Purpose: generally used to define integer, such as age, ID number, QQ number
Definition mode
age = 18 # age = int(18)
Common methods: mathematical calculation, base conversion
print(bin(100)) # Decimal to binary print(oct(100)) # Decimal to octal print(hex(100)) # Decimal to hexadecimal print(int('1100100', 2)) # Decimal conversion of any type, int('Decimal number to convert',type)
Order or disorder: Disorder
Variable or immutable: immutable
The variable type is the variable type with the variable id unchanged
Value change id also changes immutable type
Save one value or multiple values: save one value
Purpose: to record decimal, height, weight, salary, etc
Definition method:
height = 1.0 # height = float(1.0)
Common method: mathematical calculation
Type Summary: unordered, immutable, save a value
Character string
Purpose: to store descriptive information, hobbies, names, gender
Definition method:
# 1,Single quotation mark s1 = 'Elephant' # 2,Double quotation marks s2 = "Elephant 2" # 3,Three single quotation marks/Double quotation marks s3 = '''Elephant 3''' s4 = """Elephant 4""" print(s1) print(s2) print(s3) print(s4) # There is no difference among the above three methods, but they cannot be mixed # It can be nested, such as inner single outer double, inner double outer single s5 = 'I like it"Elephant"' print(s5) # String preceded by a lowercase r,For escape, escape as string s6 = r"I like it'Elephant'1.234" print(type(s6)) //Print results: //Elephant //Elephant 2 //Elephant 3 //Elephant 4 //I like it"Elephant" <class 'str'>
Priority in knowledge***
1. Index value (forward fetching and reverse fetching), which can only be fetched but not saved
s1 = 'hello world' print(s1[1]) # Forward letter e print(s1[-10]) # Reverse letter e //Print results: e e
2. Index slice: intercepts a small segment of string
s1 = 'hello world' print(s1[2:5]) print(s1[4:]) print(s1[:5]) print(s1[0:-2:2]) print(s1[::-1]) //Print results: llo o world hello hlowr dlrow olleh
3. Member operation: in, not in
s1 = 'hello world' print('o'in s1) print('o' not in s1) //Print results: True False
4. strip: remove the spaces on both sides of the string, not in the middle
input no matter what type is received, string must be returned
a1 = '******kang******' # Just want to take out. kang print(a1.strip("*")) # strip()The symbols in can be customized //Print results: kang
5. split: segmentation
Function: to segment a string, you can specify the separator of segmentation, and return a list
a1 = 'kang|18|male' print(a1.split('|')) //Print results: ['kang', '18', 'male']
6. len: get the number of elements in the current data
a = 'hello' print(len(a)) for i in a: print(i) //Print results: 5 h e l l o
Knowledge points to master
Restrict: remove spaces / characters on the right
lestrip: remove spaces / characters on the left
a1 = '*******kang*******' print(a1.rstrip('*')) print(a1.lstrip('*')) //Print results: *******kang kang*******
lower: change all characters to lowercase
upper: change all characters to uppercase
a1 = 'Kang' print(a1.lower()) print(a1.upper()) //Print results: kang KANG
9. Startswitch / endswitch: judge whether the current string is... Start with, or with.. At the end, it must be a Boolean value
s1 = 'Hello world' print(s1.startswith("He")) print(s1.endswith('ld')) //Print results: True True
#Your name is: kang, your age is: 18 name = 'kang' age = 21 print("your name is:", name, "your age is,", age) print("your name is: {}, your age is: {}". format(name, age)) print("your name is: {0}, your age is: {1}".format(name, age)) print("your name is: {name}, your age is: {age}, gender is: {gender}".format(age=age, name=name, gender='male ')) # f-string: #To receive variables through braces, you must add a lowercase f,,, before the string, which will be available only after Python 3.6 print(f "your name is: {name}, your age is: {age}") Print results: Your name is: kang your age is, 21 Your name is: kang, your age is: 21 Your name is: kang, your age is: 21 Your name is: kang, your age is: 21, gender is: male Your name is: kang, your age is: 21
s1 = 'name,age,gender' print(s1.split(' , ', 1)) # Number of segmentation can be specified //Print results: ['name,age,gender']
12. join: splices the iteratable objects (each element in the l1 list is spliced according to the separator in the previous string)
l1 = ['kang', '21', 'male'] print('|'.join(l1)) //Print results: kang|21|male
13. Replace: replace the elements in the string. The old value of the parameter is first followed by the new value
s1 = 'kang,21' print(s1.replace('kang', 'zhao')) //Print results: zhao,21
14. isdigit: judge whether the data in the current string is a number (can judge bytes,unicode)
score = input('Please enter a score:') if score.isdigit(): score = int(score) if score >= 90: print('excellent') else: print('you tmd Can you lose well')
Knowledge points learned
find / rfind / index / rindex / count
# find: Find the location of an element in the current string, return the index, and return if not found-1 s1 = 'Did you eat today?' print(s1.find("?", )) # index # Find the location of an element in the current string, return index, no return exception found print(s1.index("?")) # count # Count the number of an element in the current string print(s1.count("eat")) //Print results: 8 8 2
center \ ljust \ rjust \ zfill
print("Welcome".center(8,"-")) print("Welcome".ljust(30,"-")) print("Welcome".rjust(30,"-")) print("Welcome".zfill(50)) s1 = """ kang\t18\tmale\t zhao\t18\tfemale\t """ print(s1.expandtabs()) print(s1.expandtabs(20)) //Print results: --Welcome-- //Welcome-------------------------- --------------------------Welcome 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Welcome kang 18 male zhao 18 female kang 18 male zhao 18 female
is series
a = b'10' b = '10' c = 'Ten' d = 'IV' print(type(a)) print(b.isnumeric()) print(c.isnumeric()) print(d.isnumeric()) # isdigit: unicode,bytes print(a.isdigit()) print(b.isdigit()) //Print results: <class 'bytes'> True True False True True
Purpose: to store one or more values of different types
Definition method: store values through brackets, and separate each value well
Common methods:
1. Index value (both positive and negative can be obtained, not only desirable, but also saved)
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] print(l1[2]) Print results: 3
2. Index slice
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] print(l1[2:5]) print(l1[4:]) print(l1[:5]) print(l1[0:-2:2]) print(l1[::-1]) //Print results: [3, 4, 5] [5, 6, 7] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [1, 3, 5] [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
3. Append: append value. It can only be added to the last part of the list, and only one value can be added at a time***
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] l1.append(1000) print(l1) Print results: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1000]
4. Insert: insert value. Specify the insertion position through index
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] l1.insert(3, 999) print(l1) Print results: [1, 2, 3, 999, 4, 5, 6, 7]
5. extend: the append must be an iterative object. At the end of the
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
l1.extend([8, 9]) print(l1) Print results: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
6. remove: delete the specified value thoroughly
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] l1.remove(1) print(l1) Print results: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
7. pop: don't transfer value. Delete from the last by default. Specify index delete. pop has return value
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] val = l1.pop(2) print(l1) print(val) //Print results: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7] 3