Functional requirements, click the administrative region, and the pop-up box will show the administrative region of the city (Note: the following data is only for demonstration, and does not represent its authenticity)
1, Screenshot description function requirements:
2. Implementation steps:
1. Get page parameters
Get the city number (cityId) of the current line by clicking the event
{ name: "cityDistrict", title: '<@spring.message "fndcity.citydistrict"/>', width: 120, headerAttributes: {style: "text-align:center"}, attributes: {style: "text-align:center"}, template: function (rowdata) { if (rowdata.cityId) { return '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="openWin(' + rowdata.cityId + ')"><@spring.message "fndcity.citydistrict"/></a>' } return ''; } },
openWin = function (cityId) { var districtDialog = $("#district-dialog").kendoWindow({ width: 1000, height: 450, title: '<@spring.message "fndcity.citydistrict"/>', visible: false, iframe: true, modal: true, resizable: false, content: 'fnd_district.html?cityId=' + cityId, close: function (e) { $("#grid").data("kendoGrid"); } }).data("kendoWindow");; };
The above code is used to get the cityId of the current line
2. Page access parameters
Method {requestparameters. < parametername >! < DefaultValue >}
For example {RequestParameters.studentId!0}
read: { url: BaseUrl + "/rent/fnd/district/${RequestParameters.cityId!0}/querybyid", type: "POST", dataType: "json" },
Get cityId according to the request path in the above code and transfer it to the background
3. Background receiving parameters
@RequestMapping( value = {"/rent/fnd/district/{cityId}/querybyid"}, method = {RequestMethod.POST} ) @ResponseBody public ResponseData querybyid(@PathVariable Long cityId, @RequestParam(defaultValue = DEFAULT_PAGE) int page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) int pageSize, HttpServletRequest request) { IRequest requestContext = createRequestContext(request); ResponseData rd = new ResponseData(); FndDistrict ss = new FndDistrict(); ss.setCityId(cityId); rd.setRows(this.service.selectById(requestContext,ss,page,pageSize)); return rd; }
The cityId parameter passed from the front end can be obtained through the above code
The next step is to write a custom query statement, and the implementation method is OK
To see how to customize query statements, please see another article of mine HAP framework - write your own query statements.