Brief summary of the first day of react

Keywords: React

react is a framework for building user pages, which consists of four major parts:

  • react: core library,
  • React dom: dom operation (using jsx to operate dom elements)
  • React Router: route (similar to vueRouter)
  • redux: centralized state management (similar to vuex)

react features:

1) Declarative creates user pages in a form similar to writing html tags. It drives view changes through data. If the data changes, it can quickly update the dom

2) Componentization (react core)   Packaging components can realize reuse, make the business logic look clearer, and make the whole project more convenient to modify and save time

3) Learn once and use everywhere     Three main directions of development:

Use react / rect DOM to develop Web applications    Use react / react native to develop the mobile terminal native application RN     Use react to develop VR (virtual reality) applications (react/react360)

Create react project mode 1

First install the scaffold kit

Command: npm i -g create-react-app

Use scaffolding tools to create projects

Command: create-react-app Project name

Creation method 2

Direct use npx To create a project
npx create-react-app Project name

Difference: the latter does not need to update the react version frequently. It gets the latest version

To use react

  1. Import package: React, ReactDOM
  2. Create react element
  3. Render elements to a dom

To create a react element

Format of React.createElement:

React.createElement('tag name ', {attribute 1 on tag: value 1}, child element 1, child element 2)

Precautions for JSX

  1. jsx must have a root node, which can write < > < / >
  2. Attribute names cannot use keywords in js. For example, class, for     Class instead of className     For instead of htmlFor
  3. Single label to be closed
  4. For line feed, it is recommended to use () package and render the contents in () as a whole
  5. The old version (16.8) introduced react before using jsx

Format of embedded expression

{JS expression} similar to vue interpolation expression {{}}

What can be written in single curly braces?


Definition: combination of data type and operator (data type can appear separately or data type+(combination of operators)

Features: it has a value (or can calculate a value); Can be console.log()

other jsx expression


Can't write

  1. object
  2. js statement: if statement / switch case statement / variable declaration statement

JSX conditional rendering

  • if/else
  • Ternary operator
  • Logical and (& &) operators
  • switch case

JSX list rendering

Generating HTML structures using the map method of arrays in JSX

// Normal rendering structure
// const element = (
//   <div className="App">
//     <div className="comment-container">
//       {/ * comments * /}
//       <div className="comment-head">
//         <span>{state. List. Length} comments</span>
//       </div>
//       {/ * sort * /}
//       <div className="tabs-order">
//         <ul className="sort-container">
//           { => (
//             <li
//               className={item.type === ? 'on' : ''}
//               key={}>
//               Sort by {}
//             </li>
//           ))}
//           {/ * < Li classname = "on" > sort by {heat} < / Li > * /}
//           {/ * < li > sort by time < / Li > * /}
//         </ul>
//       </div>

//       {/ * add comment * /}
//       <div className="comment-send">
//         <div className="user-face">
//           <img className="user-head" src={avator} alt="" />
//         </div>
//         <div className="textarea-container">
//           <textarea
//             cols="80"
//             rows="5"
//             placeholder = "windup friendly comments"
//             className="ipt-txt"
//           />
//           < button classname = "comment submit" > comment < / button >
//         </div>
//         <div className="comment-emoji">
//           <i className="face" />
//           < span classname = "text" > expression</span>
//         </div>
//       </div>

//       {/ * comment list * /}
//       { => (
//         <div className="comment-list" key={}>
//           <div className="list-item">
//             <div className="user-face">
//               <img className="user-head" src={item.img} alt="" />
//             </div>
//             <div className="comment">
//               <div className="user">{}</div>
//               <p className="text">{item.comment}</p>
//               <div className="info">
//                 <span className="time">{item.time}</span>
//                 <span className={item.attitude === 1 ? 'like liked' : 'like'}>
//                   <i className="icon" />
//                 </span>
//                 <span className="hate hated">
//                   <i className="icon" />
//                 </span>
//                 < span classname = "reply BTN hover" > delete</span>
//               </div>
//             </div>
//           </div>

//           {/* <div className="list-item">
//           <div className="user-face">
//             <img className="user-head" src="./images/avatar.png" alt="" />
//           </div>
//           <div className="comment">
//             <div className="user">Sisyphus watch < / div >
//             <p className="text">This video is so funny</p>
//             <div className="info">
//               <span className="time">2021-10-08 09:05:00</span>
//               <span className="like liked">
//                 <i className="icon" />
//               </span>
//               <span className="hate hated">
//                 <i className="icon" />
//               </span>
//               <span className="reply btn-hover">Delete</span>
//             </div>
//           </div>
//         </div> */}
//         </div>
//       ))}
//     </div>
//   </div>
// )

key in list rendering

It is a unique value (as long as it is not repeated). If there is id, use id, and if there is no id, use index instead

If there is a key, a dom will be added later. If there is no key, it will be compared one by one, which will consume performance

JSX style processing

Inline style writing:

< DOM element style = {{CSS attribute 1: value 1,css attribute 2: value 2} > < / DOM element >

main points:

  1. Why are there two {}}
    1. The {} of the outer layer indicates that you are going to start writing js
    2. The {} representation of the inner layer is an object
  2. The attribute name is in small hump format (background color = = = > backgroundColor)
  3. The attribute value is a string. If the unit is px, you can abbreviate the value

Use the className class name to write styles

  • Define the class name with className (not class)
  • Write the style in an additional. css file and then import it into the. css file

Import local pictures

If you find that it cannot be displayed, use import to use it

import avatar from './images/avatar.png'

Posted by skissiks on Sat, 06 Nov 2021 13:59:47 -0700