setprecision (n) sets the n-bit accuracy of the real number.
     setw(n) Set field width n 
     setiosflags(ios::fixed) Sets floating-point numbers to display in fixed decimal digits
     setiosflags(ios::left) output data is left aligned, and setiosflags(ios::right) output data is right aligned.
Class ios:
    void open(const char* filename,ios_base::openmode mode);
How do mode open files
 ios::binary: Open files in binary mode, default mode is text mode
   ios::in: Files are opened as input (file data is entered into memory) (this is the default way for ifstream objects)
   ios::out: Files are opened as output (memory data is exported to files) (the default way to open ofstream objects)

Common sense:
 Text file and binary file
 Text file: It is composed of character sequence. It takes character as the smallest unit of information access. It is also called ASCII code file.
 Binary file: composed of binary numbers.

 Relevant functions:
    void open( const char *filename );  
             // The function open() is used for file streaming. It opens filename and associates it with the current stream.
    void close(); 
           // Function closes the associated file stream.   
    ostream &flush();  
           // The flush() function can cause the buffer of the front stream to be written out to the attached device.
    int get();   
         // There are many overloaded functions to read a character and return its value.
    ostream &put( char ch );  
        // The function put() is used for the output stream and the character ch is written into the stream.
    istream &get( char &ch );  
       // Read a character and store it in ch. 
    istream &getline( char *buffer, streamsize num );  
       // The getline() function is used for input streams to read characters into buffer s.
    istream &read( char *buffer, streamsize num ); 
           // The function read() is used for the input stream to read num bytes from the stream before putting characters into the buffer.
If you encounter EOF,
     read() stop ostream & write (const char * buffer, streamsize num);

        // The write() function is used to write num bytes from the buffer to the current output stream.

Look at a graph of I/O related classes

Diagram of c++ Stream. jpg

Interpretation of Common Objects

c++ I-O.PNG

Look at code

void  display();
void writeFile();
void readFile();
void readBinaryFile();
void copyFile();
using namespace std;
int main() {
    display();   //The use of format controllers.
    return 0;

void  display() {
    int a = 123;
    float b = 1.2345f;
    double c = 1.23456;
    string d = "dflx";

    cout << "dec:" << dec << a << endl;
    cout << "hex:" << hex << a << endl;
    cout << "oct:" << oct << a << endl;
    cout << setw(5) << d << endl;
    cout << setfill('*') << setw(5) << d << endl;
    cout << setw(5) << setiosflags(ios::right) << a << endl;
    cout << setw(5) << setiosflags(ios::left) << a << endl;
    cout << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(8);
    cout << "c=" << c << endl;
    cout << "c=" << setprecision(5) << c << endl;
    cout << "------------------"<<endl;
    cout.put('a') << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "enter a sentence:";
    int ch;
    while ((ch = cin.get()) != '#')
    cout <<endl<< "--------------------Format Control End------------------------" << endl;

//Textual Writing
void writeFile() {
      ofstream outfile; Establishing ifstream objects
      outfile.open("D:\\workspace_java\\File\\g.txt");  Associating Objects with Files
    cout << "-----------Write text files------------" << endl;
    ofstream outfile("D:\\workspace_java\\File\\g.txt", ios::out);
    if (!outfile) {
        cerr << "open error" << endl;
    string  str= "hello c plus plus \n";
    outfile << str;  //Use this object to output data to a file

//Textual reading
void readFile() {
    cout << "-----------Read text files------------" << endl;
    ifstream ifs;
    char str[255];  //Define an array of characters
         //Ifs > > str; // Read the data in the file into str. But the c++ insert operator stops output when it encounters null characters.
    cout << str << endl;
    cout << "------------------" << endl;
    /*If we want to write a paragraph on the command line, and the replacement includes spaces and carriage returns,
    So we should use the third parameter of the getline() function above.*/
    ifstream file("D:\\workspace_java\\File\\a.txt");
    if (!file) {
        cerr << "Failed to open the file" << endl;
    char str1[1024];
    file.getline(str1, 255, 0);
    cout << str1 << endl;


For binary file reading and writing, we must emphasize that opening file properties must add: ios::binary,
In fact, it tells the system that I have to read and write files in binary format.
//Binary file reading
void readBinaryFile() {
    cout << "-----------Read binary files------------" << endl;
    ifstream file;
    if (!file) {
        cerr << "Failed to open the file" << endl;
    char str[1024] = { 0 };
    file.read(str, sizeof(char) * 1024);
    cout << str << endl;

Remember, write has two parameters, the first is the character array parameter, and the second is the data that needs to be entered into the file.
 Lift up a son:
   ofstream fout("text.bat", ios::binary);Relevant time.
   string str = "Hello word";

//File replication
void copyFile() {
    ifstream copy_file("D:\\workspace_java\\File\\Soft spring rain.txt");
    ofstream  new_file("D:\\workspace_java\\File\\My spring rain.txt");
    if (!copy_file || !copy_file) {
        cerr << "Failed to open the file" << endl;

    while (!copy_file.eof()) {
        char buf[1024];
        copy_file.read(buf, sizeof(char) * 1024);
        new_file.write(buf, sizeof(char) * 1024);
    cout << "Successful File Replication" << endl;

give the result as follows


Summary of key knowledge points:

Summarize a few important things:
     //The flow of file operation
        (1)Establishing File Stream Objects; 
                   ofstream     //File Write Operation Memory Write Storage Device   
                   ifstream     //File read operation, storage device read area into memory  
        (2)Open or create files;
                  void open(const char* filename,ios_base::openmode mode);
            mode How to open a file:
 ios::binary:  Open files in binary mode, default mode is text
 ios::in:     Files are opened as input(File data entered into memory)(ifstream This is the default way for objects.
 ios::out:    Files are opened as output(Output of memory data to files)(ofstream Default Opening Method for Objects
        (3)Read and write;
                   istream &getline( char *buffer, streamsize num );
                   istream &read( char *buffer, streamsize num );
             //The function read() is used for the input stream to read num bytes from the stream before putting characters into the buffer.
//If you encounter EOF, read() aborts
                   ostream &write( const char *buffer, streamsize num );
                   //The write() function is used to write num bytes from the buffer to the current output stream.
        (4)Close file;

 //In file replication:
          bool eof();
             //If it reaches the end of the associated input file, the eof() function returns true, or false. 

The I/O of c++ is not worse than that of java, but they are implemented in different ways.

Posted by alexscan on Sat, 25 May 2019 15:26:37 -0700