ASP.Net Core Published to Centos Docker

Reference web address:

1.VS2019   Create a NETCORE 3.0 project

    Select Docker



DockerFile is automatically created when Docker is selected


#See to understand how Visual Studio uses this Dockerfile to build your images for faster debugging.

FROM AS base

FROM AS build
COPY ["netdemo3.csproj", ""]
RUN dotnet restore "./netdemo3.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/."
RUN dotnet build "netdemo3.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "netdemo3.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "netdemo3.dll"]


#Introducing Mirrors
FROM AS base
#Set Working Directory
#Ports used by programs in containers must correspond to ports used by program startup
#copy file to mirror working directory Documents will not be found if copy does not run
COPY . .
#Start Program
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "demoapi.dll"]

  2.DockerFile settings: The automatically generated dockerfile contains compilation and publishing. Here we upload the published file to linux after compilation on the windows platform, so we directly reduce the compilation and publishing part, leaving only the mirror download copy and the running part

FROM AS base
FROM AS build
WORKDIR /app  
COPY . .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "netdemo3.dll"]
Port settings:
DockerFile EXPOSE port 6001 must be consistent with the project's listening port. The netcore port is configured in the appsettings.json file, as follows, using the urls parameter to bind the port. Be sure to use the form'*: port'. This place did not notice at first that the docker's external network access has been failing and it took a long time to find out why.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 {   "Logging": {     "LogLevel": {       "Default": "Information",       "Microsoft": "Warning",       "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"     }   },     "AllowedHosts": "*",   "urls": "http://*:6002;http://*:6001" }


3. Publish the project in VS to a local folder and upload the files in the publish directory to centos after publishing:



  The upload path here is/home/www/netdemo, using xftp6



  4.xshell logs in to centos, then goes to the upload directory just now/home/www/netdemo, creates the mirror container and starts

The main instructions used are the following:

#Compile to generate image
docker build -t  netdemo:v1 .

#Check if image is successful
docker images 

#Once successful, create a container from the image and run
docker run --name=demo1 -p 9000:6001  -d netdemo:v1 
docker run -p 9000:6001 demoapi:v1 

#Check if the container is running successfully
docker container ls 

#Because it's a website, use curl here to test if the machine is accessible properly
curl http://localhost:9000

  For the first time use, there are some problems. If the container or image creation fails, you can delete all the containers and images again.

The complete test record is as follows:

# docker build -t  netdemo:v1 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  18.68MB
Step 1/6 : FROM AS base
3.1-buster-slim: Pulling from dotnet/core/aspnet
54fec2fa59d0: Pull complete 
573788d8ba26: Pull complete 
d8e35c95ac02: Pull complete 
e158ea73cf60: Pull complete 
5c38381dab2d: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:21d9448c98bf4968b72f64c484117f6bf04e27ff3ebc6af6ff7ba3ed1e894f82
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> 79e79777c3bf
Step 2/6 : FROM AS build
3.1-buster: Pulling from dotnet/core/sdk
90fe46dd8199: Pull complete 
35a4f1977689: Pull complete 
bbc37f14aded: Pull complete 
74e27dc593d4: Pull complete 
caa6ad693f93: Pull complete 
aae86a99db0a: Pull complete 
95f813d5736b: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:d706e0545b75615ecd864c6af237cc1fc2ca9001ed25cdd84b83fdb3923e9e54
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> 4aa6a74611ff
Step 3/6 : WORKDIR /app 
 ---> Running in 5d52f409826f
Removing intermediate container 5d52f409826f
 ---> eb732de5e9a8
Step 4/6 : COPY . .
 ---> 7c187a46b754
Step 5/6 : EXPOSE 6001
 ---> Running in 9ea0c2171d7c
Removing intermediate container 9ea0c2171d7c
 ---> d2ed487c5b2a
Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "netdemo3.dll"]
 ---> Running in 8110e32a0ffc
Removing intermediate container 8110e32a0ffc
 ---> 29aa9a8c4637
Successfully built 29aa9a8c4637
Successfully tagged netdemo:v1
# docker images
REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE
netdemo                                v1                  29aa9a8c4637        About a minute ago   709MB      3.1-buster          4aa6a74611ff        2 weeks ago          691MB   3.1-buster-slim     79e79777c3bf        2 weeks ago          207MB
# docker run --name=demo1 -p 9000:6001  -d netdemo:v1 
# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                 CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
95cf9056e3f2        netdemo:v1          "dotnet netdemo3.dll"   7 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds>6001/tcp   demo1
# curl http://localhost:9000
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As shown above, because it's a website, successful curl access means successful publishing.

The above test environment:

Server: CentOS 8+docker 19.06.8+netcore 3.1

Developer: VS2019+win10 1909  


In August 2021, a new version of docker desktop 20 was used to test for problems:

The port on which the netcore webapi program runs under 1 windows desktop must be set with the urls parameter or the port configured by default as 5000 5001 dockerfile will not take effect, resulting in failure to map the docker port

So the ports set by the docker file must be consistent with the application ports or you will not be able to access the ports initially suspected to be docker ip issues. It turns out that versions after docker 20 can use the docker directly without any additional installation to perform compilation and publishing


New docker desktop containers, mirrors, and operational status can be displayed on the desktop without instructions

Mirror List: List actions are given on the right side of the diagram to delete or run


  Container list: As shown in the following illustration, web programs that start, stop, delete containers can also automatically open browsers for easy access

CLI commands can also be executed automatically: it is very convenient to enter the container directory directly as shown below

  Tested windows docker container can directly access the same machine IP as the host, without additional settings, guessing that the network connection mode is the host mode and the host share IP


Classification:   .NETThe serveroperating systemNetwork Communication

Posted by adhi_nugraha on Wed, 03 Nov 2021 09:42:08 -0700