Big Blacks Blog:
The zzq gangster's template should be the most correct, there is no picture to choose just the one before, but I don't know if it will break what one gangster said:
"Note that when the optimal recursive order is less than or equal to half the length of a given number of columns, the BM algorithm can guarantee the shortest recursive solution, otherwise it can only guarantee that a feasible solution can be found."
Urgent, offline, etc.
We haven't described any algorithm yet, but I don't need to after reading these blogs.
It is a clever construction to use the former illegality to construct the later legitimacy.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define mod 998244353 using namespace std; int Pow(int base,int k){ int ret = 1; for(;k;k>>=1,base=1ll*base*base%mod) if(k&1) ret=1ll*ret*base%mod; return ret; } #define vi vector<int> vi BM(vi arr){ vi now,pre,bst; int fail,dtfail; for(int i=0,sz=arr.size();i<sz;i++){ int dt = arr[i]; for(int j=0;j<pre.size();j++) dt = (dt - 1ll * pre[j] * arr[i-j-1]) % mod; if(!dt) continue; if(pre.empty()) now.clear() , now.resize(i+1) , fail = i , dtfail = dt; else{ int K = dt * 1ll * Pow(dtfail,mod-2) % mod; now.clear() , now.resize(i-fail-1), now.push_back(K); for(int j=0;j<bst.size();j++) now.push_back(-K*1ll*bst[j]%mod); if(now.size()<pre.size()) now.resize(pre.size()); for(int j=0;j<pre.size();j++) now[j] = (now[j] + pre[j]) % mod; if(i - fail + bst.size() >= pre.size()) bst = pre , fail = i , dtfail = dt; } swap(now,pre); } return pre; } int main(){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); vi a;a.resize(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); vi b = BM(a); printf("%d\n",b.size()); for(int i=0;i<b.size();i++) printf("%d ",(b[i]+mod)%mod); }