ArangoDB data import

Keywords: Database JSON github


ArangoDB is an open source and free multi model database, which can flexibly build data models by using documents, graphs and key value pairs. Written in c + +, compared with other databases or graph databases, the community of arangodb is relatively small, with few related materials, most of which are in official documents and GitHub. It is said that its speed is faster than other graph databases, but even if it is faster, it can only be measured by importing data first.


Whenever a new database is used, data import is the first problem to be solved. Only when the data is imported, can subsequent operations be carried out. Fortunately, arangodb provides the tool arangoamp to import the processed csv, json and tsv files into arangodb. Use this command to batch import data to the arangodb. If the imported data is' edge ', then' from 'and' to 'will be set to index by default. The common parameters of this command are as follows.

Usage: arangoimp [<options>]

Section 'global options' (Global configuration)
  --backslash-escape <boolean>           Use backslash as escape character(default: false)
  --batch-size <uint64>                  Amount of data per time (in bytes) (default: 16777216)
  --collection <string>                  Collection name to import (default: "")
  --create-collection <boolean>          Create a collection when it does not exist (default: false)
  --create-collection-type <string>      Create collection type (edge or document).(default:  "document")
  --file <string>                        Import file name
  --from-collection-prefix <string>      _from Set name prefix
  --overwrite <boolean>                  Overwrite a collection when it already exists(default: false)
  --separator <string>                   Field separator,csv or tsv Use(default: "")
  --to-collection-prefix <string>        _from Set name prefix
  --type <string>                        Import file type. possible values: "auto", "csv", "json", "jsonl", "tsv" (default: "json")

Section 'server' (Configure a connection to the server)
  --server.connection-timeout <double>   Connection timeout(default: 5)
  --server.database <string>             Connection database name(default: "_system")
  --server.password <string>             Connection password. If there is no special specification and a password is needed, the user will be reminded to ask for a password(default: "")
  --server.request-timeout <double>      Access timeout (seconds) (default:1200)
  --server.username <string>             User name on connection(default: "root")

Posted by Kitty on Sat, 02 May 2020 08:23:35 -0700