"Ansible + Reclass Better Operations and Maintenance"

Keywords: ansible ssh Linux JSON

Ansible + Reclass.png

Hello, everyone. My name is Xie Wei. I'm a programmer.

Theme of this section: Ansible + Reclass

If you've been following me continuously, you should know that my job is to install and deploy the PaaS platform and to deploy components on multiple nodes, I'll use Ansible.

If you want to know the basics of Ansible, check out Ansible's official website.


Through the understanding of the official website, we know that if we deal with slightly complex actions, we will decompose the processing actions of the managed nodes into roles, each role completes a simple task. It is a way to decompose complex tasks into small problems that can be handled.

The problem now is that in general, we may define many node variables in the / etc/ansible/hosts file, such as the node's IP, the node's login username or password.

If the parameters of the nodes we need are dynamically generated, or the parameters of the nodes are very large.

This way of writing to death in the / etc/ansible/hosts file is neither safe nor friendly.

reclass is a library for organizing the information of nodes. The term is: node classifier.

The purpose of an ENC is to allow a system administrator to maintain an inventory of nodes to be managed, completely separately from the configuration of the automation tool.

The purpose of reclass is to allow system administrators to better manage the list of nodes, while completely independent of configuration files.

the external node classifier completely replaces the tool-specific inventory (such as site.pp for Puppet, ext_pillar/master_tops for Salt, or /etc/ansible/hosts).

So how to use reclass?

  • Installation of reclass
  • The concept of reclass
  • The command line of reclass
  • reclass configuration file
  • reclass and Ansible

Let's look at it one by one.

Note: Ansible + reclass demo is under Linux system.

1. Installation of reclass

Because reclass is actually a python library, it's easy to install.

pip install reclass

Verification: Input reclass in terminal


Successful installation is indicated by a prompt.

2. The concept of reclass

reclass concept introduce
node Node (the host you need to operate on)
class A category, tag, feature, or role that applies to a node, node group
application Collection of actions (role playbook)
parameter Node parameter

In these concepts, class may be a little difficult to understand.

3. reclass command line

After successful installation of reclass, enter reclass - help in the terminal.

reclass --help

Common commands:

reclass -i
reclass --inventory
reclass -i -o json

Others won't. Look at the help documentation when you need it.

In fact, the core command is this: reclass-i

The following is a demonstration.

4. Configuration files


The reclass command defaults to find files in the / etc / reclass, / etc / reclass / nodes folder.

Configuration information is needed without default, mainly including these:

storage_type: yaml_fs
pretty_print: True
output: yaml
inventory_base_uri: ./reclass

Focus on these two:

  • output specifies the format of command echo, including two types: json, yaml
  • The inventory_base_uri configuration file is the same level as the reclass file, which can be defined as reclass.

5. Reclass + Ansible

Directory structure:

├── classes
│   ├── download.yml
│   ├── op-cli
│   │   └── init.yml
│   └── update.yml
└── nodes
    └── localhost.yml

Matters needing attention:

  • reclass folder nouns are immutable
  • classes folder name is immutable
  • nodes folder name is immutable
  • Other folders, arbitrary name, arbitrary hierarchy

Specific contents of each document:

# download.yml
  - download
      name: ssh-name
      para: token
      server: ""

# op-cli/init.yml
  - op-cli
      name: "/home/xiewei/xiewei"
      file: "/home/xiewei/xiewei.text"

# update.yml
  - update
      Age: 18
      LastName: wei
      firstName: xie

# localhost.yml
  - update
  - download
  - op-cli
      info: localhost
      path: xiewei

It can be seen that the basic definition of reclass classes, applications, parameters is:

The main definition under folder classes is a set of node parameters.

For example, above, we defined parameters for three groups: download, op-cli, update

The main parameters of the node are defined under the folder nodes.

For example, the ip of the node above is localhost, i.e. local. The group on the node includes download, op-cli, update, and some parameters of the node.

