Bidirectional queue, KMP algorithm, clue binary tree

Keywords: Programming

  1. Insertion and deletion of two-way queue
    • insert

      • Assign a value to the new node first
        	New->pre = My;
        	New->next = My->next;
      • Modify the front and back nodes
        	My->next->pre = New;
        	My->next = New;

      New - > next = my - > next; and my - > next - > pre = new; positions can be changed.

      This changes to the front node first and then to next.

    • delete

      	if ( NULL != My->next )
      	    temp = My->next;
      	    My->next = My->next->next;
      		temp->next = NULL;
      		delete temp;//free(temp)
  2. String matching algorithm
    • KMP

      It is mainly to optimize the search of substring and improve the substring substr Work efficiency and auxiliary function in matching.

      In the algorithm next Refer to:stay i If a mismatch is found at, the next[i]Start the control.

      next[i]Corresponding value representation,stay substr+i-next[i]There are next[i]One and substr Same prefix.

      i The value of is determined by the calculation of the preceding character.

      For a substring if shown. For any one next The value of is greater than 0, indicating that there is a period. Or the front is the same.

      i str introduction value
      0 a front,Not the same, error -1
      1 b i<2 0
      2 a a!=b 0
      3 b a==a 1
      4 a ab==ab 2
      5 a aba==aba 3
      6 a abab!=abaa,aba!=baa,ab!=aa,a==a 1
      7 b ab!=aa,a==a 1
      8 a ab==ab 2
      9 x aba==aba,because i==len,So there's no such value. value Indicates that there is n Identical 3
    • KMP optimized version

      Remove the redundancy on the basis of the previous.

      Transformation logic

      If there are repetitions, it can be understood that f (x) = f (X-R), and R is the period.

      Values can be divided into two categories, - 1 or non-1

      -1 means that if it is found that it is different at present, the previous one can be ignored. The subscripts of str and substr can be + + at the same time, because there is no substring with a cycle length of currentdex in the substring.

      Non-1 means that there must be n identical ones in front, but they start to be different in my (currentIndex)

      For example, the value of 5 below is 3, indicating that there are three identical, but they are not the same here. The first one is in the place with subscript 3. The same is aba==aba, but there is abab!=abaa.

      For 0, it is because j==-1,next is the former relationship, and j==-1 means that both start again.

      j==0 compared to - 1, because there is no former, and the current loop does not form is not equal. In the starting state.

      For i==1, without the former, it is a step forward together. Judging the current a!=b, there will be, next[1]==0. If str[1]==a, then b==-1. Because for a certain period of periodic function, there is the same, you can move forward n times the period to form a graphic overlap.

      i next[i] j introduction next[++j] next[++i]
      0 -1 -1 j==-1,a!=b j==0,value==-1 i==1,value==0
      1 0 0 a!=b, backtracking j==0,value==-1
      1 0 -1 j==-1,a==a j==0,value==-1 i==2,value==-1
      2 -1 0 a==a,b==b j==1,value==0 i==3,value=0
      3 0 1 b==b,a==a j==2,value==-1 i==4,value==-1
      4 -1 2 a==a,b!=a j==3,value==0 i==5,value=j=3
      5 3 3 b!=a, backtracking j==0,value==-1
      5 3 0 a==a,b!=a j==1,value==0 i==6,value=j=1
      6 1 1 b!=a, backtracking j==0,value==-1
      6 1 0 a==a,b!=a j==1,value==0 i==7,value==0
      7 0 1 b==b,a==a j==2,value==-1 i==8,value==-1
    • source code
      	void get_KMP_Next(const char * src,int len,int *next)
      		int i,j;
      		next[0] = j = -1;
      		i = 0;
      		while( i < len )
      			if( j == -1 || src[i] == src[j] )
      				next[i] = j ;
      				//Indicates that if the location of i does not match, the starting matching address needs to be moved to the location of j.
      				j = next[j];
      	void get_KMP_NextValue(const char * src,int len,int *next)
      		int i,j;
      		next[0] = j = -1;
      		i = 0;
      		while( i < len )
      			if( j == -1 || src[i] == src[j] )
      				if ( src[i] != src[j] )
      					//For inequality, the repetition is stopped.
      					next[i] = j;
      					next[i] = next[j];
      					//Continuous equality indicates that a certain substring has a high repetition rate.
      					// abcabcabcabc or aaaaaa, the repetition rate is very high
      					//For this kind of high repetition rate
      					//For AAAA type A, only the first one is needed.
      					//For ababa periodic strings, use j's next.
      					//It can be summed up as a mathematical periodic function, such as tan(x), with high repeatability.
      				j = next[j];
      	void (*getNext)(const char*,int,int*) = get_KMP_NextValue;
      	//To switch between the improved version and the non improved version, you only need to copy the corresponding method name.
      	int searchSub(const char * src,int srclen ,const char* sub,int sublen)
      		int next[255]={0},i,j;
      		for(i = 0 ; i < sublen ; i++ )
      			printf(i<sublen-1?"%d ":"%d\n",next[i]);
      		j = i = 0 ;
      		while( i < srclen && j < sublen )
      			if( j == -1 || src[i] == sub[j] )
      				j = next[j];
      		if ( j == sublen )
      			return i - sublen;
      			return -1;
      	void testSub()
      		char src[] = "abcdabcdexabcde";
      		char sub[] = "abcdex";
      		int srclen = strlen(src),sublen=strlen(sub);
      		int ret = searchSub(src,srclen,sub,sublen);
      		if ( ret != -1 )
      			printf("%s\n",src + ret);
      	void printNext()
      		char sub[] = "ababaaaba";
      		int next[255]={0},sublen=strlen(sub),i;
      		printf("i   ");
      		for( i = 0 ; i < sublen ; i++ )
      		printf("\nstr ");
      		for( i = 0 ; i < sublen ; i++ )
      			printf("  %c",sub[i]);
      		for( i = 0 ; i < sublen ; i++ )
      	int main()
      		return 0;
  3. Clue binary tree

    Member, header node, record related information, member [lchild,islchild,data,isrchild,rchild]

    • lchild storage precursor or left subtree
    • islchild distinguishes whether it is a precursor or a child node.
    • Others are the same. It becomes a two-way linked list, saving space.

Posted by lhaynes on Sat, 07 Dec 2019 16:30:02 -0800