Basic data types and built-in methods (2)
I. built in method of list
- Count: count the number of specified elements in the current list
s1 = ['y', 'a', 'f', 'e', 'n', 'g', '6', '6', '6'] s1.count('6') print(s1.count('6')) >>>3
- Index: get the index of the current element, and specify the search range
s1 = ['y', 'a', 'f', 'e', 'n', 'g', '6', '6', '6'] s1.index('6') print(s1.index('6')) >>>6 s1.index("6", 7) print(s1.index("6", 7)) >>>7
- Sort: sort, default reverse=False, i.e. ascending sort
s1 = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] s1.sort() print(s1) >>>[1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] s1 = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] s1.sort(reverse=True) print(s1) >>>[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1]
- sorted:python's built-in sorting. When sorting, a new list will be produced, and the original data will not change
s1 = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] a = sorted(s1) print(a) >>>[1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] s1 = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] a = sorted(s1, reverse=True) print(a) >>>[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1]
- Clear: clear all data in the list
s1 = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] s1.clear() print(s1) >>>[]
- Queues and stacks
''' //Queue: first in, first out l1 = [] l1.append(1) l1.append(2) l1.append(3) print(l1) >>>[1,2,3] l1.pop[0] print(l1) >>>[2,3] l1.pop[0] print(l1) >>>[3] l1.pop[0] print(l1) >>>[] //Stack: first in first out l1 = [] l1.append(1) l1.append(2) l1.append(3) print(l1) >>>[1,2,3] l1.pop() print(l1) >>>[1,2] l1.pop() print(l1) >>>[1] l1.pop() print(l1) >>>[] '''
The list can store multiple values, orderly (ordered if there is index), variable
Two, Yuan Zu
- Definition and usage
#Purpose: store multiple values of different types (variable types are not allowed) #Definition method: data is stored in parentheses. Data and data are separated by commas. (value cannot be changed) #When defining a container type, if there is only one value in it, add a comma after the value (very important) #If it is not added in the tuple, it is a string
- common method
""" 1,Index value (positive, negative) 2,Index slice 3,Member operation in ,not in 4,len() """ 1,Index value t1 = ('y', 'a', 'f', 'e', 'n', 'g') print(t1[1]) >>>a t1 = ('y', 'a', 'f', 'e', 'n', 'g') print(t1[-2]) >>>n 2,Index slice t1 = ('y', 'a', 'f', 'e', 'n', 'g') print(t1[2:]) >>>('f', 'e', 'n', 'g') 3,Member operation t1 = ('y', 'a', 'f', 'e', 'n', 'g') print('a' in t1) >>>True 4,len() t1 = ('y', 'a', 'f', 'e', 'n', 'g') print(len(t1)) >>>6
Orderly, multiple values can be saved, immutable
Three, dictionary
- Definition and definition method
Definition mode:Data is stored through braces, through key:value To define key value pair data, each key value pair is separated by commas key:Must be an immutable type value: Can be any type //Three definitions: 1,important d1 = { 'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study' } print(d1) >>>{'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study'} 2,important d2 = dict({'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study'}) print(d2) >>>{'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study'} 3,Can understand l1 = ['name', "age", "hobby"] l2 = ['yafeng', 18, "study"] z1 = zip(l1, l2) print(dict(z1)) >>>{'name': 'yafeng', 'age': 18, 'hobby': 'study'}
- Priority method
""" 1. Priority: 1. Take the value according to the key:value mapping relationship (can be saved or desirable) 2. Member operation in, not in. Default key 3. len() -- get the number of key value pairs in the current dictionary """
- Built in method get
get:Get assigned key If the value does not exist, the default value is None,The second parameter can be used to modify the content returned by default d1 = { 'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study' } print(d1.get('name')) >>>yafeng
- keys,values,items
keys Return all key values Return all values items Return all key value pairs, return value is list d1 = { 'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study' } for key in d1.keys(): print(key) for value in d1.values(): print(value) for key, value in d1.items(): print(key, value) key, value = ("name", 'age') >>>name age hobby yafeng 18 study name yafeng age 18 jhobby study
- pop
pop Appoint key To delete, return to the corresponding value value a = d1.pop('age') print(d1) print(a) >>>{'name': 'yafeng', 'hobby': 'study'} >>>18
- popitem
A key value pair will pop up randomly. If there is a return value, the return value is a primitive ancestor d1.popitem() print(d1) >>>{'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18'}
- update
Replace old dictionary with new one d1.update({'gender': 'male'}) print(d1) >>>{'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study', 'gender': 'male'}
- fromkeys
To produce a new dictionary, take each element in the first parameter (iteratable object) as the key and the second parameter as the value to form a new dictionary print(dict.fromkeys([1, 2, 3], ['ke', 'k1'])) >>>{1: ['ke', 'k1'], 2: ['ke', 'k1'], 3: ['ke', 'k1']}
- setdefault
key If there is no new key value pair, return to new if there is a return value value,key There is a corresponding value print(d1.setdefault('height', '1.77')) print(d1) >>>1.77 >>>{'name': 'yafeng', 'age': '18', 'hobby': 'study', 'height': '1.77'}
Four, set
# Purpose: de duplication and relation operation # Definition method: data is stored by braces, and each element is separated by commas # To define an empty set, you must use set() to define # l1 = [] # s1 = "" # d1 = {} # ss1 = set() # Common methods: """ //Consortium: //Intersection: //Difference sets: //Symmetric difference set:^ """ """ 1,Two identical elements are not possible in a collection """ python_student = {'egon', 'jason', 'tank', 'owen', 'egon'} linux_student = {'frank', 'alex', 'egon'} go_student = {'egon'} print(python_student) # print(python_student | linux_student) # print(python_student & linux_student) # print(python_student - linux_student) # print(linux_student - python_student) # print(python_student ^ linux_student) # print(python_student > go_student) # print(python_student < linux_student) # l1 = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6, 7] # print(l1) # # s1 = set(l1) # print(s1) # print(type(s1)) # l2 = list(s1) # print(l2) # print(type(l2)) for i in python_student: print(i)
Unordered, variable, store multiple values
Five, summary
""" Save one: integer, floating point, string Store multiple values: list, tuple, dictionary, set Variable or immutable: Variable:; list, dictionary, set Immutable: integer, floating point, string, tuple Ordered or unordered: Order: string, list, tuple Disorder: dictionary, set Occupied space: Dictionaries list tuple aggregate Character string Numeric type """