C/C++ Access to Memory Usage in Linux System

Keywords: Linux

We often count the system's Memory information on the Linux system regularly to sort out some other problems. In Linux, we can use the following ways to view the system situation:

(1)free -m

(2)cat /proc/meminfo

We can count this information regularly in the program, so we can use the following ways:

Method 1: This method is relatively simple, but it has shortcomings. The field order of each system is different, and there may be some errors.

//proc/meminfo file structure  
//MemTotal:       515164 kB  
//MemFree:         15024 kB  
//Buffers:         13740 kB  
//Cached:         248824 kB  

typedef struct MEMPACKED         
char name1[20];       
unsigned long MemTotal;  
char name2[20];  
unsigned long MemFree;  
char name3[20];  
unsigned long Buffers;  
char name4[20];  
unsigned long Cached;  


int  get_meminfo(MEM_OCCUPY * lpMemory)
  FILE *fd;
  char buff[128];
  fd = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r"); 
  if(fd <0) return -1;
  fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd); 
  sscanf(buff, "%s %lu ", lpMemory->name1, &lpMemory->MemTotal); 
  fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd); 
  sscanf(buff, "%s %lu ", lpMemory->name2, &lpMemory->MemFree);  
  fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd);
  sscanf(buff, "%s %lu ", lpMemory->name3, &lpMemory->Buffers);  
  fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd);
  sscanf(buff, "%s %lu ", lpMemory->name4, &lpMemory->Cached); 

Method 2: This method is very general, completely C method, and easy to understand.

typedef struct MEMPACKED         
char name1[20];       
unsigned long MemTotal;  
char name2[20];  
unsigned long MemFree;  
char name3[20];  
unsigned long Buffers;  
char name4[20];  
unsigned long Cached;  


typedef struct os_line_data
	char * val;
	int    len;
} os_line_data;

static char * os_getline(char *sin, os_line_data * line, char delim)
	char *out = sin;
	if (*out == '\0') return NULL;
//	while (*out && (*out == delim)) { out++; }
	line->val = out;
	while (*out && (*out != delim)) { out++; }
	line->len = out - line->val;
//	while (*out && (*out == delim)) { out++; }
	if (*out && (*out == delim)) { out++; }
	if (*out == '\0') return NULL;
	return out;
int Parser_EnvInfo(char * buffer,int size ,MEM_OCCUPY * lpMemory)
	int    state = 0;
	char * p     = buffer;
    	while (p)
		os_line_data       line = { 0 };
		p = os_getline(p, &line, ':');
		if (p == NULL || line.len <= 0) continue;
		if (line.len == 8&& strncmp(line.val, "MemTotal", 8) == 0)
			char *point = strtok(p," ");
                        lpMemory->MemTotal = atol(point);
		else if(line.len == 7&& strncmp(line.val, "MemFree", 7) == 0)
			char *point = strtok(p," ");
                        lpMemory->MemFree = atol(point);
		else if(line.len == 7&& strncmp(line.val, "Buffers", 7) == 0)
			char *point = strtok(p," ");
                        lpMemory->Buffers = atol(point);
		else if(line.len == 6&& strncmp(line.val, "Cached", 6) == 0)
			char *point = strtok(p," ");
                        lpMemory->Cached = atol(point);

int  get_procmeminfo(MEM_OCCUPY * lpMemory)
  FILE *fd;
  char buff[128]={0};
  fd = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r"); 
  if(fd <0) return -1;
  fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd); 
  fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd);  
   fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd);  
  fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd);  

In general, we do not advocate using system to make script calls to get these information, especially in embedded environment.

Posted by robot_nader on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 10:06:45 -0700