C++ Operator Overload

operators overloading

  • Notice
    • Not all operators can be overloaded; overloaded operators cannot change their priority or the number of their operands.Except for'()', any overloadable operator can set default values.
    • Note that the c++ operator overload parameter must contain at least one class or struct, enum, union, or at least one type that is not built-in (built-in types such as int, char, and so on).
    • Operator plus operator to overload is equivalent to a function, such as "operator == ()", which may belong to a class or may be a global method.

Operator overload example

  1. Global operator overload

    1. A simple example

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      class CPerson 
          int age;
          CPerson(int age);
      CPerson::CPerson(int age)
          this -> age = age;
      void operator + (CPerson cObject, int b)
          printf("xiaoming + int\r\n");
      void operator + (CPerson cObject, float b)
          printf("xiaoming + float\r\n");
      void operator + (CPerson cObject, char b)
          printf("xiaoming + char\r\n");
      int main(void)
          CPerson xiaoming(5);
          xiaoming + 2;
          xiaoming + 2.0f;
          xiaoming + '2';

      The output is:

      Summary: You can think of the operator keyword and the overloaded operator as the function name of a function.

    2. A deeper exploration

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      class CPerson 
          int age;
          CPerson(int age);
      CPerson::CPerson(int age)
          this -> age = age;
      //+overloaded function 1
      int operator + (const CPerson &cObject1, const CPerson &cObject2)     //Global operator overload function
      {                                                       //operator +, as a whole, corresponds to the function name of a function.
          return cObject1.age + cObject2.age;
      //+overloaded function 2
      int operator + (int number, const CPerson &cObject1)
          return number + cObject1.age;
      int operator + (const CPerson &cObject1, int number)
          return cObject1.age + number;
      //+overloaded function 3
      //int operator + (int number1, int number2)//Error: At least one of the overloaded operator types must be non-built-in
      //{// Non-built-in types are: class, struct, enum, union
      //    return number1 + number2 + 1;
      // Overloaded function 4  
      //Int operator. (CPerson cObject1, int age) //Error:'. 'operator is not allowed to be overloaded
      //Only five operators in {//C++ that do not allow overloading are:. *:: sizeof?:
      //    return cObject1.age + 1;.
      // Overloaded function 5
      //Int operator + (const CPerson &cObject1) //Number of operands cannot be overloaded
      //    return cObject1.age + 3;
      int main(void)
          CPerson xiaoming(5);
          CPerson xiaohong(7);
          printf("xiaoming + xiaohong = %d\r\n", xiaoming + xiaohong);
          printf("3   +   xiaoming = %d\r\n", 3 + xiaoming);      //Note: The Addition Exchange Law is still in effect
          printf("xiaoming   +   3 = %d\r\n", xiaoming + 3);      //That is, xiaoming + int = int + xiaoming, and I only defined int + Xiaoming
          //Although the operation of int + xiaoming is defined, and the operation of xiaoming + int is not defined, the default Addition Exchange Law property is assumed when invoked, but the definition of xiaoming + float is assumed
          //At this point, instead of defaulting to the law of addition and exchange, the call to xiaoming + float, even if it is an int, does not conform to float.
          /*----------Demonstration of Errors-----------*/
          //printf("3   +   3 = %d\r\n", 3 + 3);
          //printf("xiaoming.age = %d\r\n", xiaoming.age);
          //printf("xiaoming.age + = %d\r\n", xiaoming.age +);

    The output is:

    Summary: At least one of the operands of an overloaded operator must be of a non-built-in type; the priority of the operator cannot be changed, and the number of operands of the operator cannot be changed; some of the original operating characteristics of the operation still exist, such as the law of addition and exchange; not all operators can be overloaded, and there are five operators that cannot be overloaded:

    Symbol Symbol Interpretation
    . member access operator
    .* Member Pointer Access Operator
    :: Field Operators
    sizeof length operator
    ?: Conditional operator
  2. Intra-class operator overload

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    class CDog
        CDog(int age);
        int age;
    CDog::CDog(int age)
        this->age = age;
    class CPerson 
        int age;
        CPerson(int age);
        int operator + (const CPerson &cObject2);
        int operator + (int a);
        float operator + (float a);
    CPerson::CPerson(int age)
        this -> age = age;
    int CPerson::operator + (const CPerson &cObject2)     //Global operator overload function
    {                                                       //operator +, as a whole, corresponds to the function name of a function.
        return this -> age + cObject2.age;
    int CPerson::operator + (int a)
        return this -> age + a;
    float CPerson::operator + (float a)
        return this -> age + a;
    int main(void)
        CPerson xiaoming(5);
        CPerson xiaohong(7);
        CDog    wangcai(2);
        printf("xiaoming + xiaohong = %d\r\n", xiaoming + xiaohong);
        printf("xiaoming + int = %d\r\n", xiaoming + 3);
        printf("xiaoming + float = %.3f\r\n", xiaoming + 3.0f);
        /*----------------Error demonstration-----------------*/
        //Printf ("xiaoming + int =%d\r\n", 3 + xiaoming); //For operator overload within a class, the first operator on the left must be an object of that class and no longer have the law of addition and exchange
        //Printf ("wangcai + int =%d\r\n", Wangcai + 3); //The overloaded operator within the class does not belong to the CDog class, so the CDog object cannot be invoked.

    The output is:

    Summary: Operator overloaded methods within a class can only be invoked with objects of that class by using the object of that class as the first operand from the left.

Posted by silviuchingaru on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 12:03:54 -0700