Active insertion algorithm is adopted in this paper
First, introduce B tree:
B - tree is a self balanced search tree.
In most other self balancing search trees, such as AVL and red black trees, it is assumed that everything is in main memory. To understand the use of b - trees, we have to consider large amounts of data that cannot be loaded into main memory. When the number of keys is high, the data is read from the disk in block form. Compared with main memory access time, disk access time is very high. The main idea of using b-tree is to reduce the number of disk accesses. Most tree operations (search, insert, delete, Max, min Etc.) requires O(h) disk access, where h is the height of the tree. b tree is a fat tree. Keep the height of b-tree low by placing the most possible key in the b-tree node. In general, the b-tree node size is equal to the disk block size. Because the H value of b-tree is low, compared with AVL tree, red black tree and other balanced binary search trees, the total disk access of most operations is greatly reduced. b - Tree Property 1) all leaves are at the same level. 2) b-tree is defined by the minimum degree t. The value of T depends on the block size. 3) Each node, except the root node, must contain at least t-1 keys. The root directory can contain at least one key. All nodes (including the root node) can contain a maximum of 2t - 1 keys. 5) The number of child nodes of a node is equal to the number of keys of the node plus 1. 6) All keys of a node are sorted in ascending order. The subkeys between the two keys k1 and k2 contain all the keys in the range k1 and k2. Unlike binary search trees, b - trees grow and contract from the root. Binary search trees grow down and contract down. 8) Like other balanced binary search trees, the time complexity of searching, inserting and deleting is O(Logn).
package com.dsa; class BTreeNode{ int[] keys; // keys of nodes int MinDeg; // Minimum degree of B-tree node BTreeNode[] children; // Child node int num; // Number of keys of node boolean isLeaf; // True when leaf node // Constructor public BTreeNode(int deg,boolean isLeaf){ this.MinDeg = deg; this.isLeaf = isLeaf; this.keys = new int[2*this.MinDeg-1]; // Node has 2*MinDeg-1 keys at most this.children = new BTreeNode[2*this.MinDeg]; this.num = 0; } // Find the first location index equal to or greater than key public int findKey(int key){ int idx = 0; // The conditions for exiting the loop are: 1.idx == num, i.e. scan all of them once // 2. IDX < num, i.e. key found or greater than key while (idx < num && keys[idx] < key) ++idx; return idx; } public void remove(int key){ int idx = findKey(key); if (idx < num && keys[idx] == key){ // Find key if (isLeaf) // key in leaf node removeFromLeaf(idx); else // key is not in the leaf node removeFromNonLeaf(idx); } else{ if (isLeaf){ // If the node is a leaf node, then the node is not in the B tree System.out.printf("The key %d is does not exist in the tree\n",key); return; } // Otherwise, the key to be deleted exists in the subtree with the node as the root // This flag indicates whether the key exists in the subtree whose root is the last child of the node // When idx is equal to num, the whole node is compared, and flag is true boolean flag = idx == num; if (children[idx].num < MinDeg) // When the child node of the node is not full, fill it first fill(idx); //If the last child node has been merged, it must have been merged with the previous child node, so we recurse on the (idx-1) child node. // Otherwise, we recurse to the (idx) child node, which now has at least the keys of the minimum degree if (flag && idx > num) children[idx-1].remove(key); else children[idx].remove(key); } } public void removeFromLeaf(int idx){ // Shift from idx for (int i = idx +1;i < num;++i) keys[i-1] = keys[i]; num --; } public void removeFromNonLeaf(int idx){ int key = keys[idx]; // If the subtree before key (children[idx]) has at least t keys // Then find the precursor 'pred' of key in the subtree with children[idx] as the root // Replace key with 'pred', recursively delete pred in children[idx] if (children[idx].num >= MinDeg){ int pred = getPred(idx); keys[idx] = pred; children[idx].remove(pred); } // If children[idx] has fewer keys than MinDeg, check children[idx+1] // If children[idx+1] has at least MinDeg keys, in the subtree whose root is children[idx+1] // Find the key's successor 'succ' and recursively delete succ in children[idx+1] else if (children[idx+1].num >= MinDeg){ int succ = getSucc(idx); keys[idx] = succ; children[idx+1].remove(succ); } else{ // If the number of keys of children[idx] and children[idx+1] is less than MinDeg // Then key and children[idx+1] are combined into children[idx] // Now children[idx] contains the 2t-1 key // Release children[idx+1], recursively delete the key in children[idx] merge(idx); children[idx].remove(key); } } public int getPred(int idx){ // The predecessor node is the node that always finds the rightmost node from the left subtree // Move to the rightmost node until you reach the leaf node BTreeNode cur = children[idx]; while (!cur.isLeaf) cur = cur.children[cur.num]; return cur.keys[cur.num-1]; } public int getSucc(int idx){ // Subsequent nodes are found from the right subtree all the way to the left // Continue to move the leftmost node from children[idx+1] until it reaches the leaf node BTreeNode cur = children[idx+1]; while (!cur.isLeaf) cur = cur.children[0]; return cur.keys[0]; } // Fill children[idx] with less than MinDeg keys public void fill(int idx){ // If the previous child node has multiple MinDeg-1 keys, borrow from them if (idx != 0 && children[idx-1].num >= MinDeg) borrowFromPrev(idx); // The latter sub node has multiple MinDeg-1 keys, from which to borrow else if (idx != num && children[idx+1].num >= MinDeg) borrowFromNext(idx); else{ // Merge children[idx] and its brothers // If children[idx] is the last child node // Then merge it with the previous child node or merge it with its next sibling if (idx != num) merge(idx); else merge(idx-1); } } // Borrow a key from children[idx-1] and insert it into children[idx] public void borrowFromPrev(int idx){ BTreeNode child = children[idx]; BTreeNode sibling = children[idx-1]; // The last key from children[idx-1] overflows to the parent node // The key[idx-1] underflow from the parent node is inserted as the first key in children[idx] // Therefore, sibling decreases by one and children increases by one for (int i = child.num-1; i >= 0; --i) // children[idx] move forward child.keys[i+1] = child.keys[i]; if (!child.isLeaf){ // Move children[idx] forward when they are not leaf nodes for (int i = child.num; i >= 0; --i) child.children[i+1] = child.children[i]; } // Set the first key of the child node to the keys of the current node [idx-1] child.keys[0] = keys[idx-1]; if (!child.isLeaf) // Take the last child of sibling as the first child of children[idx] child.children[0] = sibling.children[sibling.num]; // Move the last key of sibling up to the last key of the current node keys[idx-1] = sibling.keys[sibling.num-1]; child.num += 1; sibling.num -= 1; } // Symmetric with borowfromprev public void borrowFromNext(int idx){ BTreeNode child = children[idx]; BTreeNode sibling = children[idx+1]; child.keys[child.num] = keys[idx]; if (!child.isLeaf) child.children[child.num+1] = sibling.children[0]; keys[idx] = sibling.keys[0]; for (int i = 1; i < sibling.num; ++i) sibling.keys[i-1] = sibling.keys[i]; if (!sibling.isLeaf){ for (int i= 1; i <= sibling.num;++i) sibling.children[i-1] = sibling.children[i]; } child.num += 1; sibling.num -= 1; } // Merge childre[idx+1] into childre[idx] public void merge(int idx){ BTreeNode child = children[idx]; BTreeNode sibling = children[idx+1]; // Insert the last key of the current node into the MinDeg-1 position of the child node child.keys[MinDeg-1] = keys[idx]; // keys: children[idx+1] copy to children[idx] for (int i =0 ; i< sibling.num; ++i) child.keys[i+MinDeg] = sibling.keys[i]; // children: children[idx+1] copy to children[idx] if (!child.isLeaf){ for (int i = 0;i <= sibling.num; ++i) child.children[i+MinDeg] = sibling.children[i]; } // Move keys forward, not gap caused by moving keys[idx] to children[idx] for (int i = idx+1; i<num; ++i) keys[i-1] = keys[i]; // Move the