C/C + + third week linear table items seeking set union

*Copyright(c)2017, School of computer science, Yantai University
*All right reserved.
*File name: main.cpp list.h list.cpp
 *Author: Huang Shisheng
 *Completion date: September 21, 2017
 *Version number: v1.0
*Problem Description: intersection of two sets
 *Enter Description: None
 *Program output: see window

Or multi file organization is used to realize the operation of the project.


#include "../list.h"
#include "stdio.h"

void unionList(SqList *LA, SqList *LB, SqList *&LC)
    int lena,i;
    ElemType e;
    for (i=1; i<=ListLength(LA); i++) //Insert all elements of LA into Lc
    lena=ListLength(LA);         //Find the length of linear table LA
    for (i=1; i<=ListLength(LB); i++)
        GetElem(LB,i,e);         //Assign the ith data element in LB to e
        if (!LocateElem(LA,e)) //LA does not exist the same as e, insert into LC
int main()
    SqList *sq_a, *sq_b, *sq_c;
    ElemType a[6]= {5,8,7,2,4,9};
    CreateList(sq_a, a, 6);
    printf("LA: ");

    ElemType b[6]= {2,3,8,6,0};
    CreateList(sq_b, b, 5);
    printf("LB: ");
    unionList(sq_a, sq_b, sq_c);
    printf("LC: ");
    return 0;
Code: list.h


#define MaxSize 50
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct
    ElemType data[MaxSize];
    int length;
} SqList;
void CreateList(SqList *&L, ElemType a[], int n);//Creating linear tables with arrays
void InitList(SqList *&L);//Initialize linear table initlist
void DestroyList(SqList *&L);//Destroy linear table destroylist
bool ListEmpty(SqList *L);//Determine whether it is an empty table listempty
int ListLength(SqList *L);//Find the length of linear table listlength
void DispList(SqList *L);//Output linear table displist
bool GetElem(SqList *L,int i,ElemType &e);//Get a data element value GetElem(L,i,e)
int LocateElem(SqList *L, ElemType e);//Find locateelem by element value (L, e)
bool ListInsert(SqList *&L,int i,ElemType e);//Insert data element ListInsert(L,i,e)
bool ListDelete(SqList *&L,int i,ElemType &e);//Delete the data element ListDelete (L, I, e) settings
Code: list.cpp

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "list.h"

//Creating linear tables with arrays
void CreateList(SqList *&L, ElemType a[], int n)
    int i;
    L=(SqList *)malloc(sizeof(SqList));
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)

//Initialize linear table initlist
void InitList(SqList *&L)   //Referential pointer
    L=(SqList *)malloc(sizeof(SqList));
    //Allocate space for linear tables

//Destroy linear table destroylist
void DestroyList(SqList *&L)

//Determine whether it is an empty table listempty
bool ListEmpty(SqList *L)

//Find the length of linear table listlength
int ListLength(SqList *L)

//Output linear table displist
void DispList(SqList *L)
    int i;
    if (ListEmpty(L)) return;
    for (i=0; i<L->length; i++)
        printf("%d ",L->data[i]);

//Get a data element value GetElem(L,i,e)
bool GetElem(SqList *L,int i,ElemType &e)
    if (i<1 || i>L->length)  return false;
    return true;

//Find locateelem by element value (L, e)
int LocateElem(SqList *L, ElemType e)
    int i=0;
    while (i<L->length && L->data[i]!=e) i++;
    if (i>=L->length)  return 0;
    else  return i+1;

//Insert data element ListInsert(L,i,e)
bool ListInsert(SqList *&L,int i,ElemType e)
    int j;
    if (i<1 || i>L->length+1)
        return false;   //Return false when parameter error
    i--;            //Convert logical sequence number of sequence table to physical sequence number
    for (j=L->length; j>i; j--) //Move the data[i..n] element back one position
    L->data[i]=e;           //Insert element e
    L->length++;            //Sequence table length increased by 1
    return true;            //Insert successfully returns true

//Delete data element ListDelete(L,i,e)
bool ListDelete(SqList *&L,int i,ElemType &e)
    int j;
    if (i<1 || i>L->length)  //Return false when parameter error
        return false;
    i--;        //Convert logical sequence number of sequence table to physical sequence number
    for (j=i; j<L->length-1; j++) //Move the data[i..n-1] element forward
    L->length--;              //Sequence table length minus 1
    return true;              //Delete successfully return true

Running screenshot:

Learning experience:

Through this small design, it can be seen that after the implementation of the linear table LIST, it can be used as a container to store the set data, or it can use its basic operations to complete more complex set operations, how to find the union of two sets and so on

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Posted by deejay1111 on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 00:01:57 -0700