C ා: decode the callback function DecCallbackFUN() using the Haikang SDK

Keywords: ASP.NET SDK


   when using the Haikang camera to collect images, additional data such as icons and text need to be added to the images. You can choose to use the drawing callback function of Haikang SDK to overlay characters, images, etc. (please refer to the previous article); you can also use the decoding callback function of Haikang SDK to decode the video stream data for post-processing. The flow of this method is as follows: when calling the video preview function net? DVR? Realplay? V40(), the third parameter is set as the function pointer of the real-time data callback function RealDataCallBack(), then the video stream data decoding function DecCallbackFUN() is registered in the real datacallback() callback function, and finally the data is analyzed, decoded, superimposed characters, etc. are processed in the DecCallbackFUN() function.
                       this paper only calls decoding callback function to convert YV12 format video stream data to RGB32 format data, and then convert RGB.


1. Camera operation code
    struct CameraInfo
        public string strIP;
        public short nPort;
        public string strUserName;
        public string strPassword;

    class IDeviceCamera
        public Image m_img = null;
        public virtual bool InitCamera( CameraInfo stInfo )
            return true;

        class DeviceCamera : IDeviceCamera
        private CameraInfo m_stCameraInfo;

        private bool m_bInitSDK = false;
        private Int32 m_lUserID = -1;
        private Int32 m_lRealHandle = -1;
        private Int32 m_lPort = -1;
        CHCNetSDK.REALDATACALLBACK RealData = null; //Must be defined as a member variable

        public override bool InitCamera( CameraInfo stInfo )
            m_stCameraInfo = stInfo;
            m_bInitSDK = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_Init();
            if ( !m_bInitSDK )
                uint nError = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError();
            CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SetConnectTime( 5000, 1 );
            CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SetReconnect( 10000, 1 );
            if ( m_bInitSDK == false )
                MessageBox.Show( "NET_DVR_Init error!" );
                return false;
                //To save the SDK log
                CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SetLogToFile( 3, "C:\\SdkLog\\", true );

            string DVRIPAddress = stInfo.strIP;     //Device IP address or domain name device IP
            Int16 DVRPortNumber = stInfo.nPort;     //Device service port
            string DVRUserName = stInfo.strUserName;//Device login User name to login
            string DVRPassword = stInfo.strPassword;//Password to login


            m_lUserID = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_Login_V30( DVRIPAddress, DVRPortNumber, DVRUserName, DVRPassword, ref DeviceInfo );
            if ( m_lUserID < 0 )
                MessageBox.Show( "Login failed!" );
                return false;

            lpPreviewInfo.hPlayWnd = (IntPtr)null;
            lpPreviewInfo.lChannel = 1;
            lpPreviewInfo.dwStreamType = 0;       //Code stream type: 0-main code stream, 1-sub code stream, 2-code stream 3, 3-code stream 4, and so on
            lpPreviewInfo.dwLinkMode = 0;         //Connection mode: 0-tcp, 1-udp, 2-multicast, 3-rtp, 4-RTP/RTSP, 5-RSTP/HTTP 
            lpPreviewInfo.bBlocked = true;        //0-nonblocking, 1-blocking
            lpPreviewInfo.dwDisplayBufNum = 15;   //The maximum number of buffer frames in the playback buffer of the playlist

            //Using callback function to get camera data
            RealData = new CHCNetSDK.REALDATACALLBACK( RealDataCallBack );//Preview live stream callback function
            IntPtr pUser = new IntPtr();//user data

            m_lRealHandle = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_RealPlay_V40( m_lUserID, ref lpPreviewInfo, RealData, pUser );
            CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_RigisterDrawFun( m_lRealHandle, new CHCNetSDK.DRAWFUN( cbDrawFun ), 0 );//Callback functions: drawing icons
            return true;

        private uint nLastErr = 0;
        private static PlayCtrl.DECCBFUN m_fDisplayFun = null;
        private IntPtr m_ptrRealHandle;
        public void RealDataCallBack( Int32 lRealHandle, UInt32 dwDataType, IntPtr pBuffer, UInt32 dwBufSize, IntPtr pUser )
            //The following data processing suggests using delegation
            switch ( dwDataType )
                case CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SYSHEAD:     // sys head
                    if ( dwBufSize > 0 )
                        if ( m_lPort >= 0 )
                            return; //The same code stream does not need to call the open stream interface multiple times

                        //Get the port to play
                        if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetPort( ref m_lPort ) )
                            nLastErr = PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetLastError( m_lPort );

                        //Set the stream mode: real time stream mode
                        if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_SetStreamOpenMode( m_lPort, PlayCtrl.STREAME_REALTIME ) )
                            nLastErr = PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetLastError( m_lPort );
                            //str = "Set STREAME_REALTIME mode failed, error code= " + nLastErr;
                            //this.BeginInvoke( AlarmInfo, str );

                        //Open stream
                        if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_OpenStream( m_lPort, pBuffer, dwBufSize, 2 * 1024 * 1024 ) )
                            nLastErr = PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetLastError( m_lPort );
                            //str = "PlayM4_OpenStream failed, error code= " + nLastErr;
                            //this.BeginInvoke( AlarmInfo, str );

                        //Set the number of display buffer
                        if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_SetDisplayBuf( m_lPort, 15 ) )
                            nLastErr = PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetLastError( m_lPort );
                            //str = "PlayM4_SetDisplayBuf failed, error code= " + nLastErr;
                            //this.BeginInvoke( AlarmInfo, str );

                        //Set the display mode set the display mode
                        //if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_SetOverlayMode( m_lPort, 0, 0) ) //play off screen 
                        //    nLastErr = PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetLastError( m_lPort );
                        //    //str = "PlayM4_SetOverlayMode failed, error code= " + nLastErr;
                        //    //this.BeginInvoke( AlarmInfo, str );

