ASM judges a class and implements the specified interface

Keywords: Programming Java

Technical support

In ASM, ClassReader class: resolves the existing and provides methods for obtaining class information.

Through ClassReader, we can parse a class.

Processing flow

Determine whether a class implements an interface according to the following process:

  • Loop to determine whether the target interface is achieved
  • Recursively determine whether the parent interface has a target interface
  • Recursively determine whether the parent class implements the target interface

Concrete realization

The specific implementation code is as follows:

package utils;

import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;

import java.util.Set;

 * Determine whether a class implements the specified interface set
 * @author pengpj
 * @date 2018/11/27
public class SpecifiedInterfaceImplementionChecked {

     * Determine whether the specified interface is implemented
     * @param reader       class reader
     * @param interfaceSet interface collection
     * @return check result
    public static boolean hasImplSpecifiedInterfaces(ClassReader reader, Set<String> interfaceSet) {
        if (isObject(reader.getClassName())) {
            return false;
        try {
            if (containedTargetInterface(reader.getInterfaces(), interfaceSet)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                ClassReader parent = new ClassReader(reader.getSuperName());
                return hasImplSpecifiedInterfaces(parent, interfaceSet);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;

     * Check that the current class is of Object type
     * @param className class name
     * @return checked result
    private static boolean isObject(String className) {
        return "java/lang/Object".equals(className);

     * Check whether the interface and its parent interface implement the target interface
     * @param interfaceList Interface to be checked
     * @param interfaceSet  Target interface
     * @return checked result
     * @throws IOException exp
    private static boolean containedTargetInterface(String[] interfaceList, Set<String> interfaceSet) throws IOException {
        for (String inter : interfaceList) {
            if (interfaceSet.contains(inter)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(inter);
                if (containedTargetInterface(reader.getInterfaces(), interfaceSet)) {
                    return true;
        return false;


test case

Some test cases are as follows:

 private static Set<String> set;

    static {
        if (set == null) {
            set = new HashSet<>();

    public void hasImplSpecifiedInterfacesTest() throws IOException {
        Assert.assertEquals(true, SpecifiedInterfaceImplChecked.hasImplSpecifiedInterfaces(new ClassReader(B.class.getName()), set));
        Assert.assertEquals(true, SpecifiedInterfaceImplChecked.hasImplSpecifiedInterfaces(new ClassReader(C.class.getName()), set));

    public void hasImplSpecifiedInterfacesObjectTest() throws IOException {
        Assert.assertEquals(false, SpecifiedInterfaceImplChecked.hasImplSpecifiedInterfaces(new ClassReader(Object.class.getName()), set));

    public void hasImplSpecifiedInterfacesInterfaceTest() throws IOException {
        Assert.assertEquals(true, SpecifiedInterfaceImplChecked.hasImplSpecifiedInterfaces(new ClassReader(D.class.getName()), set));

    interface A {
        void hello();

    class B implements A {
        public void hello() {

    abstract class C implements A {

    interface D extends A {


In ASM, ClassReader is provided to parse the existing classes, which enables us to operate on the classes without source code.

Posted by sebmaurer on Wed, 04 Dec 2019 08:22:06 -0800