Initial order 6: function
- Function declaration void func();
Return type name (parameter);
- Function pointer: void (*pfunc)();
type (*Function name) (parameter)
- Assignment: pfunc = & func; Or abbreviated as pfunc=func;
- The function name is the address and the starting position for executing the function code
- Call 1: dereference (* pfunc)()// Parentheses must be added in the front, because the latter parentheses have high priority. Only when * and pfunc are packaged as a whole is the function pointer dereference
Call 2: pfunc(); - Function pointers can be used as function parameters, which is called callback functions
- Pointer function: void* func() {}// The return value is a pointer type
#include<stdio.h> void func(); int main(){ printf("%p %p\n",func,&func); func(); int n; int* p; int** pp; void(*pfunc)();//Function pointer pfunc = &func;//Assignment pfunc=func (*pfunc)();//pfunc() //Dereference is also the address of func } void func(){ printf("hello world\n"); }
Important examples!!!
#include<stdio.h> int add(int a,int b){ return a+b; } int subtract(int a,int b){ return a-b; } int multipy(int a,int b){ return a*b; } int divide(int a,int b){ return a/b; } //The int(*pfunc)(int,int) function pointer is used as a parameter to call the add,subtract,multipy,divide with uniform style as the callback function int operation(int arr[],int n,int(*pfunc)(int,int)){ int* p=arr; int res = *p; while(++p<arr+n){ res = (*pfunc)(res,*p);//It can also be written as res = pfunc(res,*p); } return res; } int print_array(int arr[],int n){ /* for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ printf("%d ",arr[i]); } printf("\n");*/ int* p =arr; while(p<arr+n){ printf("%d ",*p++); } printf("\n"); } int main(){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); int arr[n]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d",arr+i); } //Function pointer array, put the unified style function into this array to facilitate traversal and call int (*opt[])(int,int) = {add,subtract,multipy,divide}; for(int i=0;i<4;i++){ printf("%d\n",operation(arr,n,opt[i])); } print_array(arr,n); }
Example (integer comparison):
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void print_array(int arr[],int n){ /* for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ printf("%d ",arr[i]); } printf("\n");*/ int* p =arr; while(p<arr+n){ printf("%d ",*p++); } printf("\n"); } int cmp(const void* p,const void* q){ return *(int*)p-*(int*)q;//If * P > * q is positive, change the order so that it is L Sequence, if*p<*q Returns a negative value in ascending order /* int* pn = (int*)p; int* qm = (int*)q; int n = *pn; int m = *qm; if(m == n){ return 0; }else if(n<m){ return 1;//Just a positive number }else{ return -1;//Negative numbers will do }*/ } int main(){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); int arr[n]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d",arr+i); } //qsort(void* base,size_t nmemb,size_t size,int (*cmper)(const void*,const void *); //Qsort (array name, array size, array element type size, a function pointer in the above form: you can pass this style of comparison function, return a negative value when the conditions are met, pass a positive value when the conditions are not met, and change the element order) qsort(arr,n,sizeof(int),cmp); print_array(arr,n); }
Example (floating point comparison):
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void print_array(float arr[],int n){ float* p =arr; while(p<arr+n){ printf("%f ",*p++); } printf("\n"); } int cmp(const void* p,const void* q){ return *(float*)p>*(float*)q?1:-1;//If * P > * q is a positive value, change the order >, which is in ascending order. If * P < * q returns a negative value, it is in ascending order } int main(){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); float arr[n]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%f",arr+i); } print_array(arr,n); //qsort(void* base,size_t nmemb,size_t size,int (*cmper)(const void*,const void *); //Qsort (array name, array size, array element type size, a function pointer in the above form: you can pass this style of comparison function, return a negative value when the conditions are met, pass a positive value when the conditions are not met, and change the element order) qsort(arr,n,sizeof(float),cmp); print_array(arr,n); }
Example (string sorting)
#include<stdio.h>//printf() #include<stdlib.h>//qsort() #include<string.h>//strcmp() void print_array(char* arr[],int n){ char** p =arr; while(p<arr+n){ printf("%s ",*p++); } printf("\n"); } int cmp(const void* p,const void*q){ char* a = *(char**)p; char* b = *(char**)q; return strcmp(a,b); } int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ print_array(argv,argc); qsort(argv,argc,sizeof(char*),cmp); print_array(argv,argc); }
C initial stage 7: structure
struct Point{ int x; int y; int z; };//3 * 4 = 12 bytes
- Structure definition object struct Point p ={1,3,6};
- The structure address is the address of its first member
- Structure pointer: struct point * q = & P;
P - > x is equivalent to (* q).x note: - > comes with dereference
3.1 access structure object members. For example: p.x=100
3.2 access structure pointer members with - > for example: Q - > x = 1000; - When defining structure objects in c language, struct cannot be omitted, such as struct Point q;
#include<stdio.h> struct Point{ int x; int y; int z; };//3 * 4 = 12 bytes void Point_Print(struct Point p){ printf("(%d,%d,%d)\n",p.x,p.y,p.z); } void PointPtr_Print(struct Point* p){ printf("(%d,%d,%d)\n",p->x,p->y,p->z); } int main(){ struct Point p ={1,3,6}; Point_Print(p); printf("%d\n",sizeof(p)); struct Point* q=&p;//q is a pointer, accounting for 8 bytes in 64 bits and 4 words in 32 bits section printf("%d\n",sizeof(q)); Point_Print(*q); q->x=100; q->y=300; q->z=600; Point_Print(p); PointPtr_Print(q); }
