Welcome to my personal blog ximikang.icu
Build your own blog with Cloudflare and notation
A small partner who has used Nation must have thought this at some point: this note taking application is so easy to use and is developed based on the Web, so why not use it as my own blog? In this way, can I quickly implement and maintain my blog by taking notes?
My personal blog, welcome to visit. https://notion.ximikang.icu/
Purchase a domain name and transfer it to Cloudflare
First, we need to set the domain name server of the domain name as the domain name server of Cloudflare, so that we can use the DNS service of Cloudflare.
Register Cloudflare and add your domain name here:
Point your domain name to notation
Switch to the dns page and add a CNAME record. If your secondary domain name is blog.xxx.com , then fill in the blog for the name, fill in the domain name of the note for the target, and save it.
Or the primary domain name needs to be set to; otherwise
Note that you need to switch the agent status to agent, so that you can use cloudflare's free CDN.
After adding, the added domain name will be displayed at the bottom. Click the added domain name to enter the setting page.
Configure Web Worker for Cloudflare
Configuring the worker allows us to access the http request defined above, which can be overwritten automatically.
First * * manage Workers and * * create a corresponding note worker.
Get the link ID in the note page, as shown in the figure, which needs to be used in the worker configuration.
After creating the worker, edit the worker and copy the following code into the worker.
/* CONFIGURATION STARTS HERE */ /* Add the domain name note.ximikang.icu*/ const MY_DOMAIN = ''; /* Add the id just now For example: '': 'bb1678c7e8fe47b29bf49aac08aebbb', */ const SLUG_TO_PAGE = { '': '', }; /* Add the title and description of the master page */ const PAGE_TITLE = ''; const PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ''; /* You can select the font to display https://fonts.google.com For example: const GOOGLE_FONT = 'Noto Sans Simplified Chinese';*/ const GOOGLE_FONT = ''; /* Add custom scripts to add Google Analytics */ const CUSTOM_SCRIPT = ``; /* CONFIGURATION ENDS HERE */ const PAGE_TO_SLUG = {}; const slugs = []; const pages = []; Object.keys(SLUG_TO_PAGE).forEach(slug => { const page = SLUG_TO_PAGE[slug]; slugs.push(slug); pages.push(page); PAGE_TO_SLUG[page] = slug; }); addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(fetchAndApply(event.request)); }); function generateSitemap() { let sitemap = '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'; slugs.forEach( (slug) => (sitemap += '<url><loc>https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/' + slug + '</loc></url>') ); sitemap += '</urlset>'; return sitemap; } const corsHeaders = { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, OPTIONS', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type', }; function handleOptions(request) { if (request.headers.get('Origin') !== null && request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Method') !== null && request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Headers') !== null) { // Handle CORS pre-flight request. return new Response(null, { headers: corsHeaders }); } else { // Handle standard OPTIONS request. return new Response(null, { headers: { 'Allow': 'GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, OPTIONS', } }); } } async function fetchAndApply(request) { if (request.method === 'OPTIONS') { return handleOptions(request); } let url = new URL(request.url); url.hostname = 'www.notion.so'; if (url.pathname === '/robots.txt') { return new Response('Sitemap: https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/sitemap.xml'); } if (url.pathname === '/sitemap.xml') { let response = new Response(generateSitemap()); response.headers.set('content-type', 'application/xml'); return response; } let response; if (url.pathname.startsWith('/app') && url.pathname.endsWith('js')) { response = await fetch(url.toString()); let body = await response.text(); response = new Response(body.replace(/www.notion.so/g, MY_DOMAIN).replace(/notion.so/g, MY_DOMAIN), response); response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-javascript'); return response; } else if ((url.pathname.startsWith('/api'))) { // Forward API response = await fetch(url.toString(), { body: url.pathname.startsWith('/api/v3/getPublicPageData') ? null : request.body, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36' }, method: 'POST', }); response = new Response(response.body, response); response.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); return response; } else if (slugs.indexOf(url.pathname.slice(1)) > -1) { const pageId = SLUG_TO_PAGE[url.pathname.slice(1)]; return Response.redirect('https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/' + pageId, 301); } else { response = await fetch(url.toString(), { body: request.body, headers: request.headers, method: request.method, }); response = new Response(response.body, response); response.headers.delete('Content-Security-Policy'); response.headers.delete('X-Content-Security-Policy'); } return appendJavascript(response, SLUG_TO_PAGE); } class MetaRewriter { element(element) { if (PAGE_TITLE !== '') { if (element.getAttribute('property') === 'og:title' || element.getAttribute('name') === 'twitter:title') { element.setAttribute('content', PAGE_TITLE); } if (element.tagName === 'title') { element.setInnerContent(PAGE_TITLE); } } if (PAGE_DESCRIPTION !== '') { if (element.getAttribute('name') === 'description' || element.getAttribute('property') === 'og:description' || element.getAttribute('name') === 'twitter:description') { element.setAttribute('content', PAGE_DESCRIPTION); } } if (element.getAttribute('property') === 'og:url' || element.getAttribute('name') === 'twitter:url') { element.setAttribute('content', MY_DOMAIN); } if (element.getAttribute('name') === 'apple-itunes-app') { element.remove(); } } } class HeadRewriter { element(element) { if (GOOGLE_FONT !