corresponding child node forward for (int i = idx+2;i<=num;++i) children[i-1] = children[i]; child.num += sibling.num + 1; num--; } public void insertNotFull(int key){ int i = num -1; // Initialize i as the rightmost index if (isLeaf){ // When it is a leaf node // Find the location where the new key should be inserted while (i >= 0 && keys[i] > key){ keys[i+1] = keys[i]; // keys backward shift i--; } keys[i+1] = key; num = num +1; } else{ // Find the child node location that should be inserted while (i >= 0 && keys[i] > key) i--; if (children[i+1].num == 2*MinDeg - 1){ // When the child node is full splitChild(i+1,children[i+1]); // After splitting, the key in the middle of the child node moves up, and the child node splits into two if (keys[i+1] < key) i++; } children[i+1].insertNotFull(key); } } public void splitChild(int i ,BTreeNode y){ // First, create a node to hold the keys of MinDeg-1 of y BTreeNode z = new BTreeNode(y.MinDeg,y.isLeaf); z.num = MinDeg - 1; // Pass the properties of y to z for (int j = 0; j < MinDeg-1; j++) z.keys[j] = y.keys[j+MinDeg]; if (!y.isLeaf){ for (int j = 0; j < MinDeg; j++) z.children[j] = y.children[j+MinDeg]; } y.num = MinDeg-1; // Insert a new child into the child for (int j = num; j >= i+1; j--) children[j+1] = children[j]; children[i+1] = z; // Move a key in y to this node for (int j = num-1;j >= i;j--) keys[j+1] = keys[j]; keys[i] = y.keys[MinDeg-1]; num = num + 1; } public void traverse(){ int i; for (i = 0; i< num; i++){ if (!isLeaf) children[i].traverse(); System.out.printf(" %d",keys[i]); } if (!isLeaf){ children[i].traverse(); } } public BTreeNode search(int key){ int i = 0; while (i < num && key > keys[i]) i++; if (keys[i] == key) return this; if (isLeaf) return null; return children[i].search(key); } } class BTree{ BTreeNode root; int MinDeg; // Constructor public BTree(int deg){ this.root = null; this.MinDeg = deg; } public void traverse(){ if (root != null){ root.traverse(); } } // Function to find key public BTreeNode search(int key){ return root == null ? null :; } public void insert(int key){ if (root == null){ root = new BTreeNode(MinDeg,true); root.keys[0] = key; root.num = 1; } else { // When the root node is full, the tree will grow high if (root.num == 2*MinDeg-1){ BTreeNode s = new BTreeNode(MinDeg,false); // The old root node becomes a child of the new root node s.children[0] = root; // Separate the old root node and give a key to the new node s.splitChild(0,root); // The new root node has 2 child nodes. Move the old one over there int i = 0; if (s.keys[0]< key) i++; s.children[i].insertNotFull(key); root = s; } else root.insertNotFull(key); } } public void remove(int key){ if (root == null){ System.out.println("The tree is empty"); return; } root.remove(key); if (root.num == 0){ // If the root node has 0 keys // If it has a child, its first child is taken as the new root, // Otherwise, set the root node to null if (root.isLeaf) root = null; else root = root.children[0]; } } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { BTree t = new BTree(2); // A B-Tree with minium degree 2 t.insert(1); t.insert(3); t.insert(7); t.insert(10); t.insert(11); t.insert(13); t.insert(14); t.insert(15); t.insert(18); t.insert(16); t.insert(19); t.insert(24); t.insert(25); t.insert(26); t.insert(21); t.insert(4); t.insert(5); t.insert(20); t.insert(22); t.insert(2); t.insert(17); t.insert(12); t.insert(6); System.out.println("Traversal of tree constructed is"); t.traverse(); System.out.println(); t.remove(6); System.out.println("Traversal of tree after removing 6"); t.traverse(); System.out.println(); t.remove(13); System.out.println("Traversal of tree after removing 13"); t.traverse(); System.out.println(); t.remove(7); System.out.println("Traversal of tree after removing 7"); t.traverse(); System.out.println(); t.remove(4); System.out.println("Traversal of tree after removing 4"); t.traverse(); System.out.println(); t.remove(2); System.out.println("Traversal of tree after removing 2"); t.traverse(); System.out.println(); t.remove(16); System.out.println("Traversal of tree after removing 16"); t.traverse(); System.out.println(); } }