Ansible playbook batch management cluster basic configuration

Keywords: rsync yum ansible EPEL

Ansiable bulk configuration management through playbook

playbook is composed of one or more modules. It uses many different modules to accomplish one thing.

Install a service, configure, and start.
1. Find someone to shoot.
2. General tasks.
3. How to do it.

Install httpd Service - > Playbook
1. installation
2. configuration
3. boot

[root@m01 ~]# cat httpd_install.yaml 

- hosts: web

  - name: Install Httpd Server
    yum: name=httpd,httpd-tools state=installed

  - name: Configure Httpd Server
    copy: src=./httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

  - name: Start Httpd Server
    service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes 

2. Modify the locally copied httpd.conf file
3. Execute ansible playbook httpd [install.yaml push

Batch management initialization cluster

1. Environmental planning

role Internet IP(NAT) Intranet IP(LAN) Deployment Software
m01 eth0: eth1: ansible
backup eth0: eth1: rsync
nfs eth0: eth1: nfs,Sersync
web01 eth0: eth1: httpd

Achieve goals

  1. Full network backup
  2. Real time backup

Directory planning

[root@m01 ~]# mkdir /etc/ansible/ansible_playbook/{file,conf,scripts} -p   
[root@m01 ~]# tree /etc/ansible/ansible_playbook/  
├── conf
└── file
└── scripts

Basic environment: unified configuration of all machines

1. You need to close firewalld, selinux, epel warehouse, ssh port and optimize basic configuration
2. rsync and NFS utils need to be installed
3. Prepare for www users
4. You need to prepare the / etc/rsync.pass password file
5. Need to prepare the whole network backup script

1. Basic playbook script

[root@m01 ansible_playbook]# cat base.yaml 
- hosts: all

  - name: Install Epel Repos
    get_url: url= dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

  - name: Dns Client
    copy: src=./conf/resolv.conf dest=/etc/resolv.conf

  - name: Install Rsync Nfs-Utils
    yum: name=rsync,nfs-utils state=installed

  - name: Create Group WWW
    group: name=www gid=666

  - name: Create User WWW
    user: name=www uid=666 group=666 create_home=no shell=/sbin/nologin

  - name: Create Rsync_Client_Pass
    copy: content='1' dest=/etc/rsync.pass mode=600

  - name: Create Scripts Directory
    file: path=/server/scripts recurse=yes state=directory

  - name: Push File Scripts
    copy: src=./scripts/ dest=/server/scripts/

  - name: Crontable Scripts
    cron: name="backup scripts" hour=01 minute=00 job="/bin/bash /server/scripts/ &>/dev/null"

2. Application environment: Rsync

1. Install rsync
2. Configure rsync
3. Create virtual users and adjust permissions
4. Create directory / data / backup
5. Start rsync
6. Configure mailbox - > sender of mailbox - > script for verification

[root@m01 ansible_playbook]# cat rsync.yaml 
- hosts: backup
  - name: Installed Rsync Server
    yum: name=rsync,mailx state=installed

  - name: configure Rsync Server
    copy: src=./conf/rsyncd.conf dest=/etc/rsyncd.conf
    notify: Restart Rsync Server

  - name: Create Virt User
    copy: content='rsync_backup:1' dest=/etc/rsync.password mode=600

  - name: Create Data 
    file: path=/data state=directory recurse=yes owner=www group=www mode=755

  - name: Create Backup 
    file: path=/backup state=directory recurse=yes owner=www group=www mode=755

  - name: Start RsyncServer
    service: name=rsyncd state=started enabled=yes

  - name: Push Check Scripts
    copy: src=./scripts/ dest=/server/scripts/

  - name: Crond Check Scripts
    cron: name="check scripts" hour=05 minute=00 job="/bin/bash /server/scripts/ &>/dev/null"

  - name: Restart Rsync Server
    service: name=rsyncd state=restarted

3. Application environment: NFS

1. Install NFS utils
2. Configure nfs (when the configuration is modified, overload operation will be triggered)
3. Create directory, authorize
4. boot

[root@m01 ansible_playbook]# cat nfs.yaml 
- hosts: nfs

  - name: Installed Nfs Server
    yum: name=nfs-utils state=installed

  - name: Configure Nfs Server
    copy: src=./conf/exports dest=/etc/exports
    notify: Restart Nfs Server

  - name: Create Share Data
    file: path=/data state=directory recurse=yes owner=www group=www mode=755

  - name: Start Nfs Server
    service: name=nfs-server state=started enabled=yes

  - name: Restart Nfs Server
    service: name=nfs-server state=restarted

4. Application environment: Sersync

1. Download sersync
2. Unzip, rename and configure
3. boot

[root@m01 ansible_playbook]# cat sersync.yaml 
- hosts: nfs
  - name: Scp Sersync
    copy: src=./file/sersync2.5.4_64bit_binary_stable_final.tar.gz dest=/usr/local/sersync.tar.gz

  - name: Zip
    shell: cd /usr/local && tar xf sersync.tar.gz && mv GNU-Linux-x86 sersync
      creates: /usr/local/sersync

  - name: configure Sersync
    copy: src=./conf/confxml.xml dest=/usr/local/sersync/

  - name: Start Sersync
    shell: /usr/local/sersync/sersync2 -dro /usr/local/sersync/confxml.xml

5. Application environment: WEB

1. Mount the directory of the nfs share

[root@m01 ansible_playbook]# cat web.yaml 
- hosts: web

  - name: Mount NFS Server Share Data
    mount: src= path=/data fstype=nfs opts=defaults state=mounted   

6. Overall call through import ﹣ Playbook

[root@m01 ansible_playbook]# cat mail.yaml 
- import_playbook: base.yaml
- import_playbook: rsync.yaml
- import_playbook: nfs.yaml
- import_playbook: sersync.yaml
- import_playbook: web.yaml

Posted by ramrod737 on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 04:35:26 -0800