- Structure array struct point points [] = {1,2,3}, {3,3,3}, {2,3,4}, {7,7,7};
- Structure nested structure
struct Line{ struct Point p1; struct Point p2; }
#include<stdio.h> #Include < math. H > / / sqrt() pow (a, b) use - lm when compiling the linked library struct Point{ int x; int y; int z; };//3 * 4 = 12 bytes //Structure nested structure struct Line{ struct Point p1; struct Point p2; }; float GetDistance(struct Line line){ return sqrt( pow(line.p1.x-line.p2.x,2)+ pow(line.p1.y-line.p2.y,2)+ pow(line.p1.z-line.p2.z,2)//pow(a,b) represents the b > power of A ); } float GetDistance2(struct Line* line){//A parameter is a structure pointer that accesses its pair as line Member to use-> The call is the address of the structure to be passed return sqrt( pow(line->p1.x-line->p2.x,2)+ pow(line->p1.y-line->p2.y,2)+ pow(line->p1.z-line->p2.z,2)//pow(a,b) represents the of A b Power ); } void Point_Print(struct Point p){ printf("(%d,%d,%d)\n",p.x,p.y,p.z); } void PointPtr_Print(struct Point* p){ printf("(%d,%d,%d)\n",p->x,p->y,p->z); } int main(){ struct Point p ={1,3,6}; Point_Print(p); printf("%d\n",sizeof(p)); struct Point* q=&p;//q is a pointer, accounting for 8 bytes in 64 bits and 4 words in 32 bits section printf("%d\n",sizeof(q)); Point_Print(*q); q->x=100; q->y=300; q->z=600; Point_Print(p); PointPtr_Print(q); //Structure array, traversal is like array traversal struct Point points[] = {{1,2,3},{3,3,3},{2,3,4},{7,7,7}}; for(int i=0;i<4;i++){ Point_Print(points[i]); PointPtr_Print(points+i); } //Structure nested structure struct Line line = {{0,0,0},{3,4,5}}; Point_Print(line.p1); Point_Print(line.p2); printf("%f\n",GetDistance(line)); printf("%f\n",GetDistance2(&line)); }
- Structure contains an array of structures:
struct Triangle{ struct Point p[3]; };
struct Triangel t = {{{1,2,2},{1,1,1},{8,0,0}}};
- Traversal:
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ Point_Print(t.p[i]); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> //struct tm* time() ... int main(){ time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm* utc = gmtime(&now);//Green time struct tm* local = localtime(&now);//Local time is 8 hours more than green world char temp[20]={'\0'};// YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:SS //Put the contents of struct tm * structure pointer object in the format of% F year% T time (defined in strftime) into the temp array space with size of 20 strftime(temp,20,"%F %T",local); printf("%s\n",temp); struct tm test; //Put the time string in% F% t format into the struct object test of struct tm type strptime("2020-01-01 21:03:10","%F %T", &test); printf("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d\n",test.tm_year+1900,test.tm_mon+1,test.tm_hour,test.tm_min,test.tm_sec); }
C initial stage 8: Consortium
#include<stdio.h> struct SPoint{ int x; int y; int z; };//3 * 4 bytes = 12 bytes of memory union UPoint{ int x; int y; int z; };//The members of the consortium share memory, and the space occupied is the space occupied by the largest member, which accounts for 4 bytes, because the int type accounts for 4 bytes union Integer{ int data; char bytes[4]; }; int main(){ printf("%d\n",sizeof(struct SPoint)); printf("%d\n",sizeof(union UPoint)); union UPoint up; up.x = 100;//Assign a value to a member of the consortium. Because members share a piece of memory, other members are assigned the same value printf("(%d,%d,%d)\n",up.x,up.y,up.z); union Integer n; = 10113234; printf("%#x\n",;//%#x output in hexadecimal for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ printf("%#hhx\n",n.bytes[i]);//%x default integer //Single h is to expand int(4 bytes) into short(2 bytes) //The two h's extend int to char(1 byte) }
C initial level: Enumeration
- Magic Number: a number with unknown meaning in a program.
- It is usually represented by symbols. Solutions: const and #define
const int SUN = 0;//SUM is a constant 1 with an equal sign
#define SUN 0; / / replace SUN with 0 during preprocessing. Use the space - E to see the preprocessing - Difference between const and #define (macro definition):
No. | Comparison item | #define | const |
1 | Compilation processing | Pretreatment stage | Compile and run phase |
2 | working principle | Simple string replacement | There is a corresponding data type |
3 | Storage mode | Expand to have several backups in memory | Read only variables have only one copy in memory |
4 | Type check | No type safety check | Type checking at compile time |
5 | Scope | From definition, it can be accessed anywhere | Can only be within the scope of a variable |
#define MON 1; replace all MON with 1 when compiling preprocessing
4. Macro definition has no type
const is compiled and processed in the compilation run stage
- Enum: enum enum name {name 0, name 1, name 2,...}
5.1. The type is int, and the value is from 0 to n at a time
5.2. Enumeration can be regarded as a pile of macro definitions. Putting them together (but not) is to specify a name for some constant values
5.3. Enumerators can be used directly as values
5.4. Enumeration types can be directly used as types. When defining types, only a limited number of constants in enumeration values can be used
5.5. You can specify values when declaring, such as:
enum R{Bin=2,Oct=8,Dec=10,Hex=16};
If a value is determined, then add one in turn, such as:
enum M{Jan=1,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec};
Namely: Feb=2,Mar=3