You can use the Drawing toolbar to draw a variety of geometric shapes on a map.
Online demonstration: http: //
Reference help: http: //
constant | describe |
Arrow | Draw arrows. |
up arrow | Draw an up arrow. |
DOWN_ARROW | A Drawing Down Arrow |
left arrow | Draw a left arrow. |
right arrow | Draw a right arrow |
spot | Draw points. |
MULTI_POINTPOINT | Draw multiple points. |
Ellipse | Draw an ellipse. |
POLYGON | Draw polygons. |
POLYLINE | Draw a broken line. |
FREEHAND_POLYGON | Hand-drawn polygon. |
FREEHAND_POLYLINE | Hand-drawn broken lines. |
Line | Drawing line |
Rectangle | Draw a rectangle |
circle | Draw circles. |
Triangle | Draw a triangle. |
degree | Draw a range box. |
Geometry Type, Choose? | No | Activate the drawing geometry of the toolbar. Activate toolbar to disable map navigation. |
Close () | No | Close the toolbar and activate map navigation. |
finishDrawing() | No | Finally, the geometry is drawn and the onDrawEnd event is triggered. Use this method to draw polygons, polygons or point-to-multipoint. Get the device you touch in iTunes right away. |
setFillSymbol(fillSymbol) | No | Set the fill symbol. |
setLineSymbol(lineSymbol) | No | Setting Line Symbols |
setMarkerSymbol(markerSymbol) | No | Setting Markup Symbols |
SetRespectDrawing VertexOrder (Set) | No | Set whether the polygon geometry should be modified to correct topology. |
onDrawComplete() |
Triggered when the user finishes drawing. This event object has the following properties
onDrawEnd (Geometry) | Triggered when drawing is completed. |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv ="Content-Type"content ="text / html; charset = utf-8"> <meta name ="viewport"content ="width = device- width,user-scalable = no"> <meta name ="viewport"content ="initial-scale = 1,maximum-scale = 1,user-scalable = no"> <title> Maps Toolbar </ title> <link rel ="stylesheet"href =""> <link rel ="stylesheet"href =" 3.25 / esri / css / esri.css"> <style> html,body,#mainWindow { font-family: sans-serif; Height: 100%; Width: 100%; } html,body { margin: 0; Fill: 0; } #header { height: 80px; Overflow: automatic; Fill: 0.5em; } </ style> <script src =""> </ script> <script> var map,toolbar,symbol,geomTask; //Import package require([ "esri / map", "esri / toolbars / draw", "esri / graphic", "esri / symbols / SimpleMarkerSymbol", "esri / symbols / SimpleLineSymbol", "esri / symbols / SimpleFillSymbol" , "dojo / parser","dijit / registry", " "dijit / form / Button","dijit / WidgetSet","dojo / domReady!" ],function( Map,Draw,Graphic, SimpleMarkerSymbol,SimpleLineSymbol,SimpleFillSymbol, parser,registry ){ parser.parse(); map = new Map("map",{ basemap: "streets",//Specified map base. (If your map is also available, you can modify the corresponding map service.) The default valid options are: "streets", "satellite", "hybrid", "topo", "grey". ocean ","national-geographic","osm" .center: [ - 15.469,36.428], zoom: 3 //Scaling }); map.on("load",createToolbar); //Binding load events can add more than one //map.on("load", //Loop through all dijits and connect onClick events to the button listener that activates the drawing tool registry.forEach(function(d){ // d is a reference to dijit, which can be a layout container or a button if(d.declaredClass ===" dijit.form.Button"){ d.on("click",activateTool); } }); function activateTool(){ var tool = this.label.toUpperCase(). replace(/ / g,"_"); toolbar.activate(Draw[tool]); //Activate Drawing Tools map.hideZoomSlider(); } function createToolbar(themap){ toolbar=New Drawing (Map); //Create toolbar.on the drawing toolbar. ("draw-end",addToMap); //Termination trigger } function addToMap(evt){ var Symbol; toolbar.deactivate(); //Close the toolbar and activate map navigation. map.showZoomSlider(); //The zoom slider shown on the map (something like the drag in screenshots) Switch ( evt.geometry.type){//Getting the geometric model depends on the name in the button Case "Points": case"multipoint": symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(); break; case"polyline": symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(); break; default: symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(); break; } var graphic = new Graphic(evt.geometry,symbol);; //Add drawings to layers } }); </ script> </ head> <body class ="nihilo"> <div id ="mainWindow"data-dojo-type ="dijit / layout / BorderContainer"data-dojo-props ="design: 'headline'"> <div id ="header"data-dojo-type ="dijit / layout / ContentPane"data-dojo-props ="region: 'top'"> <span>Draw:<br /> </ span> <Button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button">spot</ button> <! - spot - > <Button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button">Multipoint</ button> <! - Multipoint - > <button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button"> Line </ button> <! <! - polygon - > <button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button">Hand drawn broken line</ button> <! - Hand drawn broken line - > <button data-dojo-type ="dijit /form/Button ">Hand-drawn polygon</ button> <! - Hand-drawn polygon - > <Button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button">Arrow</ button> <! - Arrow - > < button data -dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button"> Triangle </ button> <! - Triangle - > <button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button"> Circle </ button> < ! - circular - > <button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form / Button"> Ellipse </ button> <! - Ellipse - > <button data-dojo-type ="dijit / form /Button ">rectangle</ button> <! - rectangle - > </ div> <div id ="map"data-dojo-type ="dijit / layout / ContentPane"data-dojo-props ="region: 'center'"> </ div> </ div> </ body> </ html>