c + + -- Explanation of friend


  • Friend is a mechanism provided by C + + to destroy data encapsulation and data hiding.
  • By declaring a module as a friend of another module, one module can refer to the hidden information in another module.
  • You can use friend functions and friend classes.
  • In order to ensure the integrity of data and the principle of data encapsulation and hiding, it is recommended to use as few friends as possible.

friend function

  • If you define a friend function (it can be a member function of another class or a non member function that doesn't belong to any class) elsewhere in this class, you can declare it with friend in the body of this class, and this function will become a friend function of this class, and you can access the private members of this class.
  • Friend function is a non class member function described by the keyword friend in class declaration. In its function body, it can access private member, protected member and public member by object name.
  • Function: increase flexibility, so that programmers can make reasonable choices in encapsulation and rapidity.
  • Members in an access object must pass through the object name.
  1. Declare a normal function as a friend function of this type:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Box{
    	Box(int h ,int w):height(h),width(w){}
    	void volume();
    	static void show();
    	friend void display(Box &b);
    	static int length;
    	int height;
    	int width;
    	static int c;
    void Box::volume() {
    	cout<<"The volume is:"<<height<<"*"<<width<<"*"<<length<<"="<<height * width*length<<endl;
    void Box::show() {
    	cout << "Static private member c: " << c << "   Static public member length: " <<length<< endl;
    int Box::length = 5;
    int Box::c = 6;
    void display(Box &b) {
    	b.width = 3;
    	b.height = 3;
    	b.c = 3;
    	b.length = 3;
    void main() {
    	Box b;   //Call normal constructor 
    	   Volume: 3 * 3 * 3 = 27
          Static private member c: 3 static public member length: 3
  2. Friend member functions (member functions of other classes)

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Display;  //Declaration of Box class
    class Box {
    	Box() {}
    	Box(int h, int w) :height(h), width(w) {}
    	void volume(Display &);                        //Member arguments must be Display class objects
    	static int length;
    	int height;
    	int width;
    	static int c;
    class Display {
    	Display() { a = 10; b = 5; }
    	void display();
    	friend void Box::volume(Display &);//Take volume in the Box class as the friend function of this class
    	int a;
    	int b;
    void Display::display() {
    	cout << "a=" << a << "  b=" << b << endl;
    void Box::volume(Display &d) {
    	d.display();    //Reference to Display private variable must be added with object name
    	d.a = 20;
    	d.b = 20;
    	cout << "The volume is:" << height << "*" << width << "*" << length << "=" << height * width*length << endl;
    int Box::length = 5;
    int Box::c = 6;
    void main() {
    	Display d;
    	Box b(7,7);
    	   a=10  b=5
           a=20  b=20
           Volume: 7 * 7 * 5 = 245


  1. Class is a friend of another class, all members of this class can access private members of the other class.
  2. Declaration syntax: use friend modifier to describe friend class name in another class
  3. If class B is declared as a friend of class A, the member functions of class B can access the private and protected data of class A, but the member functions of class a cannot access the private and protected data of class B.

Posted by pplexr on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 09:53:43 -0800