animation of css attributes

Keywords: Attribute

@ keyframes rule

Before introducing the animation attribute, let's take a look at the @keyframes rule.

Through the @keyframes rule, animation can be created. Creating animation is realized by changing one CSS style to another CSS style step by step. CSS style can be set up to implement the animation process, specify the use of animation when changing, or use keywords from "to" to "to", which is the same effect as starting from "0%" to "100%".

In order to obtain stable browser support, it is recommended to use% to achieve.

Writing: @keyframes my_animation_name {0% {css_styles;} 50% {css_styles;} 100% {css_styles;}

Or @keyframes my_animation_name {from {css_styles;} to {css_styles;}}

Take an example of the overall effect:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Frame animation(animation)attribute</title>
	  @keyframes myanimation { /* Start creating animated frames */
	    % {
		  width: 100px;
		  background-color: red;
		20% {
		  width: 160px;
		  background-color: blue;
		40% {
		  width: 220px;
		  background-color: blue;
		60% {
		  width: 280px;
		  background-color: yellow;
		80% {
		  width: 340px;
		  background-color: yellow;
		100% {
		  width: 400px;
		  background-color: orange;
	  div {
	    width: 100px;
		height: 100px;
		background-color: red;
		/* Setting Frame Animation Effect */
		-webkit-animation-name: myanimation;
		-webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
		-webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
		-webkit-animation-delay: .5s;
		-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; /* Set the number of times the animation is played */
		/*-webkit-animation-direction: reverse; Whether the animation is played back or not */
		-webkit-animation-state: runing; /* Specifies whether the animation is playing or pausing */
		animation-name: myanimation;
		animation-duration: 5s;
		animation-timing-function: linear;
		animation-delay: .5s;
		animation-iteration-count: infinite;
		/*animation-direction: reverse; Whether the animation is played back or not */
		animation-state: runing;

The results are as follows:

As can be seen, the so-called frame animation is achieved by creating frames to change CSS style.

animation attribute

The animation property sets the effect of the animation, which is a composite property.


animation: animation-name||animation-duration||animation-timing-function||animation-delay||animation-iteration-count||animation-direction||animation-state;

animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function attributes

These three attributes are similar to those of transition.

- Name, which denotes the defined frame animation name, is "my_animation_name".

@keyframes my_animation_name {}

- duratin, which represents the time required to complete the animation.

- timing-function, which represents the transition type of animation. linear means uniform speed; ease means slow start, intermediate acceleration, slow end; ease-in means slow start; ease-out means slow end; ease-in-out means slow start and end;

animation-delay attribute

animation-delay indicates how long the animation is delayed before execution begins.


animation-iteration-count indicates the number of times an animation is executed.

Writing: animation-iteration-count: n||infinite; limited number of cycles or infinite cycles.


animation-direction indicates whether the animation is played back in the loop.

Attribute values:
  • Normal, normal playback
  • Reverse, reverse playback.
  • alternate, odd number of normal play, even number of reverse play.
  • alternate-reverse, odd number of reverse play, even number of normal play.

Play normally:

animation-direction: normal;

The results are as follows:

Normal playback is based on the frame set (e.g. from 0% to 100%).

Reverse playback:
animation-direction: reverse;

The results are as follows:

Reverse playback is based on the set frame (e.g. from 0% to 100%) of the reverse process (from 100% to 0%).


animation-play-state specifies whether the animation runs or pauses.

Attribute values:
  • Running, animation running
  • Paused, animation paused

animation-fill-mode attribute

The animation-fill-mode attribute specifies the style to be applied to an element when the animation is not played (the animation is played or is not played due to delay).

Attribute values:
  • forwards
  • backwards
  • both, follow the above two at the same time

Next, animation is used to achieve a frame-by-frame animation effect:

First, take the animation realized by the keywords "from" and "to" as an example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Frame animation(animation)attribute</title>
	  @keyframes myanimation { /* Start creating animated frames */
	    from {
		  background-position: 0 0;
		to {
		  background-position: -1540px 0;
	  div {
	    width: 140px;
		height: 140px;
		border: 1px solid red;
		background-image: url('run.png');
		/* Setting Frame Animation Effect */
		 -webkit-animation-name: myanimation;
		 -webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
		 -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear
		 -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;

The results are as follows:

We can see that animation is sliding, not the effect we want. Why?
It turns out that animation is transitional by default of ease. It inserts interpolation animation between each key frame, so it is coherent.

The solution is:
@keyframes myanimation {
    0%, 8%{  /*Action 1*/  }
    9.2%, 17.2%{  /*Action two*/  }

Step 1: Stay 8 frames between actions, 0% set action one, action one end at 8%.
Step 2: Transition 1.2 frames between actions, 9.2% set action 2, action 2 ends at 17.2%.

Take "0%" to "100%" as an example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Frame animation(animation)attribute</title>
	  @keyframes myanimation { /* Start creating animated frames */
	    0%, 8% {  background-position: 0 0;  }
        9.2%, 17.2% {  background-position: -140px 0;  }
        18.4%, 26.4% {  background-position: -280px 0 ;  }
        27.6%, 35.6% {  background-position: -420px 0 ;  }
        36.8%, 44.8% {  background-position: -560px 0 ;  }
        46%, 54% {  background-position: -700px 0 ;  }
        55.2%, 63.2% {  background-position: -840px 0 ;  }
        64.4%, 72.4% {  background-position: -980px 0 ;  }
        73.6%, 81.6% {  background-position: -1120px 0 ;  }
        82.8%, 90.8% {  background-position: -1400px 0 ;  }
        92%, 100% {  background-position: -1540px 0 ;  }
	  div {
	    width: 140px;
		height: 140px;
		border: 1px solid red;
		background-image: url('run.png');
		/* Setting Frame Animation Effect */
		 -webkit-animation-name: myanimation;
		 -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
		 -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
		 -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
		 -webkit-animation-fill-mode: backwards;

The results are as follows:

The above is just a simple application of animation attributes. It also has other more powerful functions, which will be introduced later.

Posted by scrypte on Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:42:31 -0700