Builder Design in Java

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Builder Design in Java

Definition of 1Builder pattern

Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation, so that the same construction process of can build different representations.

Usage scenario of 2Builder mode

(1) the same method and different execution sequence produce different event results.
(2) multiple components can be assembled into one object, but the results are different.
(3) the product class is very complex, or the calling sequence is different in the product class, so it is very suitable to use the builder mode at this time.
(4) when initializing a complex object, such as many parameters, many parameters have default values.

UML diagram of 3Builder pattern

Product category - Product abstraction
Builder -- Abstract builder, which is used to standardize the components of products. Generally, the specific component process is implemented by subclasses.
ConcreateBuilder -- specific Builder class
Director -- unified component process.

Code implementation

package builder;
 * Abstract deBuilder
 * @author lidong
public abstract class Builder {
     * Setting up the host computer
     * @param board
	public abstract void buildBorad(String board);
	 * Setting up the display
	 * @param display
	public abstract void buildDisplay(String display);
	 * Set up operating system
	public abstract void buildOS();
	 * Create machine
	 * @return
	public abstract Computer create();

package builder;
 * Computer abstract class
 * Product role
 * @author Administrator
public abstract class Computer {

	protected String  mBoard;//A main board
	protected String  mDisplay;//Monitor
	protected String  mOS;//system
	protected Computer() {

	public String getmBoard() {
		return mBoard;

	public void setmBoard(String mBoard) {
		this.mBoard = mBoard;

	public String getmDisplay() {
		return mDisplay;

	public void setmDisplay(String mDisplay) {
		this.mDisplay = mDisplay;
	//Abstract method
	public abstract void setOS();

	public String toString() {
		return "Computer [mBoard=" + mBoard + ", mDisplay=" + mDisplay
				+ ", mOS=" + mOS + "]";

package builder;
 * Specific builder class, Window computer
 * @author lidong
public class WindowBuilder extends Builder {
	private Computer mComputer = new  WindowPC();

	public void buildBorad(String board) {

	public void buildDisplay(String display) {

	public void buildOS() {

	public Computer create() {
		return mComputer;


package builder;
 * window Computer
 * @author lidong
public class WindowPC extends Computer{

	protected WindowPC() {

	public void setOS() {
		mOS = "window 7";


package builder;
 * Director  Responsible for building Compurter
 * @author lidong
public class Dirctor {
	Builder mBuilder = null;

	public Dirctor(Builder mBuilder) {
		this.mBuilder = mBuilder;
	 * Building objects
	 * @param borad
	 * @param display
	public void construct(String borad,String display) {


Test class:
package builder;

public class Test {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Builder builder1 = new WindowBuilder();
		Dirctor pcDirctor1 = new  Dirctor(builder1);
		pcDirctor1.construct("Intel 2", "1G Graphics card");
		System.out.println("Computer  info ="+builder1.create().toString());

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Posted by ballouta on Thu, 05 Dec 2019 16:30:52 -0800