Building Personal Blog Based on Github Pages+Jeykll
Prerequisite skills and environmental requirements:
- Basic Github operations (cloning, submission, etc.)
Configuration of Jekyll Environment in Everyone's Computer
Linux Installation Jekyll Environment
Install Jekyll 3 in Ubuntu 14.04Mac Installation Jekyll Environment
Install Jekyll on MacWindows Installation of Jekyll Environment
Installing Jekyll Environment under Windows
- Building a personal home page requires at least the purchase of domain name and server space.
- Building a blog site involves a series of server configurations and complex article management
- Github Pages is a good choice to solve the above problems.
What are Github Pages?
GitHub Pages Introduction to official website
It is a static web page hosted on Github and can be generated directly from the code in the Github repository (showing the project home page).
Advantages of Github Pages
- Use free as domain name (or bind your own domain name)
- No need to build a server, 300 MB free space per station
- Lightweight blog system, trouble-free configuration
Quick Establishment of Github Pages Personal Home Page
Create a warehouse The warehouse is named
Clone the warehouse, create a new index.html, write the content of your home page, and submit it it.
# Clone warehouse git clone # Write to index.html cd echo "Welcome!" > index.html # Submission code git add --all git commit -m "first commit" git push origin master
Access Home Domain Name
You can add your own css and js directly.
- For example, create a new folder css and a new mystyle.css under the css folder
margin: 0 auto;
width: 70%;
- Introduce styles (relative paths) into index.html
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/mystyle.css"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> Welcome! This my Github Pages Home! </body> </html>
- For example, create a new folder css and a new mystyle.css under the css folder
So what is the principle behind Github Pages?
- Is it just a simple HTML+CSS+JS rendering? The answer is:
- One of the answers: It actually converts Web source code to generate static files through Jekyll (pronunciation /'d i k l /,'Jackel'), which follows the Jekyll specification.
(also) Hexo,Octopress And so on. - Github Pages recommends Jekyll
Jekyll Introduction to Basic Structure
- Basic use of Jekyll
- Jekyll is commonly used on the command line instructions
jekyll build
# => The contents of the current folder will be generated into the. / site folder.
jekyll serve
# => A development server will run at http://localhost:4000/
- Jekyll directory structure
├── _config.yml
├── _includes
| ├── footer.html
| └── header.html
├── _layouts
| ├── default.html
| └── post.html
├── _posts
| ├──
| └──
├── _site
└── index.html
These directory structures Effect:
- _ config.yml: Save To configure Data.
- _ include: Used to save some code for reuse by other files. For example, use this Liquid tag infrastructure
{% include head.html%} to include the file _include/head. html. - _ Laouts: Laouts: A template wrapped outside the article. The layout can be YAML head The information is selected according to different articles.
- _ Poss: Here's your blog post. Must conform to: YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MAKEUP format, suffix name is md and other markup language
- _ site: Once Jekyll completes the transformation, the generated page is placed here (default). It's better to put this directory in your. gitignore file.
- Index. html: The entry file at Jekyll startup and other entries can be specified through the YAML header
Liquid Introduction
Tag tag: Used to execute commands or processing formats: {% command%}
{% if == 'tom' %} Hey Elvis {% endif %}
Objects tag: Used to output content: {% a pair of percentage marks in angular brackets}
{site.title} <! - Output: Title of the Web Site - >
Filter For formatting the output, for Objects Tags
<! - The title of the website will be capitalized.
{{ site.title | upcase }}
Between the three dotted lines of the two lines, you can set some predefined variables, or even create a variable of your own definition.
These variables can be accessed by using Liquid tags in subsequent files and in any template or in the template containing these pages or blogs.
<hr /> <!-- Means that the document uses layout Medium default.html Layout template --> layout: default title: Blogging Like a Hacker <hr />
It's boring to read documents. Now let's get started and write a blog website through Jekyll.
- If you install the Jekyll environment, you can view the web page in real time.
- It doesn't matter if Jekyll is not installed, as long as the grammar is correct and submitted to the repository, you can also view the web page in real time.
Example: Use Jekyll Build a blog
Reuse home page code using Jekyll's template
- First, the basic directory structure of Jekyll is constructed.
- Previously, index.html and css/mystle.css have been created.
Now create folders and other files as follows. ├── _includes | └── head.html ├── _layouts | ├── default.html ├── _pages | ├── ├── _posts | ├── | └── ├── css | ├── mystyle.css |── _config.yml |── Gemfile |── index.html
- Previously, index.html and css/mystle.css have been created.
- First, the basic directory structure of Jekyll is constructed.
We modified Gemfile and _config.yml as follows
Gemfile: Specifies all dependencies on which Github Pages are installed to run the Jekyll program
source '' gem 'github-pages', :group => :jekyll_plugins
_ config. yml: Some global aspects of Jekyll
title: Chen Fu baseurl: # Subpaths of your website's home page, such as: / blog url: # Domain name of your website
_ include / head. HTML reads as follows
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>document</title> <!--append Filter:Add content after the string e.g.{{'bar'|append: 'foo'}}#=> 'barfoo'--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ site.baseurl| append: "/css/mystyle.css"}}"> </head>
_ The contents of layouts/default.html are as follows:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<!--include Direct inclusion_include/head.html Code-->
{% include head.html%}
<div class="page-content">
<div class="wrapper">
<!--content Define Variable Contents in Templates,Referencers add content-->
{{ content }}
- The contents in index.html are as follows
layout: default
title: index
<!--layout Specify which template to refer to-->
<!--The following will be added{{content}}Location-->
<h1>Welcome to my home page! I am </h1>
<p>This moment nap, you will have a dream. But this moment study, you will interpret a dream. Sleep now, you will dream; study now, you will realize your dream.
- Run Jekyll instructions locally, preview or submit them directly to Github Preview
# Mac or Linux bundle exec jekyll serve # Windows enters the process directory jekyll build jekyll serve Local access ` Upload Github Pages and visit
- Add the personal homepage method 1:_pages/ file as follows
- permalink: Specify a permanent link to this page. There is a hole!
layout: default
title: About
permalink: /about/
About Me
- Add Personal Home Page Method 2: Create a new / about/ in the root directory without permalink: / about / and Jekyll will automatically find index.html in / about /
├── about
| └──
- After jekyll runs, local access to
Upload Github Pages and visit
Note: _pages to add pages, you must set _config.yml as follows:
- _pages #Mandatory inclusion of certain files, folders during conversion
- Add navigation code block: _include/header.html
- *
<header class="site-header header-nav">
<nav class="site-nav">
<div class="trigger">
<!--site.baseurl Relative path-->
<a href="{{site.baseurl | append: '/'}}">Index</a>
<a href="{{site.baseurl | append: '/about/'}}">About</a>
<a href="{{ site.baseurl | append: '/blog/'}}">Blog</a>
<!--Head portrait-->
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="author">
<a href="{{ site.baseurl | append: '/' }}">
<amp-img class="avatar avatar i-amphtml-element i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined i-amphtml-layout" src="{{ site.baseurl | append:'/assets/photo.png'}}" width="90" height="90"
layout="responsive" alt="{{ site.title }}">
<i-amphtml-sizer style="display: block; padding-top: 100%;"></i-amphtml-sizer>
<img alt="Emping" class="i-amphtml-fill-content -amp-fill-content i-amphtml-replaced-content -amp-replaced-content" src="{{ site.baseurl | append:'/assets/photo.png'}}">
<h1 class="name">{{ site.title }}</h1>
<h2 class="description">{{site.description}}</h2>
- Refer to the navigation code block in _layouts/default.html:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<!--include Direct inclusion_include/head.html Code-->
{% include head.html%}
<!--Reference navigation code block-->
{% include header.html %}
<div class="page-content">
<div class="wrapper">
<!--content Define Variable Contents in Templates,Referencers add content-->
{{ content }}
- Add the blog home page, add / blog/index.html,
- Page variable For example, site.posts
layout: default
title: blog
<h1>This is the blog homepage.</h1>
<h2>Unpaginated Blogs</h2>
{% for post in site.posts %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl|append: post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<h2>Paging Blog,Two pages per page</h2>
{% for post in paginator.posts%}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl|append: post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if paginator.total_pages>1 %}
{% if paginator.next_page_path %}
<a href="{{site.baseurl|append:paginator.next_page_path}}">next page</a>
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.previous_page_path %}
<a href="{{site.baseurl|append:paginator.previous_page_path}}">Previous page</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- Set the display style _layouts/post.html for each blog post, as follows
layout: default
- Add a few blogs below. The naming rule must be "YYYY-MM-DD-name.MAKEUP"
├── _posts
| ├──
| └──
- For example, the content of the blog is as follows: duplicate several more articles, modify the date
layout: post
title: "Chen Fucai Jun's Blog:Jekyll Basic introduction"
date: 2017-03-09 10:59:21 +0800
You'll find this post in your `_posts` directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run ` bundle exec jekyll serve
`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
To add new posts, simply add a file in the `_posts` directory that follows the convention `` and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.
Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:
{% highlight ruby %}
def print_hi(name)
puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.
{% endhighlight %}
Check out the [Jekyll docs][jekyll-docs] for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at [Jekyll's GitHub repo][jekyll-gh]. If you have questions, you can ask them on [Jekyll Talk][jekyll-talk].
Execution once, preview effect, without style, should be like this.
The basic blog website has been built. Now let's quote the style to make it more beautiful.
Jekyll supports parsing sass directly to render styles, which must be placed in _sass!
- Create a new _sass folder and put it in the one I'm ready to implement Two documents :_img.scss and main.scss
Modify css/mystyle.css to css/mystyle.scss, as follows:
@import "main";
html {
height: 100%;
body {
display: flex;
- Other resource files, such as avatar files, are placed in / assets/photo.png
- The gitignore file specifies the files that need to be ignored, as follows:
- So far, a homepage of a blog that doesn't look so ugly has been built.
Github Pages binds your own domain name
First you have to have a domain name, for example, my domain name is
Then you need to create a new CNAME file in your directory and fill in the domain name.
- Then go to the DNS server provider and resolve your domain name to On the IP of Github Pages Homepage Choose one of the following
My domain name is bought through Aliyun, which provides cloud resolution directly.
- The parsing settings are as follows (record type A, host record @ (meaning no www), record value or
- The parsing settings are as follows (record type A, host record @ (meaning no www), record value or
Once set up, access to redirects to
GET list:
- Build your own home page using Githhub Pages
- Build Jekyll's local running environment, run and debug Jekyll project, and introduce Gemfile third-party library
- Grasp Jekyll's Basic Grammar and Use Method
- Github Pages directory structure following Jekyll specification
- Jekyll's YAML headers, global variables, configuration files, new pages, blogging and paging
- Jekyll refers to resources such as styles (css,scss,js), pictures, etc.
- Bind your own domain name to Github Pages