Smart Pointer
Deal with c++11's smart pointer facility.
Smart pointers are class objects that behave like built-in pointers but also manage objects that you create with new so that you don't have to worry about when and whether to delete them - the smart pointers automatically delete the
managed object for you at the appropriate time.
- shared_ptr
- weak_ptr
- unique_ptr
shared_ptr (shared pointer)
- referenced-counted smart pointer
- Shared Ownership with shared_ptr
Reference Counting Smart Pointer: You can share ownership with other boost::shared_ptr type smart pointers. In this case, the object is released when the last smart pointer of the reference object is destroyed or reassigned or reset() is used. Multiple shared_ptr objects can have the same object.
Examples in inheritance:
shared_ptr<Thing> base_ptr(new Thing(2));
shared_ptr<Food> derived_ptr;
///if static_cast<Derived* >(base_ptr.get()) is valid, then the following is valid:
///cast failed
derived_ptr = static_pointer_cast<Food>(base_ptr);
shared_ptr<Food> a(new Food);
// a->showID();
Use make_shared to be more efficient
There are actually two dynamic memory allocations that happen: one for the object itself from the new, and then a second for the manager object created by the shared_ptr constructor. Since memory allocations are slow, this means that creating a shared_ptr is slow relative to using either a raw pointer, or a so-called "intrusive" reference- counted smart pointer where the reference count is a member variable of the object. To address this problem, C++11 includes a function template make_shared that does a single memory allocation big enough to hold both the manager object and the new object, passing along any constructor parameters that you specify, and returns a shared_ptr of the specified type, which can then be used to initialize the shared_ptr that you are creating (with efficient move semantics).
shared_ptr<Thing> p(new Thing); // ouch - two allocations
shared_ptr<Thing> p1(make_shared<Thing>()); // only one allocation!
Be careful
- Using share_ptr copy assignment or constructor adds 1 to the reference count of shared_ptr
- Using the reset() member function, you can make the current share_ptr empty and delete the pointer to the object
- By assigning nullptr to share_ptr, the effect of Article 2 can be achieved.
- Direct assignment conversion between native pointer and smart pointer is not allowed
- Do not construct two smart pointer s with the same function directly from the native pointer, otherwise it will cause a double-deletion error
- Native pointers can be obtained through the get() function
- In the case of inheritance or other transformations, it can be used
- static_pointer_cast
- dynamic_pointer_cast
- const_pointer_cast
Weak pointers just "observe" the managed object; they don't "keep it alive" or affect its lifetime. Unlike shared_ptrs, when the last weak_ptr goes out of scope or disappears, the pointed-to object can still exist because
the weak_ptrs do not affect the lifetime of the object - they have no ownership rights. But the weak_ptr can be used to determine whether the object exists, and to provide a shared_ptr that can be used to refer to it.
Observing only managed objects has no impact on their life cycle.
1.weak_ptr build-in-pointer might zero.
void do_it(weak_ptr<Thing> wp){
shared_ptr<Thing> sp = wp.lock();
// get shared_ptr from weak_ptr
sp->defrangulate(); // tell the Thing to do something
cout << "The Thing is gone!" << endl;
2.This approach is useful as a way to simply ask whether the pointed-to object still exists.
bool is_it_there(weak_ptr<Thing> wp) {
if(wp.expired()) {
cout << "The Thing is gone!" << endl;
return false;
return true;
3.if the weak_ptr is expired, an exception is thrown, of type
void do_it(weak_ptr<Thing> wp){
shared_ptr<Thing> sp(wp); // construct shared_ptr from weak_ptr
// exception thrown if wp is expired, so if here, sp is good to go sp->defrangulate();
// tell the Thing to do something
try {
cout << "A Thing (or something else) has disappeared!" << endl;
4.inherit from enabled_shared_from_this\
Otherwise, the error will occur: pointer being freed was not allocated
class Thing:public enable_shared_from_this<Thing>{
int id;
virtual void showID() const;
Thing(int _id);
void foo();
void Thing::foo() {
shared_ptr<Thing> t1 = shared_from_this();
If the public inherits enable_shared_from_this, the Thing class has a weak_ptr as a member variable. When the first shared_ptr is created, the weak_ptr is initialized from the first shared_ptr, and when a share_ptr pointing to this is needed, the shared_from_this() member function is called, returning a shared_ptr constructed from weak_prt so that the shared_ptr returned is the same object management as the first shared_ptr.
Be careful
- Weak_ptr is used in conjunction with share_ptr only by copying and assigning from share_ptr, or by sources other than weak_ptr.
- The lock() function checks whether the object pointed to by weak_ptr exists or not. If there is no share_ptr returning an empty share_ptr, it returns a share_ptr pointing to the object.
- You can't assign nullptr to weak_ptr, you can only use reset() method
- The expired() function returns whether weak_ptr is a non-empty object.
- shared_from_this cannot be used in constructors
- Use share_ptr and weak_ptr as much as possible to automate memory management.
With a unique_ptr, you can point to an allocated object, and when the unique_ptr goes out of scope, the pointed-to object gets deleted, and
this happens regardless of how we leave the function, either by a return or an exception being thrown somewhere.
unique_ptr implements a unique ownership concept - an object can be owned by only one unique_ptr at a time - the opposite of shared ownership.
The unique_ptr implicitly deletes the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator, and does not allow an object to be owned by multiple unique_ptrs at the same time, as opposed to shared_ptr.
The unique ownership is enforced by disallowing (with =delete) copy construction and copy assignment.So unlike built-in pointers or shared_ptr, you can't copy or assign a unique_ptr to another unique_ptr.
move semantics: the move constructor and move assignment operator are defined for unique_ptr so that they transfer ownership from the original owner to the new owner.
The unique_ptr ownership can be transferred from the original to the new through the move constructor and the move assignment operator. The original unique_ptr after the transfer does not contain any objects.
Implicit Right-Value Conversion
unique_ptr<Thing> create_Thing()
unique_ptr<Thing> local_ptr(new Thing);
return local_ptr; // local_ptr will surrender ownership
void foo() {
unique_ptr<Thing> p1(create_Thing()); // move ctor from returned rvalue
// p1 now owns the Thing
unique_ptr<Thing> p2; // default ctor'd; owns nothing
p2 = create_Thing(); // move assignment from returned rvalue // p2 now owns the second Thing
Explicit transformation using move assignment and move construction
unique_ptr<Thing> p1(new Thing); // p1 owns the Thing
unique_ptr<Thing> p2; // p2 owns nothing
// invoke move assignment explicitly
p2 = std::move(p1); // now p2 owns it, p1 owns nothing
// invoke move construction explicitly
unique_ptr<Thing> p3(std::move(p2)); // now p3 owns it, p2 and p1 own nothing
Be careful
- By reset() function or assigning nullptr to unique_ptr, you can delete objects manually.