Applet chat session component

Keywords: Session Mobile PHP

Chat session


Chat and conversation for online customer service, etc

1, Layout circle

1. Triangle arrow

Draw a 26rpx*26rpx rectangle, rotate it 45 degrees, and then hide the half to form a right triangle on the bubble.

<!-- Draw triangle arrow -->
    <view class="triangle" style="{{item.myself == 1 ? 'right: 140rpx; background: #7ECB4B' : 'left: 140rpx;'}}"></view>
/* Triangular arrow */
.body .triangle {
    background: white;
    width: 20rpx;
    height: 20rpx;
    margin-top: 26rpx;
    transform: rotate(45deg);
    position: absolute;

2. Flex flow changes flow direction

Take the values ['row '|'row-reverse'] respectively to make the message header sent by the opposite party on the left and the message header sent by yourself on the right.

<view class="body" style="flex-flow: {{item.myself == 0 ? 'row' : 'row-reverse'}}">

3. Press and hold to center the speaking suspension horizontally and vertically

Scheme 1, js manual calculation

data: {
    hud_top: (wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight - 150) / 2,
    hud_left: (wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth - 150) / 2,
<view class="hud-container" wx:if="{{status != state.normal}}" style="top: {{hud_top}}px; left: {{hud_left}}px;">

Scheme 2, pure css

/*Suspension prompt box*/
.hud-container {
    position: fixed;
    width: 150px;
    height: 150px;
    left: 50%;
    top: 50%;
    margin-left: -75px;
    margin-top: -75px;

By comparison, scheme 2 is better than scheme 1

JS punctuation

1, touch event implementation up slide cancel voice input

Press it to suspend, slide up to a certain displacement to cancel the prompt, release the hand to cancel; if the slide up does not exceed, release the hand to send

touchStart: function (e) {
    // Touch start
    var startY = e.touches[0].clientY;
    // Record initial Y value
      startY: startY,
  touchMove: function (e) {
    // Touch Mobile
    var movedY = e.touches[0].clientY;
    var distance = - movedY;
    // console.log(distance);
    // If the distance exceeds 50, cancel sending
      status: distance > 50 ? :
  touchEnd: function (e) {
    // End of touch
    var endY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
    var distance = - endY;
    // console.log(distance);
    // If the distance exceeds 50, cancel sending
      cancel: distance > 50 ? true : false,
    // Anyway, end the recording

2, Send message and roll to the end of the page

data: {
  toView: ''

reply: {
// ...
scrollToBottom: function () {
      toView: 'row_' + ( - 1)

<!--Each line of messages-->
<view class="row" wx:for="{{message_list}}" wx:key="" id="row_{{index}}">

Online experience

Mina component library

Source download

Pay attention to the subscription number [Huang Xiujie] or scan the QR code below to reply to the keyword 115

Author: Huang Xiujie

Posted by BobRoberts on Tue, 21 Jan 2020 09:55:31 -0800