Attitude algorithm module -- C source code

Keywords: github git

Friends who know or want to develop UAVs will not be able to solve this problem. It is not difficult to spend time to understand their principles. Here are two principles for your reference:
Understanding of quaternion rotation
Four rotor attitude calculation principle
In the aspect of code implementation, I have written the attitude algorithm module for you to learn and reference.

Download address:
Baidu cloud link: wyllgxdju6ejwejg extraction code: yawh
 Github link:

Module input:
1. Acceleration 3-axis data
2. Gyro 3-axis data
3. Magnetometer 3-axis data (optional)
Module output:
1. Attitude angle (pit, roll, yaw)
2. Rotation matrix
3. Acceleration in world coordinate system
4. Corrected acceleration (horizontal acceleration and vertical acceleration), gyroscope
Note: the module coordinate is the right-hand coordinate system, the nose direction is the positive x-axis direction, and the sky is the positive z-axis direction.

Acceleration direction Description:
Accelerating towards the nose, ACC ű x is positive;
Accelerate to the left side of the nose, acc_y is positive;
The acceleration towards the sky, ACC ﹤ Z is greater than - 980cm / S ^ 2, for example: - 970cm / S ^ 2;

Gyro direction Description:
The thumb points to the nose, and the right four fingers rotate in the positive direction of gyro ﹐ X;
Other similarities

Post. H (post. C in download address)

//@Prepared on: April 6, 2019
//@Revised on: April 6, 2019
//@File name: post. H
//@Description: attitude calculation module

#ifndef _POSE_H
#define _POSE_H

#ifndef u8 
#define u8 unsigned char

#ifndef s8 
#define s8 char

#ifndef XYZ_Data
#define XYZ_Data
typedef struct XYZ_Data_f
	float x;
	float y;	
	float z;

typedef struct XYZ_Data_s32
	long x;
	long y;
	long z;

typedef struct XYZ_Data_s16
	short x;
	short y;
	short z;

typedef struct XYZ_Data_s8
	s8 x;
	s8 y;	
	s8 z;
typedef struct Pose_Flag
	u8 run;
	u8 use_mag;

typedef struct Pose_DInterface
	float *a_x;
	float *a_y;
	float *a_z;
	float *g_x;
	float *g_y;
	float *g_z;
	float *m_x;
	float *m_y;
	float *m_z;

typedef struct Pose_Interface
	Pose_DInterface data;

typedef struct Pose_Data
	float yaw;
	float rol;
	float pit;
	float rotate_matrix[3][3]; //Rotation matrix
	XYZ_Data_f acc_world;    //Acceleration in world coordinate system
	XYZ_Data_f mag_world;    //The intensity of magnetic field in the world coordinate system
	XYZ_Data_f acc_correct;   //Acceleration in body coordinate system -- corrected acceleration after pitching and rolling
	XYZ_Data_f mag_correct;   //The intensity of magnetic field in the body coordinate system -- corrected the intensity of magnetic field after pitching and rolling
	XYZ_Data_f gyro_correct;  //Integrating accelerometer and magnetometer data, corrected gyroscope value

typedef struct Pose_Process
	float mag_yaw;       //Yaw angle of magnetometer
	float mag_yaw_bias;     //Deviation of yaw angle corrected by magnetometer
	float quaternion[4];    //Four yuan number
	XYZ_Data_f error;      //Deviation between accelerometer and equivalent gravity
	XYZ_Data_f error_integral; //Error integral

typedef struct Pose_Parameter
	float correct_kp;	//Correction speed
	float error_kp;		//Correction speed
	float error_ki;

typedef struct Pose_Module
	Pose_Flag flag;
	Pose_Interface interface; 
	Pose_Process process;
	Pose_Data data;
	Pose_Parameter parameter;

//Initialize structure
void initPose_Module(Pose_Module *pose);
//Computational attitude
void calculatePose_Module(Pose_Module *pose, float cycle);

Routine code:

#include "stdlib.h"
#include "pose.h"

Pose_Module pose;

int main(void)
	float acc_x = 0, acc_y = 0, acc_z = -980.0f;
	float gyro_x = 0, gyro_y = 0, gyro_z = 0;
	float pit, rol, yaw;
	//Initialize structure
	//Connection interface = &acc_x; = &acc_y; = &acc_z; = &gyro_x; = &gyro_y; = &gyro_z;
	 	//Algorithm module of calculating attitude
 		calculatePose_Module(&pose, 0.01f);
 		//get data
 		pit =;
 		rol =;
		yaw =;
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Posted by gmcalp on Sat, 15 Feb 2020 11:42:45 -0800