                        //Set decoding callback function of decoded data
                        m_fDisplayFun = new PlayCtrl.DECCBFUN( DecCallbackFUN );
                        if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_SetDecCallBackEx( m_lPort, m_fDisplayFun, IntPtr.Zero, 0 ) )
                            //this.BeginInvoke( AlarmInfo, "PlayM4_SetDisplayCallBack fail" );

                        //Start to play                       
                        if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_Play( m_lPort, m_ptrRealHandle ) )
                            nLastErr = PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetLastError( m_lPort );
                            //str = "PlayM4_Play failed, error code= " + nLastErr;
                            //this.BeginInvoke( AlarmInfo, str );
                case CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_STREAMDATA: // video stream data
                default: //the other data
                    if ( dwBufSize > 0 && m_lPort != -1 )
                        for ( int i = 0; i < 999; i++ )
                            //Input the stream data to decode
                            if ( !PlayCtrl.PlayM4_InputData( m_lPort, pBuffer, dwBufSize ) )
                                nLastErr = PlayCtrl.PlayM4_GetLastError( m_lPort );
                                //str = "PlayM4_InputData failed, error code= " + nLastErr;
                                Thread.Sleep( 2 );

        //Decode callback function
        private void DecCallbackFUN( int nPort, IntPtr pBuf, int nSize, ref PlayCtrl.FRAME_INFO pFrameInfo, int nReserved1, int nReserved2 )
            if ( pFrameInfo.nType == 3 ) //#define T_YV12   3
                byte[] byteBuffYV12 = new byte[ nSize ];
                Marshal.Copy( pBuf, byteBuffYV12, 0, nSize );

                long lRGBSize = (long)pFrameInfo.nWidth * pFrameInfo.nHeight * 4;
                byte[] bufferRGB32 = new byte[ lRGBSize ];
                CommonFun.YV12_to_RGB32( byteBuffYV12, bufferRGB32, pFrameInfo.nWidth, pFrameInfo.nHeight );
                byteBuffYV12 = null;

                Bitmap bmpFromGRB32 = CommonFun.RGB32_to_Image( bufferRGB32, pFrameInfo.nWidth, pFrameInfo.nHeight );
                bufferRGB32 = null;
                if ( null == bmpFromGRB32 )
                m_img = bmpFromGRB32;

Note: the obtained m ﹣ img is used for PictureBox display.

2. Convert YV12 to RGB32 and RGB32 to Image code
class CommonFun
        public static bool YV12_to_RGB32(  byte[] buffYV12, byte[] bufferRGB32, int nWidth, int nHeight )
            if( buffYV12.Length < 0 || bufferRGB32.Length < 0 )
                return false;

            long nYLen = (long)nWidth * nHeight;
            int nHfWidth = ( nWidth >> 1 );

            if ( nYLen < 1 || nHfWidth < 1 )
                return false;

            byte[] byteYData = buffYV12.Skip( 0 ).Take( nWidth*nHeight ).ToArray();
            byte[] byteUData = buffYV12.Skip( nWidth*nHeight ).Take( (nHeight/2)*(nWidth/2) ).ToArray();
            byte[] byteVData = buffYV12.Skip( nWidth*nHeight + (nHeight/2)*(nWidth/2) ).Take( (nHeight/2)*(nWidth/2) ).ToArray();

            if ( byteYData.Length < 0 || byteVData.Length < 0 || byteUData.Length < 0 )
                return false;

            int[] nRgb = new int[4];
            for( int nRow = 0; nRow < nHeight; nRow++ )
                for( int nCol = 0; nCol < nWidth; nCol++ )
                    int Y = byteYData[nRow*nWidth + nCol];
                    int U = byteUData[(nRow / 2)*(nWidth / 2) + (nCol / 2)];
                    int V = byteVData[(nRow / 2)*(nWidth / 2) + (nCol / 2)];
                    int R = Y + (U - 128) + (((U - 128) * 103) >> 8);
                    int G = Y - (((V - 128) * 88) >> 8) - (((U - 128) * 183) >> 8);
                    int B = Y + (V - 128) + (((V - 128) * 198) >> 8);

                    // r component value 
                    R = R<0 ? 0 : R;
                    nRgb[2] = R > 255 ? 255 : R;

                    // g component value
                    G = G<0 ? 0 : G;
                    nRgb[1] = G > 255 ? 255 : G;

                    // b component value 
                    B = B<0 ? 0 : B;
                    nRgb[0] = B > 255 ? 255 : B;

                    //A component value
                    nRgb[ 3 ] = 255;

                    //Out RGB Buffer
                    bufferRGB32[4 * (nRow*nWidth + nCol) + 0] = (byte)nRgb[0];
                    bufferRGB32[4 * (nRow*nWidth + nCol) + 1] = (byte)nRgb[1];
                    bufferRGB32[4 * (nRow*nWidth + nCol) + 2] = (byte)nRgb[2];
                    bufferRGB32[4 * (nRow*nWidth + nCol) + 3] = (byte)nRgb[3];
            return true;

        public static Bitmap RGB32_to_Image( byte[] byteBuff, int nWidth, int nHeight )
            if ( byteBuff.Length <= 0 || byteBuff.Length < nWidth*nHeight )
                return null;
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( nWidth, nHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb );

            //Lock memory data
            BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight ), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb );

            //Enter color data
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy( byteBuff, 0, bmpData.Scan0, byteBuff.Length );

            bmp.UnlockBits( bmpData );

            return bmp;


Posted by eekeek on Sat, 07 Dec 2019 22:00:06 -0800