With configuration parameters configured, the current project directory structure is as follows:

├── reclass
│   ├── classes
│   │   ├── download.yml
│   │   ├── op-cli
│   │   │   └── init.yml
│   │   └── update.yml
│   └── nodes
│       └── localhost.yml
└── reclass-config.yml

Execute the command (configuration file level): reclass-i gets all the parameters.

  timestamp: Sat May 26 00:30:57 2018
  - localhost
  - localhost
  - localhost
  - localhost
  - localhost
  - localhost
      environment: base
      name: localhost
      node: ./localhost
      timestamp: Sat May 26 00:30:57 2018
      uri: yaml_fs:///home/xiewei/golearn/src/gopher/Ansible-api/reclass/nodes/./localhost.yml
    - update
    - download
    - op-cli
    - update
    - download
    - op-cli
    environment: base
          Age: 18
          LastName: wei
          firstName: xie
          info: localhost
          net: null
          path: xiewei
          file: /home/xiewei/xiewei.text
          name: /home/xiewei/xiewei
          name: ssh-name
          para: token

The parameters defined in the above file are organized by reclass.

6. reclass combines ansible

How can the two be combined?

├── ansible
│   ├── hosts
│   ├── playbook
│   │   └── deploy.yml
│   └── roles
│       └── op-cli
│           ├── tasks
│           │   ├── deploy.yml
│           │   └── main.yml
│           └── vars
│               └── main.yml
├── ansible.cfg
├── reclass
│   ├── classes
│   │   ├── download.yml
│   │   ├── op-cli
│   │   │   └── init.yml
│   │   └── update.yml
│   └── nodes
│       └── localhost.yml
└── reclass-config.yml

For demonstration purposes, only one role is written in ansible

There are several specific things that need to be done:

  • Copy ansible.py To the ansible folder for hosts
  • Write roles under roles such as op-cli
  • Configure the ansible configuration file ansible.cfg (inventory and roles_path) in the same directory of ansible

Look at what the op-cli role does.

# tasks/deploy.yml
- name: echo hello world
  shell: "echo hello world"

- name: is path exist
    path: "{{ op_cli_path_name }}"
  register: rt

- name: debug
    msg: rt.stat.exists

- name: create path
    path: "{{ op_cli_create_path_file }}"
    state: touch
    mode: "u=rw,g=r,o=r"
  when: not rt.stat.exists

To determine whether a file exists or not, create a file if it does not exist.

# vars/main.yml
op_cli_path_name: "{{ op_cli.path.name }}"
op_cli_create_path_file : "{{ op_cli.path.file }}"

In vars, we usually store the parameters needed in the role task. In general, we organize all the parameters in the vars/main.yml file. But in combination with reclass, we can define the parameters as variables. For example, what is the value of the specific variable op_cli_path_name above?

As we mentioned above, relcass is used to classify nodes and organize them better. The parameters of each role in all roles are derived from the reclass model.

For example: reclass/classes/op-cli/init.yml

  - op-cli
      name: "/home/xiewei/xiewei"
      file: "/home/xiewei/xiewei.text"

So: op_cli_path_name is op_cli.path.name equals "/ home/xiewei/xiewei"

This means that parameters can be defined in the reclass model.

Look at the final playbook

# ansible/playbook/deploy.yml

- hosts: op-cli_hosts
  - "op-cli"

How to know the hosts of the node?

  • nodes/localhost.yml file name specifies localhost
  • localhost.yml contains classes: op-cli, download, update

In fact, you can know the node information by running the following command:

ansible/hosts --list

#The ansible.py above is renamed hosts and placed under the ansible folder


- localhost
- localhost
- localhost
- localhost
- localhost
- localhost

Configure ansible.cfg.

# some basic default values...
inventory      = ansible/hosts
roles_path     = ansible/roles

Run ansible-playbook

ansible-playbook ansible/playbook/deploy.yml


PLAY [op-cli_hosts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [op-cli : echo hello world] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [op-cli : is path exist] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [op-cli : debug] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "rt.stat.exists"

TASK [op-cli : create path] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=5    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Namely: the home/xiewei/xiewei.text file is created

7. summary

  • ansible is responsible for dividing the problem into multiple role s, each of which completes a system task
  • reclass is responsible for the classification of node inventory, including the organization of parameters
  • Some information about reclass-config.yml configuring reclass
  • Some information about ansible.cfg configuring ansible
  • Host queries node information

Note: Using Ansible and reclass under Linux

Note: Recass is seldom talked about on the whole network, not to mention reclass combined with ansible. If you usually do the operation and maintenance work, responsible for operating many servers, the above methods hope to inspire you.

Note: The project organization and configuration file paths need to be correct.

Note: The way to deal with complex systems is to automatically generate files under reclass/nodes and playbook combined with automation. With the help of hosts inventory and playbook, the task can be accomplished automatically.

If you have problems in using it, you can look at the following examples Ansible + Reclass

Posted by dt_gry on Tue, 14 May 2019 10:38:13 -0700