Given n n strings, there is a relationship between the size of each string output so that the string is lexicographically minimum
Chief <=3e5
First, if string A is the prefix of string B, then B is certainly not the smallest.
To minimize the lexicographic order of a string S, i.e. all strings with the same S prefix T, S and T with different first character bits i, we have to specify S [i] < T [i]
It's good to draw this conclusion. Let's construct trie, and then use one-way side to express the size of letters. If there is a ring, it must be illegal.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <queue> #define rep(i,st,ed) for (int i=st;i<=ed;++i) #define fill(x,t) memset(x,t,sizeof(x)) const int N=500010; struct edge {int y,next;} e[N]; int rec[N][26],st[N],len[N],tot; int d[55],ls[55],edCnt; char str[N]; bool vis[N],wjp[55][55]; void add_edge(int x,int y) { e[++edCnt]=(edge) {y,ls[x]}; ls[x]=edCnt; } bool check(int id) { fill(d,0); fill(ls,0); fill(wjp,0); edCnt=0; int x=0; rep(i,st[id],st[id]+len[id]-1) { int tar=str[i]-'a'; if (vis[x]) return 0; rep(j,0,25) if (rec[x][j]&&j!=tar&&!wjp[tar][j]) { wjp[tar][j]=1; add_edge(tar,j); d[j]++; } x=rec[x][tar]; } std:: queue <int> que; rep(i,0,25) if (!d[i]) { que.push(i); } for (;!que.empty();) { int x=que.front(); que.pop(); for (int i=ls[x];i;i=e[i].next) { if (!(--d[e[i].y])) que.push(e[i].y); } } rep(i,0,25) if (d[i]) return 0; return 1; } int main(void) { int n; scanf("%d",&n); getchar(); rep(i,1,n) { st[i]=st[i-1]+len[i-1]; int x=0; for (char ch=getchar();ch!='\n';ch=getchar()) { str[st[i]+len[i]]=ch; len[i]++; if (!rec[x][ch-'a']) rec[x][ch-'a']=++tot; x=rec[x][ch-'a']; } vis[x]=1; } std:: vector <int> prt; rep(i,1,n) if (check(i)) prt.push_back(i); printf("%d\n", prt.size()); for (int i=0;i<prt.size();++i) { rep(j,st[prt[i]],st[prt[i]]+len[prt[i]]-1) { putchar(str[j]); } putchar('\n'); } return 0; }