== '') { element.append(`<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=${GOOGLE_FONT.replace(' ', '+')}:Regular,Bold,Italic&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> <style>* { font-family: "${GOOGLE_FONT}" !important; }</style>`, { html: true }); } element.append(`<style> div.notion-topbar > div > div:nth-child(3) { display: none !important; } div.notion-topbar > div > div:nth-child(4) { display: none !important; } div.notion-topbar > div > div:nth-child(5) { display: none !important; } div.notion-topbar > div > div:nth-child(6) { display: none !important; } div.notion-topbar-mobile > div:nth-child(3) { display: none !important; } div.notion-topbar-mobile > div:nth-child(4) { display: none !important; } div.notion-topbar > div > div:nth-child(1n).toggle-mode { display: block !important; } div.notion-topbar-mobile > div:nth-child(1n).toggle-mode { display: block !important; } </style>`, { html: true }) } } class BodyRewriter { constructor(SLUG_TO_PAGE) { this.SLUG_TO_PAGE = SLUG_TO_PAGE; } element(element) { element.append(`<div style="display:none">Powered by <a href="http://fruitionsite.com">Fruition</a></div> <script> window.CONFIG.domainBaseUrl = 'https://${MY_DOMAIN}'; const SLUG_TO_PAGE = ${JSON.stringify(this.SLUG_TO_PAGE)}; const PAGE_TO_SLUG = {}; const slugs = []; const pages = []; const el = document.createElement('div'); let redirected = false; Object.keys(SLUG_TO_PAGE).forEach(slug => { const page = SLUG_TO_PAGE[slug]; slugs.push(slug); pages.push(page); PAGE_TO_SLUG[page] = slug; }); function getPage() { return location.pathname.slice(-32); } function getSlug() { return location.pathname.slice(1); } function updateSlug() { const slug = PAGE_TO_SLUG[getPage()]; if (slug != null) { history.replaceState(history.state, '', '/' + slug); } } function onDark() { el.innerHTML = '<div title="Change to Light Mode" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: 14px; min-width: 0px;"><div role="button" tabindex="0" style="user-select: none; transition: background 120ms ease-in 0s; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 44px;"><div style="display: flex; flex-shrink: 0; height: 14px; width: 26px; border-radius: 44px; padding: 2px; box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(46, 170, 220); transition: background 200ms ease 0s, box-shadow 200ms ease 0s;"><div style="width: 14px; height: 14px; border-radius: 44px; background: white; transition: transform 200ms ease-out 0s, background 200ms ease-out 0s; transform: translateX(12px) translateY(0px);"></div></div></div></div>'; document.body.classList.add('dark'); __console.environment.ThemeStore.setState({ mode: 'dark' }); }; function onLight() { el.innerHTML = '<div title="Change to Dark Mode" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: 14px; min-width: 0px;"><div role="button" tabindex="0" style="user-select: none; transition: background 120ms ease-in 0s; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 44px;"><div style="display: flex; flex-shrink: 0; height: 14px; width: 26px; border-radius: 44px; padding: 2px; box-sizing: content-box; background: rgba(135, 131, 120, 0.3); transition: background 200ms ease 0s, box-shadow 200ms ease 0s;"><div style="width: 14px; height: 14px; border-radius: 44px; background: white; transition: transform 200ms ease-out 0s, background 200ms ease-out 0s; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(0px);"></div></div></div></div>'; document.body.classList.remove('dark'); __console.environment.ThemeStore.setState({ mode: 'light' }); } function toggle() { if (document.body.classList.contains('dark')) { onLight(); } else { onDark(); } } function addDarkModeButton(device) { const nav = device === 'web' ? document.querySelector('.notion-topbar').firstChild : document.querySelector('.notion-topbar-mobile'); el.className = 'toggle-mode'; el.addEventListener('click', toggle); nav.appendChild(el); onLight(); } const observer = new MutationObserver(function() { if (redirected) return; const nav = document.querySelector('.notion-topbar'); const mobileNav = document.querySelector('.notion-topbar-mobile'); if (nav && nav.firstChild && nav.firstChild.firstChild || mobileNav && mobileNav.firstChild) { redirected = true; updateSlug(); addDarkModeButton(nav ? 'web' : 'mobile'); const onpopstate = window.onpopstate; window.onpopstate = function() { if (slugs.includes(getSlug())) { const page = SLUG_TO_PAGE[getSlug()]; if (page) { history.replaceState(history.state, 'bypass', '/' + page); } } onpopstate.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); updateSlug(); }; } }); observer.observe(document.querySelector('#notion-app'), { childList: true, subtree: true, }); const replaceState = window.history.replaceState; window.history.replaceState = function(state) { if (arguments[1] !== 'bypass' && slugs.includes(getSlug())) return; return replaceState.apply(window.history, arguments); }; const pushState = window.history.pushState; window.history.pushState = function(state) { const dest = new URL(location.protocol + location.host + arguments[2]); const id = dest.pathname.slice(-32); if (pages.includes(id)) { arguments[2] = '/' + PAGE_TO_SLUG[id]; } return pushState.apply(window.history, arguments); }; const open = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() { arguments[1] = arguments[1].replace('${MY_DOMAIN}', 'www.notion.so'); return open.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; </script>${CUSTOM_SCRIPT}`, { html: true }); } } async function appendJavascript(res, SLUG_TO_PAGE) { return new HTMLRewriter() .on('title', new MetaRewriter()) .on('meta', new MetaRewriter()) .on('head', new HeadRewriter()) .on('body', new BodyRewriter(SLUG_TO_PAGE)) .transform(res); }
After configuring the corresponding route, that is, after accessing our domain name, we need to execute the note worker defined by us
Route to our domain name plus/*
Worker is the newly created worker
Now your personal blog is complete
Add Google Analytics scripts to monitor your site
Enter the background of Google Analytics, click management on the upper left, select the account and media resources corresponding to the website to add code, and then click management - data flow under media resources to see the following interface:
Add the following code to the custom fragment in worker to monitor